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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 34)
BABIN-IIV - - 34 comments @ Stock Sides+

Awesome, I've been waiting for this to come out for ages! Any plans for adding things like new force abilities (Force Blast, Force Crush and etc)?

Good karma+1 vote
BABIN-IIV - - 34 comments @ Project Battlefront - Ryloth Out Now!

Is there a chance you make Death Star 2's interior?

Good karma+1 vote
BABIN-IIV - - 34 comments @ Lothal: Fuel Depot

Sadly, I wouldn't know where to begin and plus, my creative outlet is my writing and painting! In fact, I'm in the works of writing a piece about Project Blackwing!

Good karma+2 votes
BABIN-IIV - - 34 comments @ Lothal: Fuel Depot

First off, impressive workaround! Working smart with limitations is always admirable! Also, talkin' about Rebels maps, something that has shocked me is the fact that no one has made a Star Cluster space map!!! That was probably the most visually stunning moment in ALL OF STAR WARS!!! That aside, I always thought Crownest: Wren Homestead, Garel Space Port, Fenn Rau's Mandalorian Protector's Camp Site, Dathomir's Ritual Site, Malachor's Dead Grounds, Lothal Temple (When the Imperials were excavating it.), The Lothalian Marketplace, the World Between Worlds and the Geonosis Cave System were all incredible locations for BF2 maps but hey, that's probably just me. Whenever I see them, I can literally imagine where the command posts or what modes it could have! Lol

Good karma+2 votes
BABIN-IIV - - 34 comments @ Lothal: Fuel Depot

Dude... Dude... DUUUUUDE... Your maps are incredible!!! Rebels' maps are the BEST imo!!! This map though... As I reached the middle Fuel Container's top while playing Kanan... I literally teared up!!! SO MANY EMOTIONS AND MEMORIES IN THAT ONE MOMENT!!! The Ezra and Sabine workaround was perfect! It literally made me laugh out loud! Thank you for making the BEST maps!

Good karma+4 votes
BABIN-IIV - - 34 comments @ Doom: Eternal SSG for Brutal Doom V21

This looks AWESOME! Two questions, does the meathook work and also, is it compatible with Project Brutality?

Good karma+1 vote
BABIN-IIV - - 34 comments @ BFP Yavin Arena

BROOOOOO, THIS WAS CLASS!!! I absolutely LOVED this mod map!
Btw, don't think I didn't notice what you did with Vader. Thank you so so so much for adding Anakin's Force Rage to his arsenal! I hope we'll see this Vader as the default for the next update for the main side mod! This was a fire variation for this lovely map! Easily the best version I've seen for this map!

Good karma+1 vote
BABIN-IIV - - 34 comments @ Scarif out soon

Weeeeell, technically he stepped foot on it before Krennic. Vader comic series 2017

Good karma+1 vote
BABIN-IIV - - 34 comments @ Expansion For v1.3 or v1.5

Just tried it out and wow, thank. YOU! Your contributions are magnificent!

Good karma+4 votes
BABIN-IIV - - 34 comments @ Expansion For v1.3 or v1.5

Wow, this looks like an incredible enhancement but will it work with all mods like 1.3 or 1.5? Also, when do you think you'll release it?

Good karma+2 votes
BABIN-IIV - - 34 comments @ Scarif out soon

Are we gonna see my boi Vader?!

Good karma+1 vote
BABIN-IIV - - 34 comments @ Project Battlefront - Ryloth Out Now!

Since you have Kallus... I have a quick question, will you ever add the Ghost crew to the map?

Good karma+1 vote
BABIN-IIV - - 34 comments @ Trench War


Good karma+2 votes
BABIN-IIV - - 34 comments @ Bespin: Cloud City

I hope it's Rebels... No one does Rebels better than you!

Good karma+1 vote
BABIN-IIV - - 34 comments @ Cockpit SideΒ΄s V 2.5

This mod is insanely beautiful and I love all you've done with it. Do you think you'll ever add gameplay changes? Or is it your intention to stay as close to the vanilla as possible?

Good karma+1 vote
BABIN-IIV - - 34 comments @ Gameplay Features - Local Teams and Reinforcements - Part 3 of 3

I hope everything's progressing well. I can't wait for a new update.

Good karma+3 votes
BABIN-IIV - - 34 comments @ Scarif: Birth of a Rebellion (updated 7/2/23)

Chill, bro. Do it when you wanna do it. The heart's gotta be in it. All I can wish for is that you'll stay motivated and happy along the way, and all I can promise is that you'll have a dedicated fan waiting for any content coming from you, mate.

Good karma+3 votes
BABIN-IIV - - 34 comments @ Scarif: Birth of a Rebellion (updated 7/2/23)

This is absolutely amazing! I am one of your biggest fans! Will we ever see more Rebels maps?

Good karma+1 vote
BABIN-IIV - - 34 comments @ Gameplay Features - Local Teams and Reinforcements - Part 3 of 3

You know, each faction will have its' own allegiances which means, you have to keep your eyes on everyone. Each team should pay attention to their allies and their foes.

Good karma+1 vote
BABIN-IIV - - 34 comments @ Gameplay Features - Local Teams and Reinforcements - Part 3 of 3

Cool concept! VERY interesting. Having additional faction, each with their own specific affiliation would be a HUGE gameplay element to consider. It will most definitely create and deliver some highly diverse and interesting matches. Not to mention, a very complex fire fight system.

Good karma+2 votes
BABIN-IIV - - 34 comments @ Gameplay Features - Local Teams and Reinforcements - Part 2 of 3

Dude, you are absolutely awesome! I also love your idea of respecting canon lore. What you're doing is literally my ideal mod! Like, you hit the nail so hard on the head, the freakin' thing is nailed to the core of the earth!
Right now, this is my bucket list + THe things you have revealed:
Canon ***************
Multi-Hero ********
Multiple Abilities for Heroes (Don't tell me cause I want the reveal to surprise me)
Special unites ****
Levels Redesign to make them more canon accurate ************
ESB or RotJ Vader (I hope you can make this happen because that blue and red chest plate with that shiny black and silver shoulder armour are PERFECTION!)

Good karma+2 votes
BABIN-IIV - - 34 comments @ Gameplay Features - Local Teams and Reinforcements - Part 2 of 3

I see there's a droid commando unite which is pretty exciting. And I also see they have their vibroblades. What you are doing with the palace, making it a three team conquest, is pretty interesting and I LOVE it. In regards to Kamino, that's also pretty cool! I'm guessing that Rex is going to have is lore compatible 1st Phase armor. The only question I have is... Are Shaak Ti and Cody playable too? Seeing heroes as units is PRETTY AMAZING! Because that means, you are giving us multiple heroes which is one my absolute favourite features. Sadly, little to no modders take advantage of that feature. I'm just glad you're doing it. Dude, I'm gonna be honest with you. Your mod is getting more exciting with each update.

Good karma+2 votes
BABIN-IIV - - 34 comments @ 𝓒𝓽𝓲𝓬𝓴 𝓦π“ͺ𝓻: Battlefront

Dude, Stickpage was one of my favorite pastimes!

Good karma+4 votes
BABIN-IIV - - 34 comments @ 𝓒𝓽𝓲𝓬𝓴 𝓦π“ͺ𝓻: Battlefront

Dude, you make the most insane mods ever! This is SO cool! I'm drowning in nostalgia...

Good karma+4 votes
BABIN-IIV - - 34 comments @ Local Teams and Reinforcements - Part 1 of 3

Yet another list of amazing decisions! You're doing great, dude!

Good karma+2 votes
BABIN-IIV - - 34 comments @ The Battlefront Project

Will there ever be another update?

Good karma+1 vote
BABIN-IIV - - 34 comments @ Bespin: Cloud City

Will there be more maps from you? I LOVE your Rebels maps!

Good karma+1 vote
BABIN-IIV - - 34 comments @ Stock Plus Mod - #1 ModDB Article Post!

Will there be charge up abilities? Like can you tell me what's Vader and a regular stormtrooper's abilities?

Good karma+2 votes
BABIN-IIV - - 34 comments @ Stock Plus Mod - #1 ModDB Article Post!

Dude, I'm actually taking the responsibility of writing the novelization of SW Rebels plus some extra adventures! If you have any Rebels content, I'll be there for it.

Good karma+1 vote
BABIN-IIV - - 34 comments @ Stock Plus Mod - #1 ModDB Article Post!

I would also like to say that just by reading this first article, I can't begin to say how hyped I am for your mod! I wish nothing but the very best for you and I hope that your project will be released perfectly! Also, I wish you to have the utmost amount of inspiration and energy.

Ps- I just watched your videos showcasing somethings from your mod (I presume) and I must say that my hype for this mod has increased 100 folds!

Good karma+2 votes