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Comment History
Billynoggs - - 5 comments @ Xieneus

hey Xieneus im trying to post the link for my application but the site wont let me until about 4 days from now. because im new to the site :(
if you can give me your eamil adress i will be gladly to send it to ya.

Good karma+1 vote
Billynoggs - - 5 comments @ Nazi Zombies Source 2

do you want an acutally .bsp file of maps ive made? or do you just want screenshots?

Good karma+1 vote
Billynoggs - - 5 comments @ Palm Trees

will this work with regualr hl2. or any source game that isnt gmod? becuase thos are phenominal. but ill take any palm tree model at this pint. cant find any that will work with zps.

Good karma+1 vote
Billynoggs - - 5 comments @ Nazi Zombies Source 2

Hey guys i am very interested in participating in this mod/project. i find myself to be very useful since i can create and edit custom textures. as i also know my way around the hammer editor for source 2.0 and i am an audio engineer. not to mention i used to run my own zps server. so just get back at me about this because ive been wanting to do a nazi zombie mod for quite some time now.

Good karma+2 votes
Billynoggs - - 5 comments @ maccadoolie

hey i seen your nazi zombie mod and you said you needed a mapper. well i am a very experienced mapper for all source games and i am interested in your mod and i would like some extra details on it. thanks


Good karma+2 votes