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I'm a 18 old gamer who loves metal and viking ancient history i speak swedish a little and i love swedish culture<br /><br />Typical RPG Profile<br />Name: Blindwolf or Synoxic<br />Class: Necromancer<br />Race: Non-Human (Beastkin typically)<br />Weapon of Choice: Scythe (Dagger + Grimiore combo also)<br />Powers: Necrotic Magic, Raising the Dead, Essence draining<br />Alignment: Chaotic Neutral<br />Likes: Summoning Rituals, Dark Magic, Solitude<br />Dislikes: Angels and Demons<br />Games where you have played this class: Requiem, Curse of Agnoy: Immortal Throne, Diablo II, Torchlight II (Mod), Path of Exile

Comment History
Blindwolfx - - 20 comments @ Imperial Fist WIP

Get fisted

Good karma+1 vote
Blindwolfx - - 20 comments @ Stargate Invasion

lol a "Rouge" branch of Wraith and Asurans

Good karma+1 vote
Blindwolfx - - 20 comments @ Thousand Sons mod: Knowledge Is Power!

No worries man i'd argue this mod is up there with the Tyranids mod for polish and gameplay been bugging my friends to play it with me i like it that much

Good karma+1 vote
Blindwolfx - - 20 comments @ Thousand Sons mod: Knowledge Is Power!

Really well polished mod feels definitely like how the thousand sons should feel only issue i have is i wish the Altar of Tzeentch had a custom structure particularly since it's the last tier 'super building' as you were where you can unleash f*cks upon the world! Other than that great aesthetic decent voice acting well balanced enjoyable upgrades and variety of units so over all 9/10 (Loses one mark cos of placeholder for Altar of Tzeentch)

Good karma+3 votes
Blindwolfx - - 20 comments @ Eternal Confrontation

Adeptus Mechanicus please they need some serious love PRAISE THE OMNISIAH

Good karma+2 votes
Blindwolfx - - 20 comments @ The Dance Macabre - Harlequins Mod

wheres the module file i downloaded this but it didn't come with a module file what the nipples

Good karma+1 vote
Blindwolfx - - 20 comments @ Plague Marine Armour Update

**** yes

Good karma+1 vote
Blindwolfx - - 20 comments @ Renegade Militia (ported by Karandras)

That's a great looking model better than other renegade guard factions i've seen

Good karma+3 votes
Blindwolfx - - 20 comments @ Ruins of Strav'a Desa


Good karma+1 vote
Blindwolfx - - 20 comments @ Titanium Wars Mod

Tracking this mod looks great and dark crusade is the better expansion :3

Good karma+3 votes
Blindwolfx - - 20 comments @ Horus Heresy: The High City

Is it possible to download this map?

Good karma+3 votes
Blindwolfx - - 20 comments @ Tyranid Swarm

Tbf i always knew you were a sinful bastard since your creation gives me an unholy pleasure (Chaos pun intended) But with the semantics of validity in this situation due to legal ownership and what not i can safely say '**** it' because I'm kneedeep in blood from chainswording this imperial guardsman and then hacking him up with my power axe which was a loving gift from Khorne <3

Good karma-1 votes
Blindwolfx - - 20 comments @ The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing

Oh i have this game it's not bad i think my character is level 27 or something

Good karma+2 votes
Blindwolfx - - 20 comments @ Khorne Berserker (updated model)

Is there a way i can give feedback to you cos i'm following this mod and i really hope you guys do well and i want to put in my 2 cents and see this mod really take off because from what I've seen it looks amazing you make me want to play chaos

Good karma+6 votes
Blindwolfx - - 20 comments @ DARKNESS WITHIN - Inquisition Campaign mod

I'd like to apply for beta testing if you allow me to beta test i will stream your mod on my livestream i have about 150 followers so i'll spread the word in my community because this looks awesome

Good karma+2 votes
Blindwolfx - - 20 comments @ Genestealers Cult: - Infection is coming!

This is why this game kicks *** because of people like you creating awesome content that makes me keep playing Dark Crusade (Which is the best expansion imo) soulstorm is still cool but i love Dark Crusade so much i really hope to christ more mods keep coming cos they are so awesome gunna be trying your mod out and i shall review once played good luck i hope this project does well =)

Good karma+7 votes
Blindwolfx - - 20 comments @ Underlord

add anubisgod6 on steam to play titan quest this mod or no looking for people to play with

Good karma+1 vote
Blindwolfx - - 20 comments @ Space Wolves

I tried out your mod and it's actually quite fun i do like being able to play a more melee based space marine race. However, i would like to see more custom models for the buildings like the Rune Hall you could make into kinda like a Viking Longhouse with energy pylons on the front or something...

Good karma+3 votes
Blindwolfx - - 20 comments @ Space Wolves

Apparently, i heard from a friend (Since i'm not really massive into the Warhammer 40k universe i only really ever play DoW as a kid) That the space wolves actually have units which are actually werewolves i can't remember what they are called but are you gunna add them to the mod because that would be really cool. Anyways, this mod has my approval so if there is someway to thumbs up this i will (New to the site sorry)

Good karma+3 votes