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Comment History
buzzit - - 10 comments @ General Deathstrike Katyusha MRLS

looks cool
i love WW2 models!

Good karma+3 votes
buzzit - - 10 comments @ C&C Renegade graphics Improvement (RGI)

good luck out there make something special !
btw is it possible to add ragdoll physics ?
that would make it allot next gen then it is now! :P

Good karma+1 vote
buzzit - - 10 comments @ Gundam: The Battle

yes finally a gundam wing mod!:)
it looks pretty good!
to bad i dont have skin code etc experience
if i had i would really help u guys out maybe im gonna check some tutorials:)
btw i know this question is very common to modders etc but when could we aspect the first internal alpha
or beta? just curious and whats the mod status? :)

Good karma+1 vote
buzzit - - 10 comments @ Ts scene

uhmm 3 titans king23sun i know it for sure ;)

Good karma+1 vote
buzzit - - 10 comments @ Dragon Ball: Break The Limit

I have a question is there something with the site its say: this acount has been supspended. or something like that :S what going on?

Good karma+1 vote
buzzit - - 10 comments @ FS2_Open Source

Hard-light.net if you are on this page take the first download en than the 1.5c/1.6 to 1.8 patch you must love this ;)

Good karma+1 vote
buzzit - - 10 comments @ ARCHIVED: Empires Mod Beta 1

this is very good this gonna kick everythings ***:D

this is a game most people want to play ;)

Good karma+1 vote
buzzit - - 10 comments @ War of the Worlds: The Great Adventures

nice mod :) and have the tripod that cool walk sound ?? :D that suld by nice :D

Good karma+1 vote
buzzit - - 10 comments @ FS2_Open Source

iv hear that a full version of freespace 2 full version can be downloaded is that true or not ?

Good karma+1 vote
buzzit - - 10 comments @ Slaughter

yeah! bloody i love it :p

Good karma+1 vote