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Comment History
CaptainLackwit - - 8 comments @ Build 3 Released update


Good karma+3 votes
CaptainLackwit - - 8 comments @ Concept art for new alien race

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do more look like?

Good karma+2 votes
CaptainLackwit - - 8 comments @ POTW - July 4th 2010

You're both wrong. It's "1138". Not "1338".

Good karma+1 vote
CaptainLackwit - - 8 comments @ POTW - October 7th 2010

Bryar pistol = epic.

Good karma+1 vote
CaptainLackwit - - 8 comments @ Various

Yes. Somewhere in the belly of a Krayt Dragon, a pearl develops. This pearl, due to its association with the legendary creatures, is worth a small fortune. Some Jedi even use them in place of Crystals with their Lightsabers.

Though I'm sure the meat and hide is valuable as well.

Maybe, one could even tame the beast. Nothing is worthless on a Krayt Dragon.

Good karma+1 vote
CaptainLackwit - - 8 comments @ Diary #26: A Director's Supplementary Notes

Nice. A Bryar pistol. I like it, but I think the hand on the right isn't quite high enough; like ther'es a bit TOO relaxed of a grip on the gun. The the lower hand seems off.

Still, pretty epic.

Good karma+1 vote
CaptainLackwit - - 8 comments @ Diary #26: A Director's Supplementary Notes

That's never a bad thing. Now it doesn't feel so... Wookieefied. Feels like anybody can use/make it.

Good karma+3 votes
CaptainLackwit - - 8 comments @ Return of the Sith

I need to say something real quick.

I get the sneaky suspicion that these models are ported, which is illegal. They look exactly the same as the KOTOR ones.

So, can you prove they aren't ported?

Good karma+1 vote