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Carbon14 - - 2 comments @ Missing Information

He is. Also, no idea if I am meant to answer those questions, but..

1. The current 1.5.2 build is working on the 2009 engine, or at least as far as I am aware. It will be released when The team agree on it being complete enough, currently it looks like it will be "soon"

2. 1.5.2 Is nearing completion, but I must point out that I am studying and working and also dealing with a mysterious thing called a social life and and an even more bizarre time munching being called a girlfriend. Other Members of the team have the same/similar issues and I know it sucks for those waiting but the slow progress is either this way or no way. It's simply not possible for most people to do nothing but sit around modding all day and it's not easy magically getting an army of modders interested in the concept of this mod.

3. There are currently two people more actively working on EP1, me being one of them. Quite a number of maps, models and textures have been created and progress *is* being made. As far as I am aware most of the team is eagerly awaiting getting 1.5.2 done so as to be able to put their efforts toward the next part of the project.

I realise that anwer may not be what you are after, but I'm not about to say "oh there is exactly x to finish, it will be exactly this long" because realistically I don't know. This will be the last update for a while due to work directed toward EP1, so we would like it to be good?

Good karma+1 vote
Carbon14 - - 2 comments @ Subterranean C17 2

Thanks guys, this is actually entirely from scratch, including a fair few textures! It just follows the overall layout and level design of the original map :)


Good karma+1 vote