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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 96)
-DAYWALKER- - - 96 comments @ Norway

Nordmenn sannelig =) Hei og god jul til alle sammen =)

Good karma+3 votes
-DAYWALKER- - - 96 comments @ Defence Alliance 2 RELEASED on Steam

Damn, thats sad.It looks incredible, but gameplay is always most important

Good karma+3 votes
-DAYWALKER- - - 96 comments @ Incoming Source

It turns out that ATI recognizes that the x1300's and x1600's just don't work on Dell 4550's. As of yet, neither Dell nor ATI can figure out a solution to this problem.

This is my luck :( Bought a card that will not run on a dell dimension 4550 and no one knows why

Good karma+1 vote
-DAYWALKER- - - 96 comments @ Incoming Source

Hello :) My birthday is today and the best gift ever would be a Incoming Source playable beta.I'm 28 years old today and i want to play incoming source before i'm too old to react fast. :)
I bought a new graphic card just for this mod :=) My old card was a ati radeon 9800 pro and it did'nt run css so well.This time i tried out some new ninja stuff.Power color ati radeon x1600 pro (512 mb gddr2)
Havent played anything on it yet cause all games sux.I just want incoming source.
I think my pc will run this better now
Intel 2,4 ghz
1024mb ram
Power color ati radeon x1600 pro (512 mb gddr2)

Good karma+1 vote
-DAYWALKER- - - 96 comments @ Insurgency


Good karma+1 vote
-DAYWALKER- - - 96 comments @ Insurgency

Calm down or i'll start swinging.The mod will get out when it's done so why argue?Time will tell who's right and who's not.If you guys still arguing when i'm back on this site,i will start cutting heads and i'm really a friendly person when others are.Stay in ninja school.Never leave sword @ home and always,ALWAYS hide you'r identity.Farmer by day,ninja by night has spoken.Swordfight is like a game of chess,you must think first

Good karma+1 vote
-DAYWALKER- - - 96 comments @ Incoming Source

****.You have no idea how thankful i will be if that will really work.All i read everywhere is that the bios have a problem with the card.The bios haven't been updated sence 2003.Are you 100% sure that it will work with another windows?Don't mean to be rude but all i read everywhere is that nobody know what to do exept from you :) You aught to write that info on forum if you are 100% sure.
Please tell me :) Thanx alot



If anyone know 100% please tell me :=)

Good karma+1 vote
-DAYWALKER- - - 96 comments @ Marathon:Source

Seems very sweet so far in my opinion and it's not made mods like this that i have seen. :) :) :) Keep it up

Good karma+1 vote
-DAYWALKER- - - 96 comments @ Marathon:Source

Hey,did'nt mean to be rude.Wish you guys best of luck and it's looking very sweet but it will take som time to make it finished and alot of other games will come out with better physics and engines in the meanwhile.

Good karma+1 vote
-DAYWALKER- - - 96 comments @ Halo: Ring of Destruction

****,the pics tell it all.Skilled crew :)

Tnx to Frodo Greenman and the rest of the team

Good karma+1 vote
-DAYWALKER- - - 96 comments @ smfk

Thanks :) Just made it in animation shop :) Took a pic with my camera and reversed it and made a gif out of it.Animation shop is very easy to use if you want to make gif's :) Thanks

Good karma+1 vote
-DAYWALKER- - - 96 comments @ Halo: Ring of Destruction

Really wish i could help but 15kb would not be a big pic by that size.Cant you upload bigger size than 15kb?

Good karma+1 vote
-DAYWALKER- - - 96 comments @ Halo: Ring of Destruction

One of the big changes with this mod is that it will be supporting co-op gameplay

How Sweet is this


Good karma+1 vote
-DAYWALKER- - - 96 comments @ Halo: Ring of Destruction

:) No need to say sorry man.You're giving us gold here :D Thanx 4 making this :)

Good karma+1 vote
-DAYWALKER- - - 96 comments @ Halo: source

Stay tuned for the first beta to arrive in July

Is This 4 Real :) I REALLY HOPE SO :D

Best of luck

Good karma+1 vote
-DAYWALKER- - - 96 comments @ Halo: Ring of Destruction

The media on your homepage actually gave me a hard one.Good luck :) This looks more than sweet

Good karma+1 vote
-DAYWALKER- - - 96 comments @ Marathon:Source


Good karma+1 vote
-DAYWALKER- - - 96 comments @ Marathon:Source

Crysis engine will be the future like hl2 was a few yeras ago i think.Crysis engine bringing the gaming and physics to the next level of realism :)

Good karma+1 vote
-DAYWALKER- - - 96 comments @ Zelda: Source

A real ninja never surrender.Just like you guys :)

Good karma+1 vote
-DAYWALKER- - - 96 comments @ Frontline Force: Classic

Is this mod dead? 3 months since last update and the release date says early 2006

Good karma+1 vote
-DAYWALKER- - - 96 comments @ Halo: source

Really good news :) Best of luck :D

Good karma+1 vote
-DAYWALKER- - - 96 comments @ Zelda: Source

Not Cancelled????AWESOME.Best of luck

Good karma+1 vote
-DAYWALKER- - - 96 comments @ Insurgency

Keep it up :) Awesome skilled team

Good karma+1 vote
-DAYWALKER- - - 96 comments @ Insurgency

Not bad at all.After a beta release i really think it will get even higher up on the list

Good karma+1 vote
-DAYWALKER- - - 96 comments @ Incoming Source

#6 Most Anticipated HL2 Mod

Incoming Source can thank it's level design, modeling and frequent, high-quality media releases for its success. In addition to inter-planetary battles, players will actually get to fight dinosaurs, a concept so kick-*** that I wonder why there is a lack of it in the Half-Life 2 modding world. Another reason this mod is so anticipated is because it appears to be very close to initial release?of course, I could be wrong, but judging from the screenshots and videos that have been shown, I have a feeling that we'll be seeing this mod in the not-so-distant future.



Good karma+1 vote
-DAYWALKER- - - 96 comments @ Insurgency

#3 Most Anticipated HL2 Mod

Possibly the best-looking modification for Half-Life 2 in terms of mapping, Insurgency already has a huge community consisting of average-joe gamers and military types alike. Because of the number of community members (and developers themselves) in the military, this game promises to be one of the most realistic war-simulations ever! Insurgency focuses on the Iraq war, as well as other conflicts in recent history. Using screenshots, videos and personal recollections as examples, the mappers have faithfully recreated the maps' environments with incredible accuracy.


Good karma+1 vote
-DAYWALKER- - - 96 comments @ Fortress Forever

Been busy watching incoming source and Insurgency :) That's the reason

Good karma+1 vote
-DAYWALKER- - - 96 comments @ The Specialists

The Specialists are beeing reborned on source engine :)


Good karma+1 vote
-DAYWALKER- - - 96 comments @ Mini Golf : Source

Oh this is sweet.Never played a fun mini golf game since simul golf on my commodore 64.If anyone out there know a good mini golf game you must tell me plz :) I don't like golf games where you see the person slam the ball.I like mini golf.See only the ball and a power line you can adjust how hard you will slam it and alot of different levels. Good luck with this mod.Looks like this is the one for me :D

Good karma+1 vote
-DAYWALKER- - - 96 comments @ The Opera

Some damn fine media you got there.Good luck.Looks more than sweet :)

Good karma+1 vote