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Duangle is a timey wimey wibbly wobbly two-headed independent game studio located in Dresden, Germany, planet Earth. Leonard Ritter is probably more known by his electronic music act alias paniq and in charge of half of everything. The other half is dominion to Sylvia Ritter, who also happens to paint amazing mental landscapes for quite a while already. The duo is not only best friends, but also married, which makes Duangle a family-owned business. People dig mission statements, so here is ours: Our mission is the creative development, realization and exploitation of our own entertainment concepts for electronic media, preferrably computers and game consoles.

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Towards Realtime Deformable Worlds: Why Tetrahedra Rule, Voxels Drool

Towards Realtime Deformable Worlds: Why Tetrahedra Rule, Voxels Drool

NOWHERE 2 comments

In this article I provide a chronicle of our turbulent terrain development, what lessons I've learned and what's next. Also, why tetrahedra (probably...

NOWHERE Progress Report November 2014

NOWHERE Progress Report November 2014

NOWHERE 1 comment

Leonard wrote in the Nowherian forum about our current progress with NOWHERE.

NOWHERE Progress Report: It's Going Great & Terrible At The Same Time

NOWHERE Progress Report: It's Going Great & Terrible At The Same Time

NOWHERE 1 comment

This post is partly an explanation of what's currently going on, partly an attempt to summarize the situation for ourselves.

Voxel Mesh Hybrids: A Walkthrough

Voxel Mesh Hybrids: A Walkthrough


Six more weeks have passed since I first posted about Adaptive Volumetric Meshes, which have since turned into Voxel Mesh Hybrids after some refinements...

NOWHERE - News From The Business End

NOWHERE - News From The Business End

NOWHERE 1 comment

Aside from all the hardcore videogame making going on, a bunch of super exciting business related events happened during the last few weeks as well. Enough...

New Tech Unlocked: Adaptive Volumetric Meshes

New Tech Unlocked: Adaptive Volumetric Meshes


This week I reached a major milestone in my implementation of the new general meshing tech for our game in production, NOWHERE (alpha available for download...

Vote for NOWHERE on Steam Greenlight!

Vote for NOWHERE on Steam Greenlight!

NOWHERE 1 comment

Although Valve has announced recently that they would rather switch Greenlight for something else, we still haven't really done something with it, although...

NOWHERE - Alpha 91 - Sailing

NOWHERE - Alpha 91 - Sailing

NOWHERE 2 comments

About three months have passed since the release of Alpha 75, and it's about time for an update.

NOWHERE - Let's Make It Happen!

NOWHERE - Let's Make It Happen!

NOWHERE 1 comment

This is the day. The day that our love child NOWHERE goes into official crowdfunding to allow us to work full time on the game that we always wanted to...

NOWHERE - Alpha 75 - Sculpt

NOWHERE - Alpha 75 - Sculpt


We've been taking our sweet time, but here it is, finally, Alpha 75, with a dozen new features, available for everyone who is alphafunding the game (have...

Why We Are Going NOWHERE

Why We Are Going NOWHERE

NOWHERE 3 comments

Sooo, a new blog post. In about ten days, our new crowdfunding site and teaser video will go online, showing off new concept art that Sylvia has drawn...

NOWHERE Progress Report: Declaring Independence

NOWHERE Progress Report: Declaring Independence

NOWHERE 3 comments

It's time for a little status update. What is happening? What are we up to? Where is the game going? When will the next alpha be released?

NOWHERE Progress Report: Geometrical Growth

NOWHERE Progress Report: Geometrical Growth

NOWHERE 1 comment

No new alpha this week as I'm still wrapping up the tech required for the next big feature.

NOWHERE Progress Report: Procedural Procedures!

NOWHERE Progress Report: Procedural Procedures!

NOWHERE 1 comment

Four weeks have passed, and still no new NOWHERE alpha in sight. What's happening? Time to give you all a little heads up.

NOWHERE - Alpha 54 - Synth

NOWHERE - Alpha 54 - Synth


NOWHERE Alpha 54 is now available for players who are preordering / alphafunding the game. As usual, you'll find the new download on your account page.

What NOWHERE Is Actually About

What NOWHERE Is Actually About


In this post, I will tell how Nowhere came about, why I think such a game is important and give you a short outline of the story, setting and gameplay...

NOWHERE - Alpha 53 - Survival

NOWHERE - Alpha 53 - Survival


NOWHERE Alpha 53 is now available for players who are preordering / alphafunding the game. As usual, you'll find the new download on your account page.

NOWHERE - Alpha 51 - Colony

NOWHERE - Alpha 51 - Colony

NOWHERE 1 comment

NOWHERE Alpha 51 is now available for players who are preordering / alphafunding the game. As usual, you'll find the new download on your account page.

NOWHERE - Alpha 50 - Prim City

NOWHERE - Alpha 50 - Prim City


NOWHERE Alpha 50 is now available for players who are preordering / alphafunding the game. As usual, you'll find the new download on your account page.

NOWHERE - Alpha 46 - Liminal

NOWHERE - Alpha 46 - Liminal


NOWHERE Alpha 46 is now available for players who are preordering / alphafunding the game. As usual, you'll find the new download on your account page.

NOWHERE - Liminal Activities - Part 2

NOWHERE - Liminal Activities - Part 2

NOWHERE 1 comment

It's time for a development update. I've been eagerly working on Liminal in the past week.

Going NOWHERE, Liminally - Progress Update!

Going NOWHERE, Liminally - Progress Update!


Hey everyone, I thought I'd give you a quick rundown of what has happened in the past month, after an alphafunder had turned up on IRC today and demanded...

NOWHERE - Alpha 38 - Drones

NOWHERE - Alpha 38 - Drones


NOWHERE Alpha 38 is now available for players who are preordering / alphafunding the game. As usual, you'll find the new download on your account page.




NOWHERE Alpha 32 is now available for players who are preordering / alphafunding the game. As usual, you'll find the new download on your account page.

NOWHERE - Alpha 30 - Planet

NOWHERE - Alpha 30 - Planet


After four weeks of intense research and development, Alpha 30 of NOWHERE (working title "Project Ginshu") is now available for players who are preordering...

Project Ginshu - Alpha 21 - Home Sweet Home

Project Ginshu - Alpha 21 - Home Sweet Home


Alpha 20 of Project Ginshu is now available for players who have preordered the game.

Project Ginshu - Alpha 20 - Cuboid

Project Ginshu - Alpha 20 - Cuboid


Alpha 20 of Project Ginshu is now available for players who have preordered the game.

Project Ginshu - Alpha 19 - Waves

Project Ginshu - Alpha 19 - Waves


Alpha 19 of Project Ginshu is now available for players who have preordered the game.

Project Ginshu - Alpha 18 - Critters

Project Ginshu - Alpha 18 - Critters

NOWHERE 1 comment

Alpha 18 of Project Ginshu is now available for players who have preordered the game. If you're already running Alpha 17, you can update the game from...