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Comment History
ev0lv3 - - 4 comments @ ev0lv3

I finished a basic modeling system, which should allow me to mess around a bit with creating enemies and vehicles. After working on that for some time, I will begin to work on the user inferface.

Good karma+2 votes
ev0lv3 - - 4 comments @ Primitive Quadcopter

Wow, there is the shift in the image again...

Good karma+1 vote
ev0lv3 - - 4 comments @ Flight Test

By the way, although the propellers are still in the picture, in the program the propellers spin rapidly. Also, it appears that there was a graphical defect in the propeller, don't worry about that. If I enable vsync, a graphics feature, that will be fixed, although the propeller is spinning too fast for you to see that in the game anyways.

Good karma+1 vote
ev0lv3 - - 4 comments @ ev0lv3

The moving object system has been set up, it's very preliminary but it allowed me to create an object that the camera is binded to. Now I can walk around and not just fly, and I'm also affected by gravity. Soon I will be making a modeling system and some simple enemies (not genetic just quite yet) that will roam the world.

Good karma+2 votes