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extrabonez - - 44 comments @ eetcarrington

umm do u know a nick carrington... ur name just seems familiar....might just be last..name....but if not sorry for bothing u btw if u do know him...show him this he'll recognise this...

Good karma+1 vote
extrabonez - - 44 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

i think every is just getting agrivated because no updates lately but yes i do agree with wingdingo...that is what made me quit renegade

Good karma+1 vote
extrabonez - - 44 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

im not nagging but waht going on its kinda scaring me with the mod not updated in a month....

Good karma+1 vote
extrabonez - - 44 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

never that i can remember that they have had a wait liek this i think they r getting really close.....last tiem they did this they were getting ready to put it at liek 90% i think

Good karma+1 vote
extrabonez - - 44 comments @ TS_Under - Ingame

remember on under of renegade.....it is the sniper vantage point as they called them.....i like snipe bunker better.....in TS i think they were called......ummm...wow...has been a long time...... they had alot of names because if ur mouse hovered over them you would get what it is called and sometimes it was a business so i can't remember........ i think there was a pet care facility place once......lol as i said its been a long time since ive played TS because of renegade.....warrock.....gunz..and lot of my other games lol

Good karma+1 vote
extrabonez - - 44 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

i thought the titans were liek strong fire and low def but wheeew...thats good to know :D i was gtting scared there....well again guys great work and keep it up the graphics r awesome!!!!

Good karma+1 vote
extrabonez - - 44 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

the map for the trailer is under from renegade but made so much better i like it :D keep up the good work guys!!

Good karma+1 vote
extrabonez - - 44 comments @ Allied Apache Alternate Colour Schemes - Ingame

RA is alternate to WW2 because einstein kills hitler so its not a prob but the Soviets still want to get us so thats when Ra comes into play

Good karma+2 votes
extrabonez - - 44 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

the vulc cannons r gdis but they don't seem strong so nod has the ob with could balance out mammoth MKII vs cyborg comanndo and ob vs velc cannon so i think everything is evened out eventually

Good karma+1 vote
extrabonez - - 44 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

this is awesome we get release date and that is in may lol and so is my girlfrinds b day 2 awesome things but this shall be the best! muHaHaHaHa XD

Good karma+1 vote
extrabonez - - 44 comments @ New Nod Soldier

yes as the helmet may look liek the one of wwII that is where the american helms came from for the defensive capabilities for your neck.......so i think it looks good but yes maybe a little less but hey, as my bro says if u copy an idea it jsut means its a brilliant idea :)

Good karma+1 vote
extrabonez - - 44 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

maybe u should for teh trailer make a new updated ojne where u got all nod and all gdi guys lined up and 1 person shows off every1 and every1 vech and even an intro of the nod base like u show of the gdi base

Good karma+1 vote
extrabonez - - 44 comments @ Nod Power Plant with Texture

this is awesome these graphics r better than renegade's and u guys r awesome because ur doing it for free

Good karma+1 vote
extrabonez - - 44 comments @ GDI Juggernaut Textured

i like it this way but the third real leg to me looked cooler

Good karma+1 vote
extrabonez - - 44 comments @ GDI Titan & Wolverine

this looks awesome but looks like its on ren's volcano map which makes it cool still nice work

Good karma+1 vote
extrabonez - - 44 comments @ NOD CYBORG REAPER

inf because ur not regularly a cyborg and its not liek u can jsut go hop in i think inf....but think of trying to get out door

Good karma+1 vote
extrabonez - - 44 comments @ GDI WOLVERINE

jsut think if they used these for riot contol with like bean bags to take down crowds

Good karma+1 vote
extrabonez - - 44 comments @ GDI Jump Jet

just think ur as high as u can go with a jump jet and some sniper chooses u to pick off lol long way down with big splat

Good karma+1 vote
extrabonez - - 44 comments @ Nod Buggy

y there a black hAND symbol on side under gun... i think they would be like ancient by now lol

Good karma+1 vote
extrabonez - - 44 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

when will public beta come out for testing? because this has to be lie super duper ultra super close to being done lol just wondering...

Good karma+1 vote
extrabonez - - 44 comments @ Icons by Kalle Bowo

thsi is awesome can't wait for it to come out and no i doubt u can build em i think it is what apears in corners of the pt icons u know like power plant, bar, ref and stuff

Good karma+1 vote
extrabonez - - 44 comments @ Cluster Missile

in APB the a bomb is controlled by a smoke flare with this becontrolled by beacon for fun or just taking stuff out or will this be to take out the building to win the game

Good karma+1 vote
extrabonez - - 44 comments @ Nod Binocular

if u see sun reflection aim for that with sniper he he right thru binocs

Good karma+1 vote
extrabonez - - 44 comments @ GDI Hunter Seeker

make sure to put on sunglasses and then watcht he show as it hits lol

Good karma+1 vote
extrabonez - - 44 comments @ Nod Hunter Seeker

then how did u miraculously asurvive one of those if u saw it because u can run but u can't hide from those

Good karma+1 vote
extrabonez - - 44 comments @ Nod Flamer

it may be a big target and gdi rules so they will be mowing every flamy out there down the grass on a hot summer day when ur mowing lawn lol

Good karma+1 vote
extrabonez - - 44 comments @ GDI Vulcan Defense Turret

jsut think its liek chew chew chew spit spit big spit chew chew again even bigger spit chewwwwwwwwwwwww really big spit of metal he he XD

Good karma+1 vote
extrabonez - - 44 comments @ GDI ORCA T

i think ur thinking of the orca carryall because that the transport that moves the things...theres the other dropshi that would also drop things but usually the transports bring infantry or small vecs

Good karma+1 vote
extrabonez - - 44 comments @ GDI AAPC

jsut think of the cool things u could do while piloting this like making ur people inside seasick by doing donuts in water or jsut buy lieka shark upgrade that puts a fin on top so it looks liek shark he he that would be funny XD

Good karma+1 vote