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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 32)
foeaxe - - 32 comments @ Dear Esther remake to get commercial release

You need some help :)
Get your facts right before you open your mouth...

Good karma-1 votes
foeaxe - - 32 comments @ An Early look at the final level of Dear Esther

That and Rob Briscoe is one of the best level designers in the world ;)

Good karma+3 votes
foeaxe - - 32 comments @ HλLF-LIFE: Seven Hour War

:( They used the word mapper... this mod's going nowhere...

Good karma+3 votes
foeaxe - - 32 comments @ Nuclear Dawn

Its a game. the engine costs hundreds of thousands btw.. not tens of thousands. Interwave studios is owned by advertising giant TechConnect who have that kind of money.

Good karma+2 votes
foeaxe - - 32 comments @ Nuclear Dawn

"or '**** the linux'"
its not "the linux" its just linux....

"I have good friends that use linux and some of them use mac,so what now?"
You say that like they have some horrible disease and we should all worship what a good citizen you are for not euthanasing them, computer use is a personal choice, I use both PC and MAC platform

"If it is an Total Conversion and then it should be payed if the maker of this "game" wants to but with conditions that he dosent use any models or sounds similar to Valves games or someother games that used Source engine,end of discusion!"
For a start very little of that made sense. A total conversion is still a mod whether you charge for it or not because it requires the original game.

You may be 15 but guess what.. by the time I was 15 I could write structured responses with proper grammar and I was also aware that there are people on the planet more intelligent than I. Age discrimination is only illegal under certain circumstances, for example if I didn't employ someone because they were old that would be discrimination.. If I don't employ them because they're a self worshipping ranting prick.. ie YOU then that would be perfectly fine. So.. Luka_Grunt.. I think I speak for everyone here when I say.. SHUT UP.. AND GO AWAY!

Good karma+1 vote
foeaxe - - 32 comments @ Nuclear Dawn

To be fair i thought you must be foreign at first as you clearly have no grasp of the English language whatsoever. But from the immaturity and hostility of your replies here you're probably just an idiot.

Lets start with your first point, everyone here can see that this is a commercial game if they have a little bit of sense about them. Secondly shouting at people on the internet is likely to get you nowhere. So now i am going to further this by pointing out every mistake in your ridiculous comments and hopefully you'll gain the sense to shut up and take your immature and useless opinion elsewhere.

Right lets start...
"Antention all.."
Its spelt attention, if you cant be arsed to install a spell-checker for your browser then you cant comment on peoples intelligence.

"they can have a loan from a bank 30,000 USD"
For a start the source engine costs a lot more than 30,000 USD to licence commercially its tenfold the amount you have stated.

"an engine with almost endless posiblities"
The source engine is actually a very old platform now, with far too much of its render pipeline and developer pipeline dependant on deprecated techniques.. It is very limited and isn't well suited to designing large outdoor spaces. This is being addressed by valve for portal 2 and episode 3 but as it stands source is limited...

"Sin:Episodes and Sin:Emergence were games but you dont think its a mod because its a "SIN"!"
Sorry... what ?!?

Good karma+1 vote
foeaxe - - 32 comments @ Stargate Total Conversion II

TBF a complete lack of updates is a terrible way to communicate.. post code blogs anything. The fact that the most recent news post is looking for what is basically an entire DEV team and the mediocre quality of Stargate TC2 as a whole.. that coupled with the fact that the old dev team had a temper tantrum when they realised their rushed poor quality product was getting more crits then praise. Yes although I agree Noodles your comments were just a tad immature im still gunna side with the stargate mod that is producing content over the one that just says they are...

and if we're gunna have a bitch fight over it... TLS for the win :)

Good karma0 votes
foeaxe - - 32 comments @ Stargate : The Last Stand

You will have to run HL2 from steam unless you pirated it.. This is presumably how you have done it ?

Good karma+1 vote
foeaxe - - 32 comments @ Stargate Legacy

No. its called "To Mourn The Fallen" and its from the Stargate TLS OST

Good karma+1 vote
foeaxe - - 32 comments @ Titan Walking Animation

Dude, he's got a point :P don't then argue with him

he being taxikiller

Good karma+5 votes
foeaxe - - 32 comments @ Stargate the Next Level

I found some spelling.... is it yours?

Good karma+1 vote
foeaxe - - 32 comments @ Stargate: Atlantis - Final Ending

yes, and it looks very pretty. and if it doesnt, i dont post it on my site

Good karma+1 vote
foeaxe - - 32 comments @ Soviet Leader

wow thats an amazing stalin model ¬¬

Good karma+2 votes
foeaxe - - 32 comments @ Custom Hud Concept

oh dear god :|

Good karma+1 vote
foeaxe - - 32 comments @ Red America Flag

erm, this is well. bad :/. this is your 2D art?

look at the star. its all out of proportion. and the colours are just flat shades. garish scary and poor. sorry if that offends you but its the truth.

Good karma+1 vote
foeaxe - - 32 comments @ Stargate: Atlantis - Final Ending

Isnt doing anything for me at the moment, very ugly map work. sorry

Good karma+1 vote
foeaxe - - 32 comments @ Stargate : The Last Stand


Good karma+1 vote
foeaxe - - 32 comments @ Stargate : The Last Stand

This is to do with the map segmentation. Some areas of the map are VERY demanding to draw. so your fps drops in some places. We do intend to patch TLS in the not too distant future (weeks again). as this is after all still a beta and definatly needs work

Good karma+1 vote
foeaxe - - 32 comments @ Stargate : The Last Stand

Yer. The gameplay is a lot more fluid tho

Good karma+1 vote
foeaxe - - 32 comments @ Stargate : The Last Stand

We had 3 mega bandwidth mirrors. And so far its killed all of them . but they are back up now

Good karma+1 vote
foeaxe - - 32 comments @ Stargate : The Last Stand

The maps run in either 8 or 32 player modes

Good karma+1 vote
foeaxe - - 32 comments @ Stargate : The Last Stand

Theres only one game type. But its not deathmatch ;). Or CTF. And there are 3 very well made maps. rather than 9 alright ones

Good karma+1 vote
foeaxe - - 32 comments @ Stargate : The Last Stand

Haha im sure we would have, however we have some bigger fish to fry after this little project :D

Good karma+1 vote
foeaxe - - 32 comments @ Character Model

use industry standard stuff for characters, sketchup is no environment for characters

Good karma0 votes
foeaxe - - 32 comments @ Stargate - Gates of Atlantis

Well lets try without advertisment then. It looks horrible. You cannot even attempt to create a half decent game using a combination of a rubbish engine and google sketchup. Your art is lacking heavily. try and get a proper artist on your team. dont bitch about how it takes ages to make models as an excuse for them to be terrible. Games development is about pride and care. And you seem to have only arrogance, and big headedness. that will get you nowhere

Good karma+1 vote
foeaxe - - 32 comments @ In-Game Screenshot

Erm i could make all of this in about 5 minutes. Or less

Good karma+1 vote
foeaxe - - 32 comments @ Stargate : The Last Stand Teaser Trailer 1

Yer but is sucks ***. its the worst game i've ever played

Good karma+1 vote
foeaxe - - 32 comments @ Countdown Trailer 1

Something along the lines of pwned springs to mind.

Good karma0 votes
foeaxe - - 32 comments @ Countdown Trailer 1

i did

Good karma+1 vote
foeaxe - - 32 comments @ Stargate: The Last Stand :: Countdown Trailer 1

TLS because of problems with half the dev team getting lost, and programmers dissapearinig the mod only contains about one and a half years of work. But the quality you can expect will be much higher than any other stargate mod. And because of reasons i can't discuss the project will be released finished or not on the designated deadline

Good karma+2 votes