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Comment History
gandalfthewhite08 - - 18 comments @ devurandom96

You're alive! Long time seen!
Are you OK, how you're doing?

Good karma+1 vote
gandalfthewhite08 - - 18 comments @ UVLoD v2.02

Thanks, it fixed, checked in 2.01.4.
Could you list all differences between vanilla and UVloD installation options?

Good karma+1 vote
gandalfthewhite08 - - 18 comments @ UVLoD v2.02

Somehow it place two slashes to path of Mods folder "Diablo II\Mods\\UVloD" instead of Mods\UVLoD.

Good karma+2 votes
gandalfthewhite08 - - 18 comments @ UVLoD v2.02

Windows XP SP3, clean, inside Virtualbox 5.1.20.
After installing the game I installed 1.13c, after it D2Se 2.2.0. After it i trying to install UVLod 2.01.03. I checked D2SE version and i got error: Could not create Directory C:\Program Files\Diablo II\Mods\\UVLoD. D2SE INSTALL FAILED
So I got exactly same error, if I check folder Mods - UVLOD exist, and if I select Install D2SE version again it installs successfully.

Good karma+2 votes
gandalfthewhite08 - - 18 comments @ UVLoD v2.02

I'll try it again tomorrow (Friday) on XP within Virtualox.

Good karma+2 votes
gandalfthewhite08 - - 18 comments @ UVLoD v2.02

Installer trying create folder (for example) C:\Program Files\Diablo II\Mods\\UVLOD - with two slash's (/).

Good karma+2 votes
gandalfthewhite08 - - 18 comments @ UVLoD v1.38

Extender stash and inventory does not works well(items misplased) in classic. Do you planning fix this in future versions?

Good karma+1 vote
gandalfthewhite08 - - 18 comments @ UVLoD v1.38

Hi, devurandom96!
Some suggestions for 1.39:
1. "No perfect drop" setting in configuration file.
2. "Stackable potions" setting in configuration file.
3. Initial config - Vanilla configuration from forum, but with Nopickup = 0.
4. hashsum or unique index for configuration. Why - if some player use different config - deny join to game or something that.

Good karma+1 vote
gandalfthewhite08 - - 18 comments @ UVLoD v1.37

Hi devurandom96
What do you think about Resist Scroll bug (after death you will lose recieved resists though it is not displayed in the stats) - its possible to fix?

Good karma+1 vote
gandalfthewhite08 - - 18 comments @ UVLoD v1.37

Thank you very much!

Good karma+1 vote
gandalfthewhite08 - - 18 comments @ UVLoD v1.37

Would you make no-perfectdrop-mod for 1.37?

Good karma+2 votes
gandalfthewhite08 - - 18 comments @ UVLoD v1.37

Blizzard broke many things(according some reports) - game is not work at all on Windows XP for example. I using Windows Xp in virtual machine with UVLOD. At host system(7 x86) - vanilla 1.13d. Anothers 2 machine - Windows XP(I using XP due low reqs) with 1.13c and D2Se for mods and legacy(1.07-1.13) gaming and WinXP with "instant classic" Diablo 2 1.00. Patch 1.14 - may be worst patch ever for many players, and I don't think that Blizzard will fix anything. They considering this(patch) is necessary for anti-cheat purpose. If cheater want to botting - he will botting, with 1.14 or without it, he will find a way to do it.

Good karma+1 vote
gandalfthewhite08 - - 18 comments @ UVLoD v1.37

Do you planning to rewrite this mod to 1.14?
In 1.14 Blizzard completely bkoke Glide wrappers, so many of us will not install that patch until fix.

Good karma+2 votes
gandalfthewhite08 - - 18 comments @ UVLoD v1.37

Nice!!! Thank you, devurandom96!!!
Explain, please, what bug of assasine skill Cloak of shadows was fixed?

Good karma+2 votes
gandalfthewhite08 - - 18 comments @ UVLoD v1.36

Hi Devurandom96,

What do you think about changing (certainly, configureable in .ini) Decard Cain's position in Act V like at vanilla battle.net(near stash)?

Good karma+1 vote
gandalfthewhite08 - - 18 comments @ UVLoD v1.36

Interesting notice (Mod verison < 1.36.1, 1.36.2 - not tested)
Infinite respec and imbue(may be socketing too) does not work if you respec, imbuing or socketing item JUST AFTER completing quest. After Save and Exit infinite rewards works as should be.

Good karma+1 vote
gandalfthewhite08 - - 18 comments @ UVLoD v1.36

Thank you very much, it works!

Good karma+2 votes
gandalfthewhite08 - - 18 comments @ UVLoD v1.36

Akara's reward for quest (Resque of Cain) doesn't work - still magic ring.
Ormus reward - OK, I got nagelring.
I test it yesterday(on pre-release) and today(release) on difficulty "normal" during walkthrough. Sorry if I didn't post about that ealier.

Good karma+3 votes