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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 45)
GDDI - - 45 comments @ Situation Outbreak

will this work for halflife 2?

Good karma+2 votes
GDDI - - 45 comments @ Tiberian Apocalypse

does any one have any instructions on how to install this mod

Good karma+1 vote
GDDI - - 45 comments @ Screenshots of CnC Reborn RC2 Beta

can you get in the turrets

Good karma+1 vote
GDDI - - 45 comments @ C&C: Reborn

why does it say the game is for crysis??

Good karma+1 vote
GDDI - - 45 comments @ Vehicle Update: Soviet Hind (3)

do the roket pod actualy work ??????

Good karma+1 vote
GDDI - - 45 comments @ First Strike

it does not work every time i try to download it
it says cannot read source file does any one no how to fix it ????????? :confused:

Good karma+1 vote
GDDI - - 45 comments @ First Strike

wheres the download ?????

Good karma+1 vote
GDDI - - 45 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

great news

Good karma+1 vote
GDDI - - 45 comments @ Vanguard: Normandy 1944

could you make it so instead of titian mode
the aim of the game would be to dissable each others town

you were on one massive map plate and instead of the titians you were fighting on two
scavinger towns you can ether blow of the traks of one of the scavinger towns with mortars
mounted on eachother town or with airships or you can get on another town via airship
once onbored the town you have sevral objectivs one the towns mortars if you destroy these the
towns main fire power is destroyed two capture the bridge if you do this you have control of the towns
movment three go down to engernering and destroy the town engines there for dissableing them
out of all the three this is the hardest to do but if done so you ortimaticaly win the game

Good karma+1 vote
GDDI - - 45 comments @ Renegade: The Spartan Project

Renagade is a nice game but the engine looks like it has been put together with
a slegehammer so its not a very flexible engine lol

Good karma+1 vote
GDDI - - 45 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

oh ok blind hehehe lol

Good karma+1 vote
GDDI - - 45 comments @ GDDI


Good karma+1 vote
GDDI - - 45 comments @ GDDI

who the hell are you ???? :ninja:

Good karma+1 vote
GDDI - - 45 comments @ Rebellion Poster


Good karma+2 votes
GDDI - - 45 comments @ Promotional Art #1

they probbly wont ge rid of the skyhawk because it was one of there models like the constuction mech

Good karma+1 vote
GDDI - - 45 comments @ GDI Juggernaut Textured

the juggernort has all ways had three leggs EA only changed it for comand and conquer three

Good karma+1 vote
GDDI - - 45 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

need update dieing :dead:

Good karma+1 vote
GDDI - - 45 comments @ Halo: Hell on Earth

this game should be on miniclips!!!! :ninja:

Good karma+1 vote
GDDI - - 45 comments @ Eternal Silence

I wonder how meny people play this game how meny are normaly on a server?

Good karma+1 vote
GDDI - - 45 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

whats the update ?????? :ninja:

Good karma+1 vote
GDDI - - 45 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

what the update :ninja:

Good karma+1 vote
GDDI - - 45 comments @ WIP Allied & Soviet Winscreen banners

for the win

Good karma+1 vote
GDDI - - 45 comments @ BF Ninjas

this is crazy :crazy: its grate

Good karma+1 vote
GDDI - - 45 comments @ Forgotten Honor Mod

were do you download forgoton houner

Good karma+2 votes
GDDI - - 45 comments @ Red Alert: A Path Beyond

got it to work thanks :P

Good karma+1 vote
GDDI - - 45 comments @ Red Alert: A Path Beyond

does any one no how to make a new Renagade online account

Good karma+1 vote
GDDI - - 45 comments @ Mystery Structure

i think its the nod multi missile silo

Good karma+1 vote
GDDI - - 45 comments @ Tremulous

does it use the quake engine i think it uses a standalone engine

Good karma+3 votes
GDDI - - 45 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

what happend to cnc a path beyond i cant see it on moddb any more????????

Good karma+1 vote
GDDI - - 45 comments @ MG-15 Heavy Blaster

thats not in starwars is it

Good karma0 votes