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Having worked as a farmer and woodcutter for most of my life i became determined to do something that would leave my mark after i was gone. Since then i got back to studies, and i have now a master degree in Electrotecnical Engineering as well as a degree on Electromechanical Engineering. On my free time i like playing and so i became interested in creating my own games or, in the shorter term, modding games to get something closer to what i would like games to be.

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Inquisition Priesthood Wing display
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Jaguar-Lord - - 278 comments

good concept, and you made it real and ingame.

i like this idea a lot. It is a nice addition to your originals units for the inquisition.
It was high time someone push the lesser actors in front of the action and give them some love.
You could use some parts from this model Google.fr Legion guide album/soulstorm2011-01-0915-09-31-61-1.jpg?t=1294617345&sa=X&ved=0CAkQ8wdqFQoTCJHh-Yj6hcYCFWH-cgod8RkAvA&usg=AFQjCNEO2l8B3GUYFzy3_jbmlFO27UgvhA
as a source of parts to add even more diversity.

and a standard bearer of some kind would be needed. Fanatic and zealot love their idols, combining some pyre, a big =I= sign and some heretic smoking body may give some interesting result....

good job !

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GreenScorpion Author
GreenScorpion - - 1,935 comments

Thanks Jaguar-Lord!

An icon/standard bearer would be a nice addition indeed. Something to inspire the troops is always a good thing and in 40k icons, standards and other relics are usually around to make your troops fight to the very end.
Still don't know how it would be made though but something along the icon of the SoB missionary and the small standard of the SL Uriah Jacobus would likely be the best option.

I've made this some time ago:
but seriously I am not happy with such an implementation. The missionary is not one of the most versatile models and seriously lacks in weapon options.

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Jaguar-Lord - - 278 comments

SL Uriah Jacobus, indeed this model offers some interesting object to kitbash from.

your idea of merging the sob icon or the Inq sign on pole already present for your missionnary linked above, is a good idea.

so far, how many different custom units from the lower ranks can you field in battle ? do you have anything looking like an "army list" ?

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GreenScorpion Author
GreenScorpion - - 1,935 comments

On the priesthood Wing there are currently 2 custom lower rank units and 3 custom commanders.

So a WIP army list of the Priesthood Wing (in some cases i am looking for better names, suggestions are welcomed):
- Fanatics - the most basic warriors in this army, they are simply equipped with lasguns (no actual armour or something like that so pretty much like chaos cultists). They are really fast and they may get something like the cultists furious charge to get into melee quickly when that needs to happen. Useful for quick exploratory attacks since they can hit and run to safety.

- Zealots - Slightly better equipped than the fanatics but still without armour, these soldiers are ideal to burn heretics from a safe distance. The heavier weapons and backpacks make them move slower (at the speed of most infantry units in the game). While the fanatics move around fast these soldiers might be used to ambush any enemy that decides to pursue them. Might change their name to something like redemptors (using the Necromunda background) and leave the zealots name to something more melee focused (perhaps something with eviscerators).

Both squads have a reduced amount of squad members (6 at max) and so rely more on skill and dedication than numbers. I am still not sure in what relates to the squad leaders which are currently the same as the ones for the scholar squads.

- Torturer - each inquisitor usually have a specialist on torture so it can obtain the information required from the enemies of the Imperium. Due to the fact that some of these specialists in the time of the Catholic Inquisition were actually priests (not all but some were), I decided to include the torturer in this wing. The claw from the FoK/PoK eversor assassin gives it the menacing look the title demands.

- Banisher - Exorcists and Banishers are the experts on sending daemons back to the warp be it with religious chants, prayers or through the use of powerful weapons, these warriors are essencial to any Inquisitor in the Ordo Malleus. Daemons are powerful enemies and fighting them constantly brings danger to body and mind so Banishers won't likely last long unless their extremely resistent.

- Scout - any military force needs some sort of scouting unit and so this warrior advances ahead of the main army and checks the enemy positions from a safe distance possible marking them so others can eliminate the targets.

Like I said I might add some sort of melee only unit to run around with chainsaws and possibly get some custom squad leaders for each type of squad.
I still don't know if there will be hard caps on some of these units (except commanders which will be limited). IDH lacks in attachable commanders so I might allow the limits on some of these Wing commanders to be a bit higher than simply 1 commander of each type.

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Jaguar-Lord - - 278 comments

this thing is taking shape very nicely indeed.

i think you should try to make this "faction" comesfrom one specific place.
like a hive (not Necromunda please but somewhere else with less background

or a shrine world, or some devout place ...imperial faith need to be blazing in such a place.
some kind of which hunting brotherhood/organization lead by an inquisitor during some inquisition lead purge on an heretic world. this would flesh them out a bit, because for the moment thy lack some history and personality.

this faction needs some leaders too, named characters would be some find thing to do.

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GreenScorpion Author
GreenScorpion - - 1,935 comments

I use necromunda as an information source like other 40k material but that doesn't mean I would say this group of warriors came from a specific planet/hive.

My idea was related with the combination of something like a redemptor cult and a bunch of Imperial cultists, following an important figure in the ecclesiarchy that had combined forces with an Inquisitor (the important figure could be one of the Inquisitor's agents that had got promoted to a high statute and thus still provided assistance to its true master).

Basically a bit of a combination of the redemptor cults described in Necromunda and Dark Heresy with the frateris militia/cultists described in Dark Heresy and the Siege of Vraks books.

What they lack is an important member of the ecclesiarchy to lead them and justify better the appearance of such soldiers.

In terms of fluff I usually get information from different sources and create a variation of those situations that allows me to create the army that interests me the most. I am still free to create what I want but any questions on the subject are easier to explain. Still a million worlds, a million cultures so anything can happen, especially with the Inquisition since it has no central structure.

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A display of some of the units of the Priesthood Wing of the Inquisition. Fanatics and Zealots that usually follow important figures among the Ecclesiarchy are not always useful for undercover operations but having some nearby can be useful for combat operations. Given few equipment but strong willed these warriors will gladly sacrifice themselves to demonstrate their faith to the Emperor and this kind of devotion is something most Inquisitors search for their retinues.
Their fanatical behaviour may be their doom as an early charge can dictate the result of a battle but overall it is better to let them die fighting than lose better equipped and trained soldiers.