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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 109)
grimmlooter - - 109 comments @ Stainless Steel Historical Improvement Project

Hullo! I've been trying to install SSHIP with no luck. I play on Windows 10 and on Steam and, in accordance with the given advice in the installation guide, have installed Med 2 in an alternate folder outside program files. I have also set all executables - the SS launcher, medieval 2 and the kingdoms executable I need to run SS - to windows 7 compatibility mode and administrator mode. I have also tried running it with only the SS launcher set this way, and with none of the executables altered.

I have installed SS 6.3 and patched it to 6.4 (via the version commonly obtainable from ModDB), then run the setup with only savage AI and permanent arrows selected. Then I installed SSHIP 0.9.7. No bugfix is installed - the version of SS is totally clean. SS 6.4 runs before SSHIP is installed. I have tried with and without patch E. I have been very careful not to run the SS setup after installing the SSHIP. Most recently I tried with KCC 0.9.5 installed as well.

I have tried all this multiple times, and with fresh downloads of all the mod files and even a completely untouched installation of Med 2. I am met only with an instant crash upon attempting to launch SSHIP via the SS launcher.

I was wondering if there were any other things I could try in order to get it running.

Good karma+2 votes
grimmlooter - - 109 comments @ Marines

Hate to go into this, especially so late, but I'm afraid this notion of a specific style of body armour and uniform relating to a specific branch (either Marines or Army) is completely unsupported by the lore. It's just an assumption people came up with based on what branches we see wearing what in what games, but there's no written info to back it up; without written info, what happened in CEA isn't an inconsistency, it's just a canonical addition. There's absolutely nothing stopping UNSC Marines from using gear that might be typical of the Army and vice-versa; it simply isn't written in stone that any branch is universally married to a given setup.

Good karma+2 votes
grimmlooter - - 109 comments @ Operation: TREBUCHET

What do you mean by "canon" style marines? Nowhere, as far as I know, has it ever been stated that the marines wearing the M52B armour as seen in Halo 3 are universally what Marines canonically look like.

Is it really so hard to believe that a military organisation as vast as the UNSC Marine Corps could have a variety of BDU variants depending on operational necessity, inter-branch coordination, and even just differences based on unit tradition and de-centralisation of logistics? All designs of marine should be taken as canon.

Good karma+4 votes
grimmlooter - - 109 comments @ Warsword Conquest

People have played Mount and Blade - modded and vanilla - without magic for almost the game's entire life cycle. Hell, this mod only just got magic, as I understand it, and it's already been around for years. It's certainly an interesting element, but it's not key to the Warband gameplay loop, not like killing bandits or leading troops is.

On the matter of armour - what's the point of a Warhammer mod if fans of Warhammer can't hope to someday see factions they like well represented?

Good karma+1 vote
grimmlooter - - 109 comments @ Warsword Conquest

Thanks for the reply, but I promise it's not lore blasphemy.

Here's the third sentence in the prologue of the book Knight Errant.

"Twigs like talons scratched against his heavy plate armour, and an icy breeze made the skeletal limbs of the trees shiver."

In the career listings in the Knights of the Grail RPG supplement, all Bretonnian knight careers are listed as wearing full plate armour except for Knights Errant.

The novella Duty and Honour, Kurt Helborg himself notes how much more beautiful and well-crafted a Bretonnian grail knight's armour is than his own.

Plus, look very closely at this image and tell me what you see;


Good karma+1 vote
grimmlooter - - 109 comments @ Warsword Conquest

Look in the "documentation" folder of the mod file - read what's there. You'll understand ;)

Good karma+1 vote
grimmlooter - - 109 comments @ Warsword Conquest

Look, guys, I really, really respect you for this - I love, love, LOVE Warhammer, and I think that this mod is absolutely fantastic. Warband and Warhammer were destined for one another, and you're the people that are making that happen. So first and foremost, thanks!

What I do have to say, though, is that it might improve the gameplay experience a little more if you guys focused your incredible talent to make sure the mod works smoothly as a Mount and Blade experience rather than reaching out and bringing in more zany elements from Warhammer early on, like magic. Magic is cool and all, but what I'd really like to see in this mod are the dead-end errors surrounding quest-based dialogue trees resolved and for bandit groups to be addressed so that the early game is more enjoyable - right now, bandit groups are far too rare and the groups of them to do spawn are too strong to take on with an early-game force - Skaven Corsairs come to mind xD It also seems like it's not possible to start the game as a noble character at least with Empire or Bretonnian characters, which can be a pain and is almost immersion-breaking in the Bretonnian case.

I would also like to make sure that you guys are aware of something - I'm a massive fan of Bretonnia, and it seems like you've fallen into the trap of thinking that Bretonnian Knights primarily wear chainmail armour, with a bit of plate added to the limbs - it's easy to think this, since they frequently wear a style of great helm from an era that pre-dated full-plate armour in real history and they often have a lot of chainmail around their upper arms.

The truth is - and this is addressed at great length in the Knights of Bretonnia novels and the Knights of the Grail RPG supplement, as well as Helborg: Duty and Honour - is that beneath their sircoats, Bretonnian knights actually wear full-plate armour of quality that rivals and in some cases even surpasses that of what Empire Knights wear, and if you look close, it's actually quite visually distinct from the current mail armour they wear in the mod. You'll notice that in their tabletop models and artwork, they often have very bulky torsos - that's the plate armour beneath their coats. They also have heavily armoured legs and forearms, typically.

Just something to consider for later iterations of the mod. Great work overall, though!

Good karma+4 votes
grimmlooter - - 109 comments @ 1429 : la Guerre de Cent Ans - Steel Edition

Why am I not surprised that prostitutes were added to the game in a French mod!

Bloody good work, though.

Good karma+4 votes
grimmlooter - - 109 comments @ Apothecary Dreadnought

Y'know, I can imagine the hulking form of a dreadnought hunched over the broken form of a fallen battle-brother, carefully manipulating its limbs to reverently extract his progenoid glands before turning to fulfil its role as a walking tank in the line of fire. Very much the sort of thing that'd pop up in a 40k novel.

Good karma+5 votes
grimmlooter - - 109 comments @ DoWPro

Love the mod - as a fan of, y'know, balance, I find it to be a massive improvement over vanilla in more or less every way.

I do find the sheer number of unit caps on pretty much everything to be really annoying, though. I get it for units like kasrkin who fill a very specific niche and would break the game if they were spammable, but capping supposedly mass-produced leman russ tanks and heavy weapons teams (which I know vanilla did, but that was wrong too) is really counter-intuitive to the whole theme of IG. Plus, things like the caps on SoB infantry are totally unjustified.

Isn't the whole point of a counter system that if the enemy builds too much of one thing, they'll be susceptible to that unit's counters? There's plenty of RTS that don't cap you at all and work totally off that principle - pre-DC DoW 1, for instance. Of course, in all likelihood, in this mod those counter units are also capped so I guess it rounds out. But I feel like giving people a chance to play the way they want to ultimately result in making it more fun than basically planning out their builds for them in advance, even if the balance suffers slightly.

Good karma+2 votes
grimmlooter - - 109 comments @ Ultramarines mod: Courage and Honour!

Practical; a dedicated Ultramarine mod for Soulstorm.

Theoretical; potentially the best Dawn of War mod ever created?

Oh, and is there any news on the potential addition of primaris brothers? No pressure, of course - this mod will undoubtedly be the greatest of them all either way - but I hunger to make the enemy fear the wrath of the Emperor as my - or should I say, your - intercessors scourge them with accurate bolt-rifle fire.

Good karma+2 votes
grimmlooter - - 109 comments @ Ultramarines mod: Courage and Honour!

I look forward to the day I can finally play this glorious mod while cranking the Ultramarines theme from Chaos Gate.

Good karma+2 votes
grimmlooter - - 109 comments @ Medieval Kingdoms Total War (Attila Version)

The auto-generate not working bugged me at first. But it's not really a problem, as long as you give them a decent variety of units and keep the value fair.

Good karma+1 vote
grimmlooter - - 109 comments @ Medieval Kingdoms Total War (Attila Version)

Any chance that your usage of Cuman bandits is inspired by a recent open-world RPG?

Good karma+2 votes
grimmlooter - - 109 comments @ WINTER CONTINGENCY

My dude there was a whole thing

let it lie

Good karma+3 votes
grimmlooter - - 109 comments @ Medieval Kingdoms Total War (Attila Version)

Can you give us back the rightful king - Wenceslaus?

Good karma+1 vote
grimmlooter - - 109 comments @ Evolutions: Real Time Strategy Evolved

Holy ****, the way you've interpreted the four-forty is more or less everything I imagined.

That is canon, as far as I'm concerned.

Good karma+1 vote
grimmlooter - - 109 comments @ Medieval Kingdoms Total War (Attila Version)

This has probably been asked well in excess of a million, billion times at this point, but I'm going to ask it again just for the heck of it.

Is there a chance of a new iteration of the mod coming between now and the release of the campaign to further add to the multiplayer and custom battles, y'know, for the sake of balance and such.

It's just that when this mod is basically the only outlet for fighting authentic medieval battles with my friends and repping my knight bois on the field of honour (Austria for the win, England is neat too) the little balance niggles kinda worm their way in and become irritating. Like how French men-at-arms are gods compared to everyone else's equivalent units (and also pop out of existence when the camera moves far enough away while still looking at them - I'd guess no low-poly substitutes or whatever, right?)

Not trying to pressure, but I'm just wondering if there are any plans to refine battles to ease the interminable wait for campaign.

Good luck, lads. You're legendary souls for taking up this cup and bringing us what is, in effect, Medieval 3 before Medieval 3.

TBH if Medieval 3 does come, a lot of people are probably going to do the thing they did with the old Call of Warhammer mod for Medieval 2 and the TW: Warhammer games, which is form a fervant community who vastly prefer the passionate hand-crafted feel of the mod over the official thing. Just a prediction - I see this mod as ending up with that level of quality, given the level of passion and skill we've seen from you guys.

Good karma+1 vote
grimmlooter - - 109 comments @ Medieval Kingdoms Total War (Attila Version)

Those bloody Cumans better keep away from Skalitz!

Good karma+1 vote
grimmlooter - - 109 comments @ (OUTDATED)

What about the ones that say badass, stoic things? It'd be a little weird to have them run around like they're panicking too.

I know it's outdated. I guess I just felt like I had to say that.

Good karma+1 vote
grimmlooter - - 109 comments @ (OUTDATED)

"Ah, Christ... This again?"

That soldier is a ******* legend. May he never die, no matter how many times he gets stuck.

Good karma+1 vote
grimmlooter - - 109 comments @ WINTER CONTINGENCY

On behalf of everyone, thanks for the sitrep, dude. Good luck.

I'll add this, though - I reckon the reason why so many people are demanding any kind of release as soon as possible is the Halo mod curse. I think they have a feeling that if this can get its foot in the door it'll beat it.

But Halo mods - especially for RTS games - always seem to die, ever since HaloGen's cease and desist. That's why people are worried.

Good karma+5 votes
grimmlooter - - 109 comments @ WINTER CONTINGENCY

PARAGRAPHS, ************.


Good karma+1 vote
grimmlooter - - 109 comments @ WINTER CONTINGENCY

Not going to lie, the way you said that made me undergo a dangerous amount of cringe.

"For whatever you choose supreme leaders, it will be an excellent decision!"

Ugh. That is both a grammatically and meaningfully gross sentence.

Good karma+1 vote
grimmlooter - - 109 comments @ WINTER CONTINGENCY

Actually, I'm not sure myself. You start off by saying there are a few entitled pricks, then you specify the "few people" who aren't acting entitled, then you finished off in the tldr by implying that nobody's entitled by saying "you aren't entitled".

I don't want to be that guy who says that your comment was poorly written, but I read it thoroughly and you saw the impression I got.

Good karma+7 votes
grimmlooter - - 109 comments @ Kingdom of France (REWORKED)

When do you fine fellas think a realistic estimate would be for the next iteration of this mod?

Good karma0 votes
grimmlooter - - 109 comments @ Kingdom of France (REWORKED)

I'm actually curious about this. What's your opinion on the "imposters"?

Good karma+2 votes
grimmlooter - - 109 comments @ Halo: First Offensive

Such a shame that all these Empire at War Halo mods have died off. I can't think of a game which would be a better host for a Halo mod.

Good karma+3 votes
grimmlooter - - 109 comments @ Campaign Commander

So. People are asking when this mod's going to be updated and some poor sod got in trouble for uploading it on Steam.

I take it that the general consensus is that this mod's alive? Even though the last time this page was updated was 7 years ago.

Could somebody explain what the deal is?

Good karma+5 votes
grimmlooter - - 109 comments @ Evolutions: Real Time Strategy Evolved

Good to know you're still with us. Our hopes are with you!

Good karma+1 vote