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IBN5200 - - 24 comments @ Super mega HD bolt ingame

When can we expect to see attachments for the bolt?

Good karma+8 votes
IBN5200 - - 24 comments @ The Stairwell ( SCP 087 )

I suppose the author forgot to mention one requirement: A brain.

Good karma+5 votes
IBN5200 - - 24 comments @ Reaction

This mod doesn't seem that good, from the video I can see that the mechanics are the same as Half-Life 2, I don't see much of a difference besides the change of models and textures. Perhaps this needs something different...

Good karma+2 votes
IBN5200 - - 24 comments @ Medusa, include or not?

Uh, I'll take a wild guess: snakes?

Good karma+1 vote
IBN5200 - - 24 comments @ Morrowind Rebirth 6.8

Great, I wasn't expecting my PC to handle the mod if it were. Alrighty, going to start playing the mod now. o:

Good karma+2 votes
IBN5200 - - 24 comments @ Morrowind Rebirth 6.8

I'm assuming that the Better Bodies, Better heads, and such are included with the mod? Or is that the list of credits?

Good karma+2 votes
IBN5200 - - 24 comments @ High Res Armors by Saint_Jiub

They could have a crappy PC.

Good karma+1 vote
IBN5200 - - 24 comments @ Morrowind Rebirth 6.8

Alright, will do. Looking forward to playing Morrowind with this mod.

Good karma+2 votes
IBN5200 - - 24 comments @ Patch 1.3

Two chainsaws, one guy. And I'm sure many of you people are experienced enough with innuendos to know where this is going...

Good karma+13 votes
IBN5200 - - 24 comments @ Morrowind Rebirth 6.8

Just bought Morrowind, wonder if I should play without using mods first or with using mods, should I wait for 1.8 if I do decide to start playing with mod(s)?

Good karma+2 votes
IBN5200 - - 24 comments @ Wanderlust: Rebirth

If only this was available for android devices. >:

Good karma+2 votes
IBN5200 - - 24 comments @ Morrowind Rebirth 6.8

This is the first mod that has made my Orc Warrior shriek like a girl.

Good karma+2 votes
IBN5200 - - 24 comments @ Fallout

However, you cannot play the game unless steam is on, with Desura, you get a digital copy that you can play forever, even if Steam ever somehow shuts down. (I think)

Good karma+5 votes
IBN5200 - - 24 comments @ High res normals

I use to stare at the ceiling, until I walk into an object, now I stare at the ground in front of me.

Good karma+5 votes
IBN5200 - - 24 comments @ How can we lower game piracy?

I usually buy if the demo is good, if it's not... I'm not sure if I am missing out from the real game or not, cause frankly, some demos suck compared to the real game, Like Minecraft, creative mode sucked for me. I bought Minecraft, however. (In Alpha :])

Good karma+1 vote
IBN5200 - - 24 comments @ Cry of Fear


Hmm, this should be on Desura! :D

Good karma-10 votes
IBN5200 - - 24 comments @ Playing with shaders

The neighbor looks nice, if I did not know the fact of that place being ridden with zombies.

Good karma+2 votes
IBN5200 - - 24 comments @ KC Wallpaper

Hmm, is that supposed to be an uppercut; I see blood flowing in an upward direction. To me it looks like the guy with the sword jumped at the monsters face while sticking his sword out, which looks ridiculous from what I am imagining. I also cannot seem to spot any effective type of arm motion that indicates that he is striking his sword upwards.

Good karma-1 votes
IBN5200 - - 24 comments @ Introducing Desura

Seems interesting, although I am having problems installing the application, and I can't post a ticket without an invite, sooo...
Invite me please.

Good karma+1 vote
IBN5200 - - 24 comments @ Minecraft

I wonder what the meme for portal 2 will be.

Good karma+1 vote
IBN5200 - - 24 comments @ Kingdoms Collide

It's like another Vindictus O:

Good karma+1 vote
IBN5200 - - 24 comments @ Minecraft

No candle? Oh fiddle sticks..

Good karma+3 votes
IBN5200 - - 24 comments @ Minecraft

That cake is a lie, only death awaits Minecrafters

Good karma-2 votes
IBN5200 - - 24 comments @ Cat Life: GS

Is the boss battle going to be a dog? :v

Good karma+3 votes