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Comment History
Imed5545 - - 3 comments @ A Tribute to the Rolling Boulder

I was looking for this classic game, back in the day when there was many archaeologist on the screen it lag like hell. Let´s see if a modern pc can handle it. Thanks for it, funny game.

Good karma+1 vote
Imed5545 - - 3 comments @ April 2023 Devlog Screens

Instead of the black background you should paint it the same skyblue from the sky.

Good karma+1 vote
Imed5545 - - 3 comments @ Project: Liftwaffe

I just finished and boy! what a cool mod. It was really fun to play, the only level i didnt like too much was the first one, but gladly i went through it and played the whole thing. Cool design, maybe some times i was like "where the hell do i go now" but if you play this mod orderly and patiently it isnt a big problem. Congrats Orka, i really enjoyed it and i absolutely recomend it to everyone.

PD: Cool taste in textures my friend.

Good karma+2 votes