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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 493)
ImpRad - - 493 comments @ The Vong Invasion Nears


Good karma+2 votes
ImpRad - - 493 comments @ Flipped Missions - Yuri's Revenge

Oh shoot, you caught me by surprise with this one. Yeeeees.

Good karma+3 votes
ImpRad - - 493 comments @ Acythian

Glad to see you're back in action. Looking forward to Acythian and / or Amytric Pulse, again.

Good karma+2 votes
ImpRad - - 493 comments @ C&C Tiberian Dawn Redux v1.5.3 [FULL VERSION]

Bug report for NOD Mission 11. Destroying all enemies does not clear the mission, even with all enemies destroyed on the South Bank of the river.

Good karma+3 votes
ImpRad - - 493 comments @ TIE Fighter: Total Conversion (TFTC)

Bruh, I took one scroll at your profile comments and came across these

"Anakin Skywalker died in the Death Star he saved his Vader died he died a hero not a villain and everyone hates the change in Anakin's Force ghost."


"Can you please make a dark side ending for Luke Skywalker where he can kill Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader at the same time."

Yeah, you're being a bit of a twat with the doublethink while posting this in regards to one of the most beloved games in Star Wars history. From this point onward, do not play any villain in any game ever from this point, k thx.

Good karma+2 votes
ImpRad - - 493 comments @ Should Kane's super pyramid obelisks on the final mission be nerfed?

Uhh. People. Artillery exists, use them. You're attacking KANE himself, of course he's going to pull out some hyper-ridiculous weapons to face against you. This is a siege, not a Stalingrad suicide frontal assault.

Unless that's what people are actually doing and charging in a horde of units to get vaporised and wonder why they can't break through the defence. LOL

Good karma+1 vote
ImpRad - - 493 comments @ Tiberian Cataclysm


I've observed your mod Tiberium Secrets for a long time. Far longer than most and the one thing that drew me in with your concept were the unique new factions you wanted to create, and the storyline behind it. You released the ASI - it showed promise, but it wasn't really there. Many of us I'm sure were bitterly waiting, but instead the route you're taking, from one man to another who wishes to bestow you some wisdom, is not the route you should be taking.

I'm offering you a piece of advice as you have brought yourself a crowd of people that are not really upset about your projects, but are upset about what you've done. Your previous projects and how you treated other people in a similar manner are relevant to the success ratio of what you're expecting to accomplish, and I can't help but think it will crash and burn.

Please re-evaluate what you are doing as the community is viewing it highly negative. Who is this for? What is it for? And is there generally anyone even anticipating the work you are willing to do, no matter how grand or minor?

I hope you find something that will truly make you shine, but if you feel that this is it - then good luck, you are going to need it because this is a up-mountain-hill battle. This isn't made to be hostile to you, as this is more-so a message of concern about you, and the route you're willing to take. It's already been years and years since the start of Tib Secrets. What are you really willing to sacrifice for this to work?

I bid you to have a nice day.

Good karma+8 votes
ImpRad - - 493 comments @ Eternal: Update 0.5.3

One simple reason - quick power.

Cost efficiency for generator construction and having to use your construction units to build them negates from three simple clicks. Plus they auto-build.

It effectively all comes down to what you prioritise, though this is just my opinion on this basis.

Good karma+1 vote
ImpRad - - 493 comments @ SICON v1.7

Keep going in making the greatest mod for ST:TC in existence, because it certainly is. :)

Good karma+1 vote
ImpRad - - 493 comments @ Sins of the Fallen

I surely hope SotF gets an update. Out of all mods available, this one deserves it the most. (:

Good karma+3 votes
ImpRad - - 493 comments @ August 2022 Update + Interloper AMD Fix

Happy birthday to when it comes. x)

Good karma+1 vote
ImpRad - - 493 comments @ How do you feel about defenses in the Enhanced 4X Mod?

I sympathise in defensive structural weaknesses. I want to iterate I don't have problems defending my planets, but defensive structures seem to usually be a waste of resources sometimes.

To put matters into perspective if you play TEC Loyalists and manage to apply the defensive bunker complexes and inter-planetary defences onto any planet, it is still very weak even at its fullest level with the autocannons and missiles. The same can be said for the Bakuran complexes minor-faction ability where, despite their credible investment - are usually barebones helpful to besieged planets. Damage output is usually atrocious and seem to only throw away raiding parties unless they have a capital ship with them.

Combined with shield and armour regen values with capital ships and their levels, all you need is one strike force, unless the starbases have the terrifying ancient fortress relic, which makes them impenetrable as a result.

Supposedly the only good thing that comes out of defensive structures are their numbers, but there's nothing unique or special even remotely trying to construct bastion-type planets. Though it may be a balancing issue at a core, some factions simply steamroll anything standing regardless of the defences built up. Others will remotely die at the sight of a starbase that's from the base game (star wars factions, primarily.)

With that being said, maybe they should be given some specialisation upgrades by choice so as to expand their capability. Maybe even the development of new turret designs so, for example, TEC gauss turrets are replaced with rapid fire missile tubes, or the Vasari phase missile turret can be given a specialisation upgrade in firing out waves at a higher rate of fire, but less range. Tactical slots are precious but they're usually producing meat-shields to face against a large fleet designed to buy time until reinforcements arrive. You need rock-paper-scissors for defences, but each faction only has one choice that goes in a straight line.

Sins of the Fallen had a really interesting set of ideas regarding capturable moons on planets that act as mini-stations and frigate factories. They can't move, but they provide some nice fire-support at long range and are usually quite sturdy. Different moons had different ability layouts. But, their upgrades were ridiculously expensive (you're making a moon-battle station with all things considered.)

ANYWAY - these are simply ideas or perceived areas that I feel E4X hasn't touched just yet. But the options for the mod are currently limitless, so I look forward to anything planned in the future regarding defence structures.

Good karma+4 votes
ImpRad - - 493 comments @ Shadow and Flame - Version 1.1

NEVERMIND, all good. It was installing in the wrong area. :P

Good karma+1 vote
ImpRad - - 493 comments @ Shadow and Flame - Version 1.1

This mod doesn't work, regardless of what I do. Clean install, patched to 1.06 respectively and it just keeps giving me errors regarding "W3DScriptedModelDraw" pop-ups. My error is related to:

"Error parsing field 'End' in block 'Object' in file
'Data\INI\Object\evilfaction\buildings\civilian\furnace.ini", line 200

Good karma+1 vote
ImpRad - - 493 comments @ Back to Hell - Episode 1 Release

I had a little hunch to play the original Crysis, recently, and finished the game. Considering I've just now ran into this mod, I'm really looking forward to it. (:

Good karma+3 votes
ImpRad - - 493 comments @ Complex EVO - dev. build 47

What an innovative little project. But COMPLEX has had an amazingly long run and it's a shame it's going to cut its engines. I have every confidence that ERA ONE will be a nice hit.

Good luck on the future. Looks cool so far with an interesting thesis for the game. (:

Good karma+2 votes
ImpRad - - 493 comments @ Patch 3.3.6 (The Finale) is out!

"There will be no more... free will... only MY will."

And here we are, the final battle at the fall of Babylon. Time to see the end of the saga, just for an alternate timeline to be created. x)

Good karma+4 votes
ImpRad - - 493 comments @ Beyond Earth

Severe high quality throughout the mod's visuals thus far. Keep going. I predict this will be one of the more influential mods for the game by the time it's completed.

Good karma+3 votes
ImpRad - - 493 comments @ The Journey

"I declare Armada 3 to be complete. Go forth and conquer!"

And with that:

Sins: the final rebellion. These are the voyages of the starship Armada. Its nine-year mission: to implement unique new factions. To seek out new content and new methods of gameplay. To boldly go where no mod has gone before!

Live in peace guys, downloading as I say it. Congratulations.

Good karma+1 vote
ImpRad - - 493 comments @ Counter Warfare: Knightfall Technical Test is Finally Here!

This mod is virtually more than what 2042 will ever be.

Good karma+1 vote
ImpRad - - 493 comments @ Would you pay for a stand alone version of Tiberium Secrets?

I think at this point you've ran out of ideas. I've been watching this mod for years on end, and it's kind of stayed in the same place but with little nudges or budges.

I apologise for saying this but if you're considering the mod to be considered as paid, you're going down a ****-creek. Tiberium Secrets is not worthy of anything considerate as a paid product / mod, especially under a game and engine licensed solely under EA. The IP and "Tiberium" is owned by EA.

If you're considering this for money, this is no longer a passion project and expectations from you will skyrocket. Expectations which you will find 200% IMPOSSIBLE to meet.

POV: You're Director Boyle. There's a /very good reason/ you don't put Director Boyle in charge of GDI.

Good karma+4 votes
ImpRad - - 493 comments @ A Change In Direction

Well dude, it's time for honesty to approach. You're one of the only modders on Homeworld: Remastered that's probably left. The rest through HW:R have either given up on theirs or simply disappeared with so much of the workshop basically falling dead and projects remaining abandoned. I hope you find success in finishing you and your team's mod, I look forward to it. (:

Good karma+2 votes
ImpRad - - 493 comments @ C&C Generals Zero Hour: Enhanced - Full Campaign & Challenge

Great mod, but a horrible idea removing super-weapon timers in the top right. It's practically essential.

Good karma+3 votes
ImpRad - - 493 comments @ Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

It's alright. Redownloaded and fixed the problem. (:

Good karma+1 vote
ImpRad - - 493 comments @ Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

Download and installation is all successful but any time I try and move the Unification_New_Races.module file, all I get is an operation failed error. Any idea what to do? I can't play with the new races at all since this file is eternally trapped in the RAR folder.

EDIT: It's alright, situation's solved.

Good karma+1 vote
ImpRad - - 493 comments @ Underspace January 2021 Devlog Summary

This is looking even more beautiful with every update. Do not relent, it's fantastic thus far.

Good karma+1 vote
ImpRad - - 493 comments @ Are you still there?

Ah, excellent. I'm glad it's alive again.

Good karma+3 votes
ImpRad - - 493 comments @ Providence Cruiser

Beautiful and glorious. The Providence is one of my favourite ships of all time.

Good karma+2 votes
ImpRad - - 493 comments @ Skalgrim Mod

Ah, if that is the case then I must have missed it. Thank you very much for the speedy reply and answering of what I thought was a potential problem.

Nice solution.

Good karma+3 votes