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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 33)
Jamdude80 - - 33 comments @ Apprehension Ingame Shot

Bring on the monster :(

Good karma+1 vote
Jamdude80 - - 33 comments @ Apprehension Ingame Shot


Good karma+2 votes
Jamdude80 - - 33 comments @ The mod IS ALIVE!

Links need updating!

Good karma+1 vote
Jamdude80 - - 33 comments @ First Level

Nice, but on the bottom row of cupboards, bout 4 in, it looks like the texture is suddenly cut of. Mabye i'm not seeing it correctly, but if i am, you should consider shrinkin it a bit. Otherwise good job

Good karma+1 vote
Jamdude80 - - 33 comments @ Infinity update!

Now this is what we like to see! Great work

Good karma+1 vote
Jamdude80 - - 33 comments @ Enforcement

Well dude, count me back in...but Vince has gone for good!

Good karma+1 vote
Jamdude80 - - 33 comments @ Get a Life

This looks like an amazing mod, and it seems to have come out of no where. Good work so far... keep it up!

Good karma+1 vote
Jamdude80 - - 33 comments @ Cleaners Adventures

Im sorry to have to criticise your MOD, I appriciate anyone who does anywork. But the idea of Black Mesa incident from the perspective of another charecter is over-done, first you get games like Blue Shift, and Op Force...then theres mods like Azure Sheep and POV...its just been used so many times. Mabye if you had created the mod for HL2 or something, used the power of the source engine, but all I can see from the screen shots are Valves HL1 models, weapons, NPC's, Textures, etc... I count very few new textures, and about 2 new NPC models, which both appear to be the Barney model re-skinned. Im sorry to have to criticise like this, but you could have just made a map series for half life like cold case, or a map series for Sven-Coop. MOD means modification, this is more of an add-on. Sorry to criticise so bad, but you don't get my watch!

Good karma+1 vote
Jamdude80 - - 33 comments @ Another month another UAC:Warfare update

This is looking good, but am i right in thinking UAC is the marine corp on Doom 3? Why are you building content from one engine on another? Just a though guys...

Good karma+1 vote
Jamdude80 - - 33 comments @ Enforcement

Im going to leave the MOD forums for paul to configure when he gets back!

Good karma+1 vote
Jamdude80 - - 33 comments @ Empires

If anyone has a high upload and a version of the installer on thier pc, I am willing to provide an FTP account to upload it to, so you people have somewhere else to download from. I would do it myself, but I don't fancy uploading over 400mb of file on 256kbps upload speed!

Good karma+1 vote
Jamdude80 - - 33 comments @ Empires

Why are all the servers full, and why does it freeze up when I attempt to start up my own?

Good karma+1 vote
Jamdude80 - - 33 comments @ Enforcement

I think 8472 has part 1 covered, and I have parts 2 & 3 covered.

Good karma+1 vote
Jamdude80 - - 33 comments @ ef_trainstation :: Second Attempt

Its grey lights at the moment.

Good karma+1 vote
Jamdude80 - - 33 comments @ Cat Life: GS

Is it me, or in the screen shots am I seeing Half Life 1 textures and models? Don't you people want to take full advantage of the source engine?

Good karma+1 vote
Jamdude80 - - 33 comments @ Enforcement

Are you joking me? There are loads of Decal on the map, and loads of posters :rolleyes: ....mabye I forgot to mention, its a closed trainstation, early in the morning, mabye that explains the lack of people. And like I said, the map does not represent the final quality, it will be much better with the final release, perhapse you people should learn to read.

Good karma+1 vote
Jamdude80 - - 33 comments @ Enforcement :: First In-Game Shots

The scale for the wall is set to 0.30, so i don't see how i can be low.

Good karma+1 vote
Jamdude80 - - 33 comments @ Enforcement :: First In-Game Shots

Added higher-res pics which should look better

Good karma+1 vote
Jamdude80 - - 33 comments @ Enforcement :: First In-Game Shots

This map is built for Half Life 2, as we do not have a FGD or anything yet. Once we have a proper build of the MOD, I will add enemies etc...

Good karma+1 vote
Jamdude80 - - 33 comments @ Enforcement

Annihil4t0r, I don't see a "-" by your name, mabye you should try creating a MOD, see how difficult it is. Storyline may resemble Max Payne, Gameplay will not!

Good karma+1 vote
Jamdude80 - - 33 comments @ Enforcement :: First In-Game Shots

MagNet, I see very little media coming from you. So stop whining. I will however take your criticism into mind, but only if you bother reading what I put, Textures are NOT final. Read & Think before you post next time m8.

Good karma+1 vote
Jamdude80 - - 33 comments @ Enforcement :: First In-Game Shots

Thanks for the suggestions, I'll look at changing the light map tommorow. Unfortunatly my PC is pretty low-end, so I have real trouble rasing the Res, I might ask pjmiller or vince to take some Higher-Res screens.

Good karma+1 vote
Jamdude80 - - 33 comments @ Enforcement

Thanks for the comments guys, mych appricated. It seems we're finaly getting some more attention. At the mement I'm working on our first level, ef_trainstation, so I will post our first in-game screenshots, wither later today, or some time tommorow!

Good karma+1 vote
Jamdude80 - - 33 comments @ BackAlley Early Shot

W00T! A very basic map by meeeeee lol

Good karma+1 vote
Jamdude80 - - 33 comments @ Chainsaw

Mabye when it we get a texture artist it will look better

Good karma+1 vote
Jamdude80 - - 33 comments @ Jamdude80

I have been programing for 2 years, and I use Visual C++ Express Edition & Borland Bloodshed C++

Good karma+1 vote
Jamdude80 - - 33 comments @ Lazarus

Is there anyway to get TKAzA & Chunky banned from posting on our MOD profile, bcause they don't seem to want to support us, so theyre only causing trouble?

Good karma+1 vote
Jamdude80 - - 33 comments @ Lazarus

As the new MOD leader, coder, & sound tech, I have complete and total faith in my team, and believe they can get the job done. What we don't need is doubt, doubt doesnt help, the only thing it does is make us wanna whoop ya A$$, now, lets have no more negativity.

Good karma+1 vote
Jamdude80 - - 33 comments @ Lazarus

Wow, praise form Judas, just kidding m8. Well thanks, and i wish you the best of luck in your future endevours.

Good karma+1 vote
Jamdude80 - - 33 comments @ Lazarus

I would have a Temp Site up, but my web provider is having server troubles atm

Good karma+1 vote