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My name is Joji, and I enjoy playing HL2 and other great FPS games.

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 63)
スイッチ君 - - 63 comments @ Truman: The Face Eraser - Suspicion Bar or The Game Over Feature

Interesting concept... add a DLC in the future where I get to cover up a crime of a dead feminist lol. It'll create so much buzz (free advertising) and possible revenue from supporters who like your concept?

Good karma+1 vote
スイッチ君 - - 63 comments @ Absolute HD Mod

I named it as "hdm_mtr_pak4.pk4" but I don't see much of a difference. Does it have to be "z_hdm_mtr_pak5.pk4?" Sorry, I'm new when it comes to modding ID Tech games.

On a side note, how do you enable console in this mod? I can't find a way to do so. I added in "+set com_allowconsole 1" in the shortcut menu when I right-click the desktop icon and clicked on properties. But that doesn't work. :/

Good karma+1 vote
スイッチ君 - - 63 comments @ Absolute HD Mod

Thanks, and apparently this mod uses hard shadows, so my bad. Best Mod ever in my opinion. On a side note, is there any way to turn on secondary flashlight in ROE? I don't mean by pressing F, but the one that has a narrower beam.

Good karma+1 vote
スイッチ君 - - 63 comments @ Absolute HD Mod

This mod only enables "soft shadows" and it lags the game out. Is there a way to disable soft shadows and only load hard shadows? Thanks.

Also, any way to update Wolfen Mod in this mod to 2.0 instead?

Good karma+1 vote
スイッチ君 - - 63 comments @ Sikkmod v1.2

"Soft shadows" kills my FPS. Disabling it is highly recommended. Soft shadows were never meant for ID4 technology. It's not native. Soft shadows are only native for ID5.

Unfortunately, there is no option to disable "soft shadows" and turn on only "hard shadows."

Can someone help me here? I'm also trying to add in "Enhanced Doom 3 models 1.1" by placing the .pk4 file into the "sikkmod" folder. However, it doesn't load into the mod. Any help here?

Good karma+1 vote
スイッチ君 - - 63 comments @ Perfected Doom 3

This mod has issues on my computer. I am only using this mod, I load only this mod. Now, here are the problems:

-Placing TexturePack_PD3_v2.0.pk4 into the "Perfected" folder does not load the mod.

-Your mod lags like hell. Aprox high fluctuation between 30-50FPS. Even turning off all the settings and setting it to low does not make a single difference. What did you do it?? My PC specs are available at "Jojih xfire."

I hope someone can help me eventually, this is an interesting mod, thanks. >.<

Good karma+1 vote
スイッチ君 - - 63 comments @ Cry of Fear

This game is way scarier than Half-Life... After kill the dual knife child in the apartment, I decided that I don't want to play this game anymore. Too scary. >.<

Good karma+2 votes
スイッチ君 - - 63 comments @ Off Limits - Closed beta invites for Desura

I would like to join the beta too! Add me in please!!

Good karma+1 vote
スイッチ君 - - 63 comments @ Zero Ballistics

Hmm... It would be nice if you made an ISO and a printable box art so I can give it to my friend as a gift or something! :D

Eh eh eh?? ^_^ Great game, great game. :D Unfortunately, Desura (client) is being rubbish for the moment, so I had to download it off your website... -_-"

No offense, but your destructible environment in your game is kind of lame, but good effort. Just try to make it like BC2 with all the tiny particles coming off or some dust to make it more realistic. I hope this helps!!

Please keep up the good work!!

Good karma+3 votes
スイッチ君 - - 63 comments @ Bisounours Party

Rainbow Bears: Evolved!!

I'm guessings this is rated E+!! xD Nice mod!! :O

Good karma+1 vote
スイッチ君 - - 63 comments @ Starry

Ever heard of Indie developers wanting to make money?? Go on Steam and check out all those indie games. Even though the graphics are simple enough, it's still looks quite amazing. Don't expect every single indie game to be free, newb.

Good karma+5 votes
スイッチ君 - - 63 comments @ Zombie Panic! Source

Alright it does work, but it's kind of weird. When I start it off from Desura, Source SDK 2007 launches and this mod works. If I start it off Steam, then it doesn't work and it asks me to install Steam's version of this mod. Any help?

Good karma+1 vote
スイッチ君 - - 63 comments @ Zombie Panic! Source

Hey, I can't play this mod at all!! So I installed this mod off Desura, and when I start it off from Steam, it asks me to install it, only it's from Steam's server instead. Any help??

Good karma+1 vote
スイッチ君 - - 63 comments @ CALL IN


Good karma+1 vote
スイッチ君 - - 63 comments @ CALL IN

Actually, it's not a glitch. I finally realized that there's a whoe at the top of the glass LoL. I didn't realize it at all until someone mentioned it at PlanetPhillip. You just have to aim your grenade at it... carefully. It takes a few tries to get it right. ;) LoL, my bad...

Good karma+2 votes
スイッチ君 - - 63 comments @ CALL IN

Btw, there's a small glitch in the game, but it can be solved with noclip. After the part where you fight 2 Zombines, in a cave, I go grab my grenades from the crate (how convinient), and throw it at the area where the plug is connected, it gets deflected, and the glass won't break. I suggest you make the glass breakable so we can unplug the switch that's powering hte forcefield.

I hope that helps. Cheers!!

Good karma+1 vote
スイッチ君 - - 63 comments @ Lethal Stigma

Steam declined this mod to be on Steamworks? That's just rubbish!! You guys, Agent Red Productions, makes one of the best quality mods out there!! Steam is just being rubbish, unbelievable. Perhaps a petition should persuade them to do so? What do you think?

Good karma+2 votes
スイッチ君 - - 63 comments @ Calling all Players! Come on Down!

Splendid!! This mod replaces HL2: Deathmatch for sure... but no ones plays this. :( Sigh... I just wanted to play like, 1 round in this mod!! Gonna get some friends to throw a HL2 party!! :D

Good karma+2 votes
スイッチ君 - - 63 comments @ The Citizen

The story was very strong from the start to the end. The voice acting could have been more "expressive", but the rest was just wonderful. The part where you're suppose to get into the vent to open the door for your 3 comrads was kind of disapointing since, well, you have to leave them. :( The ending was rather... interesting. Nice job :D I'm glad that this mod used something other than a chopper. You'll see. :)

The part where you get to disguise yourself as the combine is probably the best part. Once again, excellent job!!

Overall, I'd give this mod a 10/10. :D This is a must play mod!!

Good karma+1 vote
スイッチ君 - - 63 comments @ CALL IN

It's a great mod. I love it!! Nice and short, but the chopper battle could have been a Strider Battle perhaps... oh heck, it doesn't matter...

9.5/10. :D

Good karma+2 votes
スイッチ君 - - 63 comments @ Flesh

Some Co-op for this would make this mod less frightening... :P

Good karma+2 votes
スイッチ君 - - 63 comments @ Amazing Zombie Defense

Yep. I love these simple shoot-em-up games. It's actually better than I though. I like the weapons and all that... it's really not bad at all for a simple indie game. :D

Good karma+3 votes
スイッチ君 - - 63 comments @ Amazing Zombie Defense

Actually, I changed my mind. I'll buy this game when I get the money. It's actually quite fun... sorta. Not bad, except fix the stuff we complained about. :)

Good karma+3 votes
スイッチ君 - - 63 comments @ Scientist Slaughterhouse

If this was released for HL2, then it would kick-***... but all those particle effects would lag my computer lol. :P

Good karma0 votes
スイッチ君 - - 63 comments @ Orion: Source

This mod is splendid. Too good to be true!! Just make the sniper rifle be able to do double zoom. Thanks... :) Unfortunately, no servers... sigh. :(

Good karma+1 vote
スイッチ君 - - 63 comments @ Attempt to Survive

So... do you battle in this game? Any allies? What's this about??

Good karma-1 votes
スイッチ君 - - 63 comments @ Ravenholm

For those with issues, here's a solution:

Bugs: Cannot turn or look around.
Fix: In gameinfo.txt, change SteamAppID to 215. Copy \bin folder from half-life 2 content.gcf from Download Link in post #1. (Thanks to SilverMink for the fix.)
Comment: NPC-scripts work fine. (Thanks to pizzahut for this info.)

Source: Forums.steampowered.com

Good karma+1 vote
スイッチ君 - - 63 comments @ Blue Portals

Nvm, I solved it. Seems like it's different from the ones from Youtube. Updated I guess. :P

Good karma+1 vote
スイッチ君 - - 63 comments @ Blue Portals

What the... the first test chamber is unplayable!!. I fling my-self to the secound section, and there's no button to press or anything. WTF??

...but the music was epic. Great job!! :D

Good karma+1 vote
スイッチ君 - - 63 comments @ Strider Mountain

This mod... is good looking!! Going to DL it right now!! :O

And wow... RPG 7s? What happened to the Resistance RPG? Isn't that better apposed to the old RPG 7? Probably to make the game more "challenging I bet. :P

Anyways, great job!!

Good karma+2 votes