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Comment History
Kevlarburrito - - 17 comments @ New Effects

Actual Army Field Artillery veteran here...since when did Napoleonic era armies employ 155mm howitzers with high explosive projectiles?

Good karma+1 vote
Kevlarburrito - - 17 comments @ American Civil War: Brothers vs. Brothers

The mod is unstable and the campaign as a result will crash at random points. This has been an issue with this mod for years and the devs can't figure out why.

Good karma+2 votes
Kevlarburrito - - 17 comments @ Battle of Empires : 1914-1918

You do realize they do this in their spare time and are not getting paid for it right? You really aren't that much of an impatient, spoiled, child right? ...then again...maybe you are.

Good karma+2 votes
Kevlarburrito - - 17 comments @ Video test ship.

how many* guns and crew* ftfy

Good karma+1 vote
Kevlarburrito - - 17 comments @ USA Special Forces 1952

Ya...no...that uniform was not used in 1952...(not to mention it's a desert uniform...)

Good karma+1 vote
Kevlarburrito - - 17 comments @ Early footage of Realism 2 Gameplay (Pt 1 of 2)

I don't know where you're getting your information from, but it's wrong. The Thompson had an effective firing range of 50 meters. If we're talking about the same scene in the video, the target was well within that range. Second, it's a suppression weapon, designed to suppress the enemy, in addition to its role as a close quarters assault weapon (i.e.e trench rake). Third, fired in controlled bursts, it should be more than capable of hitting targets or at least suppressing them at and slightly beyond 50 meters.

Good karma+1 vote
Kevlarburrito - - 17 comments @ Battle for Monmouth

Uh...there weren't any field fortifications at the Battle of Monmouth...source: I live there...

Good karma+1 vote
Kevlarburrito - - 17 comments @ Silverstag v0.21 - Basic (Outdated)

There is no file called updated.exe they're saying you need to update your game so the application's .exe file can run this mod.

Good karma+1 vote
Kevlarburrito - - 17 comments @ Swadian Troop Tree

I disagree with headshot, to an extent. It depends entirely upon the emphasis this faction would place upon the training of its irregular forces. History has shown that many irregular forces are incredibly disciplined and formidable, in which case I could see the King's Guard being made up of men trained in irregular styles of warfare and specializing in certain aspects of defense (i.e. being a body guard). But, if by irregular, you mean poorly trained and poorly equipped, then a better designation would be Swadian Conscripts. If THAT is the case, then I would agree with headshot that the King's Guard should be an elite unit following the Knights or some other specialized, highly disciplined unit.

My source: 8 year military veteran, 3 years of combat experience, and majoring in intelligence at a university : )

Good karma+2 votes
Kevlarburrito - - 17 comments @ In game shots of Roma Surrectum II

Except a cohort was 480 men.

Good karma0 votes
Kevlarburrito - - 17 comments @ [BG42]Bommel

Swing and a miss.

Good karma+1 vote
Kevlarburrito - - 17 comments @ [BG42]Bommel

1. It's a howitzer so it has limited direct fire capability.
2. It would take a lot to traverse that to kill tanks.

Good karma+1 vote
Kevlarburrito - - 17 comments @ [BG42]Bommel

As oppose to every other battleship of the era that had the exact same setup.

Good karma+1 vote
Kevlarburrito - - 17 comments @ [BG42]Bommel

The Bofors was Swiss made. And it was and still is, effective against infantry and light armored vehicles. It's still in use today.

Good karma+1 vote
Kevlarburrito - - 17 comments @ Battlegroup42 1.7 Promo

No...it's a vacuum cleaner....

Good karma+5 votes
Kevlarburrito - - 17 comments @ Carnifex Model

One of the weapon types it can take allows it to go on all fours.

Good karma+1 vote
Kevlarburrito - - 17 comments @ Maelstrom Expansion v1.34 R8 (Diplomacy SoaSE)

Downloading this now. I loved the earlier versions, can't wait to give it a go!

Mikey needs to lay off the caffeine....or seek some counseling...it's only a game man....

Good karma+5 votes