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Comment History
kinga303 - - 23 comments @ Joanna Dark Final Render

nearly 3 years old, but i still think this is the best render so far
all the newer ones just look somewhat deformed and it shows in what other people have commented about them
ie she looks like michael jackson, is she a transvestite? and she looks like a man
but yeah in this one theres the cute face and awesome body, as opposed to huge shoulders and manly jaw-lines
and i really like her eyes

Good karma+1 vote
kinga303 - - 23 comments @ Mars Wars 2.1 Tech Demo

hehehe trust redfrog to be the one to demonstrate the deaths
nah its all good frog ur still the best thing to hit RF
anyone think we will be seeing world of cubes in marswars?

Good karma+2 votes
kinga303 - - 23 comments @ Textures Set

as the fridge noted 2 years ago that all the cars were flying in PD
even those would've drove on the road at some point as i remember there was marked and sealed roads
having wheels, maybe it's for lesser moneyed up people but it would also be great for those who get airsick or are afraid of heights

Good karma+1 vote
kinga303 - - 23 comments @ K7 Avenger Final Render

so true, would've sat better in the crash site mission on the original game

Good karma+1 vote
kinga303 - - 23 comments @ NSA Agent

ok now i see what you dev guys mean by nsa agent being out of proportion
his head is maybe a tad too big and his fists are huge
but that has its own perks, bigger head is better for anyone trying to snipe him and bigger fists
well, there kinda not so good for anyone who he punches

Good karma+1 vote
kinga303 - - 23 comments @ Mines render

why not? they look so good why not tile the walls with them
put them everywhere, much to the dismay of the next person to walk by
damn proxy mines lol

Good karma+1 vote
kinga303 - - 23 comments @ Weapon Menu

seems like every 1 wants dynamic if possible, except for the 1 static fan i saw as his opinion is as valid as everyone else even though he is the minority
but yeah if it is at all possible I'd love to see dynamic but with an option to have static for the few who dislike dynamic

Good karma+2 votes
kinga303 - - 23 comments @ PDS Comic Beta 1.0

yeah looks like skedar squeezed the heck out of her then the dastardly dD started doing experiments

Good karma+1 vote
kinga303 - - 23 comments @ Garbage them all

lol well said

Good karma+2 votes
kinga303 - - 23 comments @ FireFighterWater

never had any interest in fire hydrants before but that one looks awesome, well done
all of a sudden i wish i was a dog

Good karma+1 vote
kinga303 - - 23 comments @ Real particles

i have just downloaded both the 1.0 and 2.0 versions and winrar says there corrupt or incomplete, are they actually something else?
and also how do i install this

Good karma+1 vote
kinga303 - - 23 comments @ The House of Cheesathon

where's all the cheese?

Good karma+1 vote
kinga303 - - 23 comments @ ACTION

wow that looks impressive
good thing i have new GFX card

Good karma+1 vote
kinga303 - - 23 comments @ Bloom

wow thats HDR lighting right? just in time too, i just upgraded to a HDR compliand gfx card
by todays standards the 7600GT isnt top stuff but for my old agp system its good for games like this

Good karma+1 vote
kinga303 - - 23 comments @ RCP120 new model

i agree with spl1ff in the attention to detail department but Iggy u don't need to sign ur cables :P
im a great fan of ur work with the K7 avenger and well..... this new RCP120 variant appeals to me just as much, maybe even more so
is that a laser pointer on the side i see XD

Good karma+1 vote
kinga303 - - 23 comments @ Shotgun Final Render

i seem to have been reading the dates wrong
the newer shotgun is the one i like and well what makes me feel even dumber is that its taken me a month to notice my error
but its all good, we all make mistakes like that at some point

Good karma+1 vote
kinga303 - - 23 comments @ Joanna Dark

i agree with Marx777
have no complaints about that model, i have no complaints about this model either but i prefer the other
but u can always just have both models :P there was 4 versions of Joanna Dark on the good old N64
except the 06 renderings, they really where that bad :P

Good karma+1 vote
kinga303 - - 23 comments @ Superdragon Final Render

hmmz it looks too much like a G36 and i hate them things
oh and yeah look at it for a bit and u will see that if u shrink it down to dragon size it wouldnt look too good now would it
remember how the s drag was just a extended version of draggon with a grenade clip and a longer barrel, to improve the effective range no doubt
and another flaw is that the grenade clip on this doesnt go anyware near the gl mechanism makes no sence
and the sound of it lacks that, err you know of the original, the original sounds much beefyer

Good karma+1 vote
kinga303 - - 23 comments @ Shotgun Final Render

i hate it guys, take a look at it, then take a look at the halo assault rifle
its got halo written al over it
other than that its perfect, the previous model was in my oppinion better
maybe u can just release wichever model u dont use as a skin file so if u use this one i can use the former :)

Good karma+1 vote
kinga303 - - 23 comments @ K7 Avenger Final Render

well, um, this is unbeliveable "omg my first positive weapon post"
like this is awesome, its truly a weapon id be prowd to shoot myself in the foot with
hope it has threat detector, its verry handy for taking out autoguns

Good karma+1 vote
kinga303 - - 23 comments @ Perfect Dark: Source

ci looks awesome
avenger looks awesome
the rcp final render sucked no offense but the new redesign looks incredible
and the new joanna has looks to kill :D
heh the CI2000 is so great u wouldn't notice it was based on a rifle designed in the 70's but the Walther WA2000 has always been ahead of its time
all in all i think u got the perfect dark styling right on

Good karma+1 vote
kinga303 - - 23 comments @ Felicity Overview

yeah the visuals are none short of eye popping
my GeForce will hate it almost as much as i love it
guess i better get the ati 9200SE out of the pentium 3 and put it in this, maybe throw my FX5200 out the window
I'm actually planing on building a new PC purely because of this mod "and this map"

Good karma+1 vote
kinga303 - - 23 comments @ Perfect Dark: Source

wow great job with the music side of things
the incredible grafics are just half of the sensation
the track to the facility frags test is awesome, any 1 care to make it available to download along with the villa music :)
and if u have got the farsight in to pds so far could u post a ingame screenshot of it or a current rendering hehe sorry if im asking to much its just that like practicaly every 1 here im a pd adict that just cant recover and i need a fix, ill gladly take anything i can get
ps the K7 avenger render is fan fraggin tastic, cant wait to see it in a gameplay vid

Good karma+1 vote