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I can be seen on Interlopers, Planet Phillip, Steam, and right here on ModDB. I enjoy mapping and playing great games and mods. I encourage every modder to strive to do his or her best!

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 70)
Kodox - - 70 comments @ Radiator

Wow, this is seriously a perfect mod?

Good karma+2 votes
Kodox - - 70 comments @ Adam Foster joins Valve

You deserve it! :D

Good karma+1 vote
Kodox - - 70 comments @ MINERVA

Hey this is probably the best mod out there, is the author working on another mod?

Good karma+1 vote
Kodox - - 70 comments @ Eye of the Storm


Good karma+1 vote
Kodox - - 70 comments @ Project 25


Good karma+2 votes
Kodox - - 70 comments @ Random Quest

Awesome intro. Awesome portals. Darned vorts!

Good karma+1 vote
Kodox - - 70 comments @ Half - Life 2: Calamity

This mod was fantastic! I think a sequel is in demand!

Good karma+2 votes
Kodox - - 70 comments @ No Escape

I enjoyed the heck out of this mod. It was such a blast to play and I can't say that about most mods. The outdoor level with the car was the most fun. I wish the creator of the mod would have expanded that part because I really enjoyed sneaking around and using the custom weapons to dispatch the soldiers. There were some really neat ideas presented in the maps, and the splendid mapping in most areas made for a really enjoyable experience. I would like to see more outdoor maps in the future and I hope the author keeps on mapping! I would love to see some more singleplayer action from whoever made this mod. Thanks for making it and I am looking forward to more!

10/10 Is my score. I can't think of a single reason to give it anything less.

Good karma+3 votes
Kodox - - 70 comments @ Black Mesa

The Black Mesa Source Team Needs to start a new game design company called Valve 2

Good karma+3 votes
Kodox - - 70 comments @ Black Mesa

It's like, if you don't believe half life was the greatest game ever made, you do now.

Good karma+4 votes
Kodox - - 70 comments @ Black Mesa

I have just witnessed the coolest thing i have ever seen in my life.

Good karma+1 vote
Kodox - - 70 comments @ CargoCult

I heard you have joined Valve. If this is true, congratulations! :D

Good karma+2 votes
Kodox - - 70 comments @ The Combine Forces Destiny DEAD

**The mod seems to be great so far, but I encountered a problem.

Unfortunately, when I load the first map half of the objects in the mod are completely WHITE. I tried building cubemaps but that doesn't work, so maybe the HDR rendering is the problem.

Good karma+2 votes
Kodox - - 70 comments @ Survival 101

I played through the last couple maps ***SPOILER*** and I LOVED the evil scientist guy! That was awesome! But then the mapping slacked off but then the subway map looked great. So there were parts of this mod that were great, and parts that were not so great.

+Evil Scientist was funny to listen to.
+Cool Black Pistol
+Some creepy spooky action

-Some poor lighting in some maps.
-Some poor mapping.

But keep the crazy wack job scientist guy that was SWEET!!! :D

"ooh! I see you have found my lab! It is inevitable that you will be blown to itsy bitsy bits of sausage! Oops! What does this button do?" (Not a quote but you get the idea.)

Good karma+1 vote
Kodox - - 70 comments @ Survival 101 Beta 0.9 Released

I only got to play the first two maps because I got stuck after (Spoiler) I killed the first 3 metrocops. This was after the radio transmission in the library. I went into the small room where the cops were at but there was no loading screen. If that was the end of the mod for now, you could have included a simple game_text entity to state something like "Part 1 completed, thanks for playing."

)))Overall this mod was worth playing, it had a couple neat ideas but the lighting kept getting darker and the mapping got repetative, making the mod really frustrating towards the end. I don't mind big indoor maps, but they need to be looking good when you play them. Also, I should note that the radio transm. in the library said something like "You better take cover!" and then I come to find out I only have to kill 3 scrawny metrocops? A better idea would be to have a big battle with zombies and metrocops, and have the metrocops launch red flares to brighten up the dark map. Little things like this make alot of headway when you are trying to convince players that you have made a quality mod.
)))I liked the idea that you were hiding from the swarm of zombies, but then the rooms got so huge and so dark, it became irritating.
)))Another neat thing was the radio chatter. "We're gonna make a homemade bomb." It was kinda fun finding those items and getting to blow open a door. Nice idea.
)))I liked hopping over the rooftops too.
)))It would be nice to see some different maps next time instead of the same areas, the same textures, hallways, etc. Maybe an outdoor map next time?

Overall nice work, thanks for giving me something fun to do.
I give it a 7.0 out of 10

Good karma+1 vote
Kodox - - 70 comments @ Appeltaart Mod

I thought this mod was alot of fun to play because it was different.
Thanks for giving me something funny and original to play!

I would rate it a 8

Fun To Play Factor:8

I really liked the end of the mod.
The thing* that shot barrels out of it's gut was fun to beat too.

Great job and I hope there is a sequel. Only thing I would suggest is to brush up on the mapping just a touch. I realize it can be a pain in the butt to get all that scripting into a mod, and there was alot of scripting in this one, which I LOVED!

Mmm...apple pies!

Good karma+1 vote
Kodox - - 70 comments @ Dear Esther

Those markings on the walls really scared me to death, really messed with my head there.

Good karma0 votes
Kodox - - 70 comments @ I want more _____ mods! Gimme!


Good karma+1 vote
Kodox - - 70 comments @ Half-Life 2

Half-Life 2 Is one of the best things that ever happened on the face of this earth. Long live Half-Life 2, and may Valve "do their worst" in their efforts to hopefully make Episode 3 even half as good as the almighty king of videogames for years to come, Half-Life 2.

Good karma+4 votes
Kodox - - 70 comments @ OTIS STORY-(Full Version)

New weapons? Who made them?

Good karma+1 vote
Kodox - - 70 comments @ Logistique

Wow, that story makes me emotional just thinking about it! I can't wait to play this and get revenge on those combine!!!

Good karma+2 votes
Kodox - - 70 comments @ Union

This was a great but short mappack. Can't wait to see more.

8.5/10 = 9/10 :)

Good karma+2 votes
Kodox - - 70 comments @ City Rebellion

These episodes are okay but I just think you need to spend more time on the next release. The next episode needs to be more polished.

7/10 so far from me. Keep at it!

Good karma+1 vote
Kodox - - 70 comments @ Half Life 2: Dawn

Fail! Lol, just kidding guys.

This mod was a really fantastic peice of work.
First of all, it's really hard to release a mod in that amount of time and have it as good and polished as it was. Second, great job with the scripted stuff, most mods don't utilize actors and voiceacting at all. (Although I think I am starting to see a bit more of that.)
Third, the environments did get a bit repetative actually, but they were well made and looked good. The gameplay was also good, but got a bit repetative towards the end. Shooting millions of zombies started to get a bit dull after a while. But, the mod ended when it was starting to actually get to that point so I can't wait to play the sequel! Great beginning, great ending. I hope you guys continue to work together because this was a really good mod and I hope the next one gets even better. Cheers, Kodox

Good karma+2 votes
Kodox - - 70 comments @ Penetration and Liquidation

oh my freaking dog, are you kidding me!!!!?????

Good karma0 votes
Kodox - - 70 comments @ Synergy 1.1 News

I don't think i've mentioned this yet, but I REALLY like Synergy. Keep up the awesome work fellas

Good karma+2 votes
Kodox - - 70 comments @ ButtheadCDXX

Hey there. A while back ago (September) u asked me about how to get past the corner after u turned off the power? Er...I have no clue what u are talking about lol.

Good karma+1 vote
Kodox - - 70 comments @ Residual Error Vol.1

Another great mod. Looking forward to more of it!

Good karma+1 vote
Kodox - - 70 comments @ MINERVA

5 out of 5 "Wow"'s from me.

The first two maps were good, but when I dloaded the second half of this mod I never ever expected it to be so mindblowing. Every part of this mod seems to have been spectacularly well thought out, well planned, well built, and well tweaked. What an unbelievable experience.

Gameplay= 10/10
Immersion Factor= 10/10 (Yes! Thank you for including Valve's Soundtrack!)


SPOILER>>>I thought when the core blew up that the game was going to end. I was so surprised that I was alive and the game had not ended yet! The portal leading up to this part was AWESOME. The puzzles made me feel really awesome. At the end of the game I felt pretty hardcore for beating this monster mod.


Adam Foster, thank you for creating such an awesome presentation.


Good karma+1 vote
Kodox - - 70 comments @ MINERVA


Whoever made this mod deserves A LOT of credit.

Good karma+1 vote