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Comment History
LeDoggo - - 8 comments @ Chernobyl Freeplay

Has the mod been fixed? i.e the consitent crashing that me and a few other ppl had?

Edit: Nevermind, still get the CTDs when reloading a save :D

Good karma+2 votes
LeDoggo - - 8 comments @ Chernobyl Freeplay

When I kept getting crashes, it said something along the lines of:

[error]Expression : fatal error
[error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_error
[error]File : E:\stalker\sources\trunk\xr_3da\xrGame\script_engine.cpp
[error]Line : 73
[error]Description : <no expression>
[error]Arguments : LUA error: ...adow of chernobyl\gamedata\scripts\se_respawn.script:528: attempt to compare nil with number

Good karma+1 vote

This looks promising!
Is there also an english translation?

Good karma+1 vote
LeDoggo - - 8 comments @ Chernobyl Freeplay

I started a new game after replacing the edited file with the original one. I didn't try loading hardsaves but it might also crash, not sure about that, will have to test that later.

Good karma+1 vote
LeDoggo - - 8 comments @ Chernobyl Freeplay

I think that might've been the problem. I changed the xrgame.dll to have just a bit higher FOV.
I can now reliably play this mod from the looks of it! :D

Edit: Nevermind, new problem, game crashes to desktop when loading a quicksave and there is no log showing up after it crashes D:

Good karma+1 vote
LeDoggo - - 8 comments @ Chernobyl Freeplay

This mod is quite cool. The ideas and concepts it adds really makes the gameplay last longer (More quests and stuff like that), but one major problem that I am having with this mod:

So many CTD's! I don't know what the cause might be and the crash logs don't say a lot. Maybe it might be because I replaced the xrgame.dll? I don't know!
I play for 5-10 minutes and then the game crashes when I try to load a quicksave or it just crashes while I am playing.

Good karma+1 vote
LeDoggo - - 8 comments @ Half-Life: Field Intensity

Great mod, I enjoyed it! Just finished it today.
It really felt like a new expansion for Half-Life 1. I also liked how the mod included areas from Blue Shift and Opposing Force.
Keep adding more secret-ish stash spots! Always nice to get rewarded for exploring the maps with some extra ammo.
Xen was also more interesting to me in my opinion. I liked the lab with the working vortigaunts in it, as it made Xen feel a bit more alive.
I liked the cheesy (if it was intended) voice acting aswell!
One small gripe I had with this mod is that the Black Ops were a bit tough to fight and annoying, but that's probably a problem with me.

Anyways, great mod Hazard Team! Keep it up and stay safe all of you!

Good karma+1 vote
LeDoggo - - 8 comments @ Old Storyline Restoration Mod (RMA)

Anyone have an idea why my game crashes when I try to give the X-16 documents to Barkeep? I look in my logs and there doesnt seem to be any crash reason and at the end of the .txt log file there isn't a reason to why my game crashes.

Any help would be appreciated since I'm rather liking this mod.

EDIT: I might have forgotten to install the patches, but seems like they didn't change anything.

EDIT 2: Nevermind then it fixed itself.

Good karma+3 votes