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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 50)
Lukaszus - - 50 comments @ Lukaszus

i quess i wont remove that comment of mine, but i must say it is completely irrelevant now, and actually it was irrelevant soon after its posting, becuse i was mistaken how using and sharing models between mods goes, back then i also changed my review anyway. i dont exactly remember why did i get as much angry but i know that overall it was becuse ive was checking mod often for updates preety hyped up for only to see that changes rarelly were improoving gameplay itself but looks and easthethics instead. ofcourse its not a bad thing, but at that time it heavily dissapointed me and well i never expected that my review would actually make mods admin start conversation with me about. it just felt like if anyone can give 10/10 grade without stating any reasons then so could i give it 1/10. but i quess rating system on moddb isnt supposed to be so polar opposite compared to youtube like vs dislike for example, it was also the only time i ever used review system here, i quess i wnated to cear that up if anyone happens to click on my profile.

Good karma+1 vote
Lukaszus - - 50 comments @ Stargate - Empire at War: Pegasus Chronicles

guys, i have a troublesome problem with old 1.3 for sweaw. When i lunch galactic conquest its fine for short while like 40% of galactic day, and then it quickly starts to go 1-2 frames per second which isnt really playable for me. and while i do remember it being laggy i know that in the past i was able to play gc sg universe. i tried reainstaling it, im using gog version, but was using disk version in the past. my hardwere changed from gefrce 9800 gt to radeon r9 280 and i also have 8 instead of 4 gb ram. running with still old amd phenom 2 x4 945 deneb. i hope someone will find a clue for why may that be. ive heard that lag is caused by ai fleet movement, and it kinda feels like it by it wasnt nearly that bad in the past when i was playing it :(

Good karma+1 vote
Lukaszus - - 50 comments @ Absolute Chaos

nevermind, you did what i wanted you to do xD

Good karma+1 vote
Lukaszus - - 50 comments @ Map so far!

during 1600 poland and lithuania were basicly one faction so i think you should change that.

Good karma+1 vote
Lukaszus - - 50 comments @ Absolute Corruption Mod 2.4

this mod is almost perfect it may have som minor balance issues with one rather significant yet easy to fix. Fighters are horribly op, when ship worth 3 pop cap spawns 3 squadrons those squadrons have greater firepower than the ship itself. to fix it i changed fighters projectile dmg from 5 to 2 and its a lot better that way as they can still shoot bombers but for ships youll need large numbers to do anything.

Good karma+1 vote
Lukaszus - - 50 comments @ Empire At War Remake: Galactic Civil War

i think you should increase the size of lazers, they seem somewhat insignificant when compared to flashy rockets.

Good karma+1 vote
Lukaszus - - 50 comments @ Edain Mod

German speaking lads help i seek :D Forum.modding-union.com
is the sub mod creator saying that he is working over edain 4.0? i tried to google translate first and last post, but i am unsure, it seems to me he does, but i would like someone to confirm if you may :D

Good karma+1 vote
Lukaszus - - 50 comments @ Edain Mod

Good to know it will be made, well since i see adding 4 factions to the game migght take even longer than half a year, which as you mention is a bit of waiting XD, I wish a lot of moding motivation for all of you guys creating this masterpiece! :D

Good karma+1 vote
Lukaszus - - 50 comments @ Edain Mod

so, since im on of those who love op heroes, awesome abilities and such, i cant help myself but to ask, is the hero submod updated to edain 4.0? is there any realese? will it be realesed? i tried to find out on site modding union, i however do not speak german.

Good karma+1 vote
Lukaszus - - 50 comments @ Edain Mod

orcs were not allies of sauron, they were unqestionable servants driven by fear and endless respect to their master, i actually dislike the way sauron-azog realtion was shown hobbit

Good karma+2 votes
Lukaszus - - 50 comments @ Revamp Expansion Mod (RVE)

if your game is updated and with dlc it should work regardles of cracks etc

Good karma+1 vote
Lukaszus - - 50 comments @ OBSOLETE - Revamp Expansion Mod 2.0 Alpha 1

it doesnt depend on crack, it should work if you have updated game with dlc regaredles of crack

Good karma+2 votes
Lukaszus - - 50 comments @ Edain Mod

i belive there was no power in silmarils, it was just shiny, so much that melkor while wearing it was getting burned on his forehead (if i remember correctly) XD

Good karma+1 vote
Lukaszus - - 50 comments @ Edain Mod

not sure if you guys fixed it or not, cause i didnt play much recently after patch, but here is a link to bug (theon i mentioned earlier in comments) caught on video Youtube.com . on around 10:10 when gondor is defeated players command points get reduced to 594 and does not not increase anymore

Good karma+1 vote
Lukaszus - - 50 comments @ Edain Mod

um i have difficulties building big army as mordor, becuse when i defeat one of my enemies (not sure if thats what causes it) my command limit get reduced to 594 from over a thousand, it is usually difficult to win with that low commnad limit, therefore i would like to ask you guys to take a look at that bug.

Good karma+1 vote
Lukaszus - - 50 comments @ Lukaszus

yes well, respect you say, im almost certain that most models in that mod are not created by spc dev team, and i didnt see any credits for actual creators, therefore i belive it does deveserve such review. not to mention extremly rare updates which actually arent bringin much content other than some gui and minor mechanical changes

Good karma0 votes
Lukaszus - - 50 comments @ Edain Mod

idk if you ask about new smaug model, but theres is already one in 3.81 when you bring the ring to goblins treasury

Good karma+1 vote
Lukaszus - - 50 comments @ Edain Mod

i will not belive you guys if you say you do prefer screeche suaron speech from hobbit(like if he had troubles breathing XD) to this one Youtube.com

Good karma+1 vote
Lukaszus - - 50 comments @ Edain Mod

hmm if i understand it right, monsters in this game like troll have armor, and and so pikemans need to penetrate that armor to make them effective vs trolls, but i also noticed that pikemans are effective vs heroes, that doesnt make sense at all consdering heroes are fighting using swords, and are not big like trolls so would that mean its the same armor type for all of them? and if so wouldnt it be wise to create armor variant for heroes?

Good karma+1 vote
Lukaszus - - 50 comments @ Edain Mod

one of the blue wizards can summon stone golem, a big one, so we have it already :D

Good karma+1 vote
Lukaszus - - 50 comments @ Edain Mod

i wonder if in 4.0 sauron when ugraded with power of the past ages can beat balrog. cause in previous version on one strange map where 4 or so buffed balrogs were wandering around the center of the map i only managed to kil them eaither by **** ton of arrow towers, or soloing them with sauron with ring + power of the past ages with no problem :D

Good karma+1 vote
Lukaszus - - 50 comments @ Edain Mod

no she is not that powerful its only the invention of P.J istari are superior the her, each of them, for there they are real maiars while only powers galadriel has are those from ancestor maiar which wasnt that much powerful either, so in my opinion she is well created in the mod as of now

Good karma+1 vote
Lukaszus - - 50 comments @ Stargate - Empire at War: Pegasus Chronicles

heh, guys i know you wont make op ori or ancient ships buildable in gc, but just as i did in previus one ill add them buildable myself, possible making their price like hell of a big, but stil like to watch my ancient fleet tearing up wraiths, goulds or any other race :D. also an idea: why not to make a aurora zpm powered variant, we know how did that affect daedalous, and none of them in the show was powered by it, so imagine shields and firepower such auroroa would have :D

Good karma+2 votes
Lukaszus - - 50 comments @ Edain Mod

i know that CAH is not working, but i want to ask you guys if you could ever fix it, in future reales? i really like that part of the game.

Good karma-2 votes
Lukaszus - - 50 comments @ Edain Mod

is that system going to be the same in edain 4.0?

Good karma0 votes
Lukaszus - - 50 comments @ Edain Mod

why ai can build catacombs and things like that without even having sauron? can i somehow do that to?

Good karma0 votes
Lukaszus - - 50 comments @ Edain Mod

ok i got it, it wasnt easy to understand that load of german text on submod site yet i succeded :D

Good karma+2 votes
Lukaszus - - 50 comments @ Empire At War Remake: Galactic Civil War

well, guys, creators, and whoever help you. I see your mod has enourmus potential in its awesomnes thatss why i wish you all the luck in the world as i know such mmod must be very hardto be done. and im also afraid for the game performance as with many mods game was going low fps with larger battles. i hope you will overcome that problem. great mod!

Good karma+2 votes
Lukaszus - - 50 comments @ Stargate - Empire at War: Pegasus Chronicles

am i the only one who feel like the aurora has too big bottom ?

Good karma+1 vote
Lukaszus - - 50 comments @ Stargate - Empire at War: Pegasus Chronicles

please guys create map for tpc like super leer from 1.3 in my opinion it would be awesome

Good karma+1 vote