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Comment History
Lynold - - 16 comments @ Warcraft 4: The Awakening

i will download when it is released its a shame the blizzard team didnt take up W4. warcraft has died for me since and it is awesome that some one has taken up on the job magnificent

Good karma+2 votes
Lynold - - 16 comments @ WarCraft III: World of WarCraft

wow u dont usually see things like this good work

Good karma+1 vote
Lynold - - 16 comments @ The City of Darineth in the Early Morning

will this cost anything because it looks really good to be just an average mod

Good karma+1 vote
Lynold - - 16 comments @ Developer team opens YouTube channel!

a decent cod4 mod looking to be so

Good karma+1 vote
Lynold - - 16 comments @ City Decedere

when do u finish uni

Good karma+1 vote
Lynold - - 16 comments @ Lynold

OMG were like the same, spoof, LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL

Good karma+1 vote
Lynold - - 16 comments @ Parallel TC mod. Teaser

same prob latest flash

Good karma+1 vote
Lynold - - 16 comments @ Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

i am so sick of nothing but zombie mods in this game 3 of them and no good solo mods

Good karma+2 votes
Lynold - - 16 comments @ Assault Coop Crysis

Will you be coming back to this mod, if how long will we have to wait till you get back

Good karma+1 vote
Lynold - - 16 comments @ Light Spire: Fortunes Web

Dont stop dont stoooppppp this looks awesome keep up the work

Good karma+2 votes
Lynold - - 16 comments @ PREDATOR - THE HEAT OF THE JUNGLE

While its downloading does it work with the 1.1 version or should i start downloading the update now.

Good karma+1 vote
Lynold - - 16 comments @ PREDATOR - THE HEAT OF THE JUNGLE

Is this going to be like with suit capabilities or without

Good karma+1 vote
Lynold - - 16 comments @ Mount and Blade mods

Orgasmic just in time

Good karma+2 votes
Lynold - - 16 comments @ Xan NPC

ghost forum again

Good karma+1 vote
Lynold - - 16 comments @ Noname Island

I spent ages downloading this mod cause my download limit blew in between (end of month)i install it go to play comes up with an error in German gets out of it dead mod full stop.

Good karma+3 votes