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Random developer of random projects. Hope they will entertain you.

Comment History
Manndrake - - 28 comments @ Conflict_Theory

A few updates.
The mod will be built on Mapbase as an add-on. An Entropy Zero 2 spinoff from the perspective of another major character is possible, but improbable.
The story revolves around the testing of two different branches of genetically bred soldiers. One completely organic and another enhanced with cybernetics.
Your enemies will consist primary of identical female clones. (They're all female as a homage to "Jurassic Park")
You and your allies will be performing a test at the weapons testing facility against Dante, the creator of the now considered obsolete clones.
The basic motivation for Dante is that he doesn't think that having mindless drones with advanced military capabilities is a good idea, seeing them as too susceptible to corruption through the use of computer viruses or hacking so he fights this, using his clones to prove that his solution is the better one.
The female clones and the androids are both fighting for survival. Whoever wins this conflict will become the new standard for clone soldiers while the loser will be discontinued and subsequently executed.
You play as an advanced clone with better AI than the rest, to see if a sort of compromise between autonomy and obedience can be made.
The mod works similarly to a hybrid of Half Life 2 and Portal, each map is a test chamber filled with enemies that you must destroy. Then you lose your weapons, go to the exit portal, and start the next level.
The mod is not canon to Half Life or Entropy Zero, it exists in its own universe.

Good karma+1 vote
Manndrake - - 28 comments @ New screenshots! Thoughts?

My thoughts are that this looks great. At first, I thought that the cows had new eyes all over their bodies. My hopes are that the aliens are portrayed as simple scientists studying Earth's ecosystem in order to better understand it rather than villains, giving them motivations that humans would have if the roles were reversed. I could also see the idea that the aliens are from a dead or dying world (probably from factors outside of their control such as diseases), meaning that they intend to try to adapt Earth lifeforms to their planet through these experiments. In the end, it's your game, I'm just throwing these ideas out there because I have nothing else better to do.

Good karma+3 votes
Manndrake - - 28 comments @ Conflict_Theory

A lot of the gameplay is going to be asymmetrical warfare based since it's two factions throwing their clone soldiers at each other to try to get a leg up on their enemy by attacking the military assets (communications equipment, detainment centers, cloning facilities, etc).

Good karma+1 vote
Manndrake - - 28 comments @ Conflict_Theory

The mod is going to be reactivated when I have enough to show for it. Please stay tuned for further updates.

Good karma+1 vote
Manndrake - - 28 comments @ Human Error

The website for the source code for the new additions is gone. Can you guys please add it to github or another site?

Good karma+1 vote
Manndrake - - 28 comments @ Manndrake

Your enemies spawn out of thin air in this mod, it's a game with Eldrich entities, so it makes sense that they can just materialize your enemies out of nothing. There's a sound effect though. Gameplay wise, this is so the player knows that the portals that show up are for them and not any other NPCS.

Good karma+1 vote
Manndrake - - 28 comments @ Manndrake

Her reasoning for this was to prevent someone else from having to do the dirty work. Her life is already messed up, so she figures that killing a couple innocents wouldn't make it any worse.

Good karma+1 vote
Manndrake - - 28 comments @ Manndrake

Volunteers are people that as the name suggests. Volunteered to be a part of the ritual slaughter. The player character is one such volunteer...

Good karma+1 vote
Manndrake - - 28 comments @ Manndrake

Not sure about the "sequel" or Episode 2 to this story. What I can say for sure about is the following:
You'll be playing as one of the clones designated to clean the place up after the ritual is complete.
It will be an addon for Entropy Zero 2.
It takes place around 3 houra after the main game.
An emphasis will be placed on the cognitive dissonance of the defective clone you play as, them not seeing the point or wanting to participate in the cleanup.

Good karma+1 vote
Manndrake - - 28 comments @ Manndrake

There's really no consistency as to where your superiors deploy you. You are just deployed to a location and given an objective. Complete the objective and then you get teleported to the next objective. Your humanoid enemies are ritual sacrifices that have been doped up with a virus that acts in a somewhat similar fashion to a combination of The Rage Virus from 28 Days/Weeks Later and The Green Flu from Left For Dead. It's a blood red aerosol that, once exposed to, makes the victim hallucinate that their enemies are monsters. Not sure if the player will be exposed to it at any point in the story. Probably going to go with the hallucinations being a product of the deteriorating sanity of the player, after having to kill innocent civilians that are drugged, yet acting in mutual self-defense of each other.

Good karma+1 vote
Manndrake - - 28 comments @ Manndrake

Going with innocent civilians that have been picked by an algorithm to be sacrificed. THe dimension that the game takes place in requires no food or water to survive, the red air acts as a substitute. Your mission will be to clean up the mess that the teleporters have sent in. Problem is that not everyone has the same reaction to the dimension in question, expect grotesque mutations to occur in some cases.

Good karma+1 vote
Manndrake - - 28 comments @ Manndrake

Kafkaesque style seems to be working out good so far. Hope it continues to do so.

Good karma+1 vote
Manndrake - - 28 comments @ Manndrake

There are no genuine outside or outdoor sections in the mod. Only locations built underground that mimic the scenery of the outside world.

Good karma+1 vote
Manndrake - - 28 comments @ Manndrake

It will probably be a standalone mod at this point. The story is more fun with the player being a volunteer for what's happening in the story rather than an overpowered military clone. Still, there is the possibility for an Opposing Force esque expansion called Conflict_Theory:Duality.

Good karma+1 vote
Manndrake - - 28 comments @ Manndrake

Found a way to reimplement health regeneration biometric weapons, and elements of the original plot into this game. Because of personal advancements in development of these levels. The levels are still pretty barebones, primarily for lore purposes, a combination of the humans being cheap and most if not everything in the levels having a functional purpose. It'll make sense when you get into the game.

Good karma+1 vote
Manndrake - - 28 comments @ Manndrake

If I had to say what this game is about it's about how war is pointless and how people serve causes that they don't entirely understand or truly care about by no conscious choice of their own. Justifying what they're doing as survival as that's all that truly matters in the minds of most during war.

Good karma+1 vote
Manndrake - - 28 comments @ Manndrake

I could see this mod becoming a multiplayer series given its lore. 2 or more teams forced to fight each other because of brain chips in order to please an unknown party that would otherwise kill everyone on the entire planet, should it not be given these sacrifices. I'm not big on the idea of microtransactions or paid cosmetics though, the game would have to be community driven for that reason.

Good karma+1 vote
Manndrake - - 28 comments @ Manndrake

Human NPCS will not attack medics and medics will not use any weapons. Robot NPCs on the other hand will.

Good karma+1 vote
Manndrake - - 28 comments @ Manndrake

These brain chips have also removed the need for laser fences since they can be programmed to disallow movement to certain areas of the map. These areas are marked. Got the idea from Detroit: Become Human. They affect both the player and any NPCS, so they can be used as a temporary way to delay enemy movement in some of the levels.

Good karma+1 vote
Manndrake - - 28 comments @ Manndrake

I should mention that the brain chips don't take the individuality away from the individual. Instead, they remove control of the individual's body. They can still see and feel everything that's going on around them, but they cannot do anything about it. (Imagine if you were on autopilot or in a dream state). Given that most of your enemies are kidnapped civilians who are innocent, this adds to the psychological horror factor.

Good karma+1 vote
Manndrake - - 28 comments @ Manndrake

The AI is operating under the rationale that it is going to be thrown out and replaced because its obsolete. The idea for the AI came from a thought I had a while ago. "What would an intelligent/sentient computer think/do if it knew it was about to be thrown out into a landfill/dumpster"?

Good karma+1 vote
Manndrake - - 28 comments @ Manndrake

Dante now serves as a catalyst for the events taking place. Being an ordinary civilian with a talent with technology. He had never worked with AI before, so in his attempts to stop the ritual sacrifices through the use of an obsolete facility, he reprogrammed it to value human life. Leading to utilitarian thinking which explains the kidnapped civilians with reprogrammed brain chips you'll be fighting in the mod. Dante is supposed to be a sympathetic antagonist, it's not in his character to kidnap civilians and reprogram their brain chips. But to the AI that has imprisoned him and is using utilitarian thinking, the ends justified the means.

Good karma+1 vote
Manndrake - - 28 comments @ Manndrake

Dante's character has been shifted from the antagonist to the catalyst for what happens in the story. He was originally supposed to be a grizzled war veteran who discovered the secret government and wanted to rebel against it with both veteran and trained civilians. He eventually became more and more paranoid, isolating himself and purging his own soldiers. leading to him believing that the old facility he Found's nuclear weapons were the key to a new beginning. Wanting to end the world so a new one could begin. In one concept, you were supposed to be one of these purged soldiers who survived this ordeal. I got rid of this concept because it reminded me too much of "The Rock" movie.

Good karma+1 vote
Manndrake - - 28 comments @ Manndrake

There's work going on in the background. The project is not dead as of yet. I just want to wait to reactivate it when there's something to show.

Good karma+1 vote
Manndrake - - 28 comments @ Manndrake

With a change in government from democracy to autocracy in Cuyania (real world ancient continent, this timeline didn't have the continental drift ours did). country, one of the old weapons testing facility has been reactivated, pumping out military hardware that is both organic/inorganic. Preparing to mass manufacture a force large enough to challenge the new government. You are an elite soldier of this new government, tasked with stopping the terrorist known as "Dante".

-Complex Issue: Redux Pitch.

Good karma+1 vote
Manndrake - - 28 comments @ Separatist Rebirth February Patch

Brilliant, now all we need is a Sepratist holdout vs Empire/ Republic Holdout vs Empire galactic conquest option for Battelfront 2.

Good karma+2 votes
Manndrake - - 28 comments @ Cognitive_Dissonance

Chances are if you enjoy playing games the "psychopathic" route, (kill everyone you meet), you'll enjoy this game. Your only real "ally" in this game is your own mind, and even that is an uneasy alliance as you play as a defective semi -conditioned killing machine who because of free will, is marked as kill on sight. You'll see yourself struggling with internal cognitive dissonance as one part of you wants to submit to your creators and another wants freedom from this forsaken place.

Good karma+2 votes
Manndrake - - 28 comments @ Manndrake

Work in progress: "Play as a human-extraterrestrial hybrid who has been released prematurely before the whole problem of free will could be expunged". Because of your appearance, you won't get any help from the clone rebels or your fellow hybrids who have been ordered to terminate you on sight. It's you against the world as you try to escape from this mysterious facility. Good luck, you will need it".

Good karma+1 vote