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My Intro I'm Mat, I'm 16 and reside in the UK. I've being mapping on and off around two years now though this is my first intensive stint. I'd say that I'm far more focused on the game play aspects of my maps and prefer to design it and test it before texturing it up. If you like what you see feel free to PM me...

Comment History
mat_de_b - - 16 comments @ Rebel Fleet Trooper

really clean... maybe add more material to the clothes?

Good karma+3 votes
mat_de_b - - 16 comments @ Apartment Screenshot #8

lower the spec and bump maps

Good karma+1 vote
mat_de_b - - 16 comments @ Sally-Rex

Take the power pilon out of the skybox, surely they dont have conventional power?

Good karma+1 vote
mat_de_b - - 16 comments @ OF2 - Sewers

Multi story car park? there could well be cars underneath?

Good karma+1 vote
mat_de_b - - 16 comments @ OF2 - Outlands - Bunkers

That looks like Half Life 1, before you call me a flamer here is a list on things to do...
1. Get better grass
2. Use a 3d sky box
3. Add some detail outside its very empty...
4. Make some variation in the building, some stuff must stick out/go in, make a tall bit to go behind etc...

Good karma+1 vote
mat_de_b - - 16 comments @ Brutal

If you were to consider a website redesign i would be interested in helping you, though it would be intirely based in flash...

Good karma+1 vote
mat_de_b - - 16 comments @ Uplink Source

Who are you?

Good karma+2 votes
mat_de_b - - 16 comments @ Uplink Source

That is an old release, currently the mod does not even resemble that alpha, as that was made under an old leader...

Do no download

Frere d'arme grow up...

Good karma-1 votes
mat_de_b - - 16 comments @ Evolution of Insurgency

Dont you need HL2 to be able to download the base?

Good karma+1 vote
mat_de_b - - 16 comments @ Satchel Pack

love the trigger mechanism

Good karma+2 votes
mat_de_b - - 16 comments @ Coming along nicely.

The snow place needs more displacements and the edges should be banks not walls...

As for the horror part, its too dark... i know you were going for horror but only using your flashlight sucks... you want lighting to create atmosphere...

Good karma+2 votes
mat_de_b - - 16 comments @ New Years Update

Awesome, something is slighly wrong with mario's body, but you've really captured the style...

Good karma+2 votes
mat_de_b - - 16 comments @ BLACKSECTOR

I'd be interested in mapping for you, i dont have alot of example work atm but if you give me a concept ill show you what i can do... And i couldnt read your website :D

Good karma+1 vote
mat_de_b - - 16 comments @ The Dead Dead Dead

I'm interested in level designing for this... Its a cool idea and the die hard films are awesome... If your at all serious about it leave me a message

Good karma+1 vote
mat_de_b - - 16 comments @ Jail

Lighting! and that stairs case!... try and find the layout of a real prison... put some effort into it...

Good karma+2 votes
mat_de_b - - 16 comments @ B0A1_05

Way to clean... the yellow and the grey barrel needs dirtying, the crates need rotting/dirtying and if you want the floor that dirty the walls are gonna ahve to be too...

Good karma+1 vote