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A Roblox developer, Source Engine modder and HL2 Cinematic Mod wizard, living in God's image and who's always happy to help! If you have CM /Source problems, let me know and I'll help you out as best I can.

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 139)
mbramblet - - 139 comments @ FakeFactory Cinematic Mod

- Run the uninstaller .exe that comes with the mod (It'll show up in your start menu if you search for it)
- Delete the "CM2013" folder in your Steam common folder.

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mbramblet - - 139 comments @ FakeFactory Cinematic Mod

I think it's both nowadays.
You can get it here: Utorrent.com
Just make sure to carefully read whatever pops up while instilling and decline any "offers" to install other software it might prompt you with.

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mbramblet - - 139 comments @ FakeFactory Cinematic Mod

The full torrent download is the fastest.
It does require you to get Torrent though, obviously.

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mbramblet - - 139 comments @ FakeFactory Cinematic Mod

Model replacement mods for Alyx won't work in CM unfortunately.
It's a side effect of the per-encounter skin method used by the game.
Alyx can look one way when you first meet her, then completely different once you see her later, etc.

You CAN work around it, but it's a tedious and depending on your model, memory intensive process.

Texture mods that use default HL2's Alyx model will work however.
The above only applies to new models.

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mbramblet - - 139 comments @ FakeFactory Cinematic Mod

Mods for the following game should be placed in the following places.
Keep in mind there are already some files there that CM uses, so for your mods to take priority you'll have to name them or extract .vpks to folders so they end up on top.




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mbramblet - - 139 comments @ FakeFactory Cinematic Mod

The alternative difficulty is designed to make the game more "Realistic" in that both enemies and you take more damage from head shots, grenades are far more lethal, etc.
Basically, you can kill people quicker but can also be killed quicker yourself.

It, along with all the many other options CM has to offer are toggled through the Configurator program.
A separate.exe that comes with the mod and is located in its main folder.
Heads up it will require administrative privileges to run so if you rightfully have any doubts, you have my word it's completely safe.
If you'd prefer though, I can walk you through toggling it manually if you don't mind moving some files around.

I don't actually remember if it's enabled by default.

Good karma+2 votes
mbramblet - - 139 comments @ FakeFactory Cinematic Mod

There's an alternative difficulty you can enable if you want, or you can choose to use default HL2's.

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mbramblet - - 139 comments @ FakeFactory Cinematic Mod

No, as far as I'm aware everything else works as intended, it's just personal preference.

The only reason the 3GM+ vram mode option may not be working as intended is because it uses an old HL2 command created years ago by Valve which wasn't meant to be used in the final game.

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mbramblet - - 139 comments @ FakeFactory Cinematic Mod

1) I don't think it's broken, it's just a performance heavy effect from 2013.
I don't have any specific measurements on it though.

2) If disabling it through the Configurator doesn't work, you can use the following in-game console command: "ff_new_running 0"

3) What about the other options?

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mbramblet - - 139 comments @ FakeFactory Cinematic Mod

By the way, for clarification, 1.26 is a very experimental update that basically makes everything in the game destructible. (Doors, trash, trains, etc.)

It's incredibly fun to mess around with but is horribly unstable and will make the game unplayable after a while. 😅

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mbramblet - - 139 comments @ FakeFactory Cinematic Mod

-- To remove the 1.25 fire, delete the following: (Yes, the whole folders)



-- To remove the 1.25 title map, delete the following:

-- Finaly, open the following files as text documents and delete the one line in each that start with "map_background". (Be careful not to modify anything beyond that line)
CMep1 has "map_background ep1_background01" for example:

Everything that's left are genuinely alright changes, like the extra LAA and Configurator fix.

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mbramblet - - 139 comments @ Cinematic Mod -Music patch

Yes, but they're much more complicated and involved, hence why my version is still WIP.
They include manually editing almost every map in the game and adding, removing or changing different entities in them.

Fixing the scripts, which is what this mod does, is the quickest and easiest way, but again, can't solve everything unfortunately.

Merry Christmas by the way!

Good karma+1 vote
mbramblet - - 139 comments @ FakeFactory Cinematic Mod

1) Yes, it does.
1.25 was actually not made by the creator of CM so many things about the update are abnormal, such as the forced menu map.

1.5) I'm no expert in LAA but the fact is CM does already have some kind of LAA support.
You may possibly get a bit more performance from the LAA patch if you've got a lot of memory and have modded your game with insanely high detailed everything, but at that point you'd be dealing with the hard limit of what the Source engine can handle period.

If someone did want to take advantage of it however, all they'd need to do is copy the Launcher_hl2.exe from the 1.25 update and replace the original Launcher_ep0.EXE in CM.

2) The 3GM+ vram mode simply sets the HL2 command "mat_forcemanagedtextureintohardware" to 1, which forces texture info into your vram at the start of a map.
The idea is that since this info is loaded ahead of time instead of on the fly when needed, there's less stuttering as you play.

In practice however, it can greatly reduce performance unless you've got so much power that using this setting would be pointless anyway.
This could likely be because the feature simply doesn't work properly as Valve never really intended it to be used.

3) The patch is a simple drag-and drop and can safely be installed or removed without affecting save data.
Again, because it's an abnormal patch.
If you want to remove just the fire and menu map without having to reinstall CM, let me know and I'll guide you through it.

Saves are located in [...\CM2013\CMhl2\save] if you'd still like access to them though.

Merry Christmas!

Good karma+2 votes
mbramblet - - 139 comments @ Cinematic Mod -Music patch

I don't have a specific list because it's a bulk fix, and I couldn't make one without going through the entire game to listen for missing songs.

I know Ravenholm is affected for sure because that's where I first noticed some music wasn't working, and I know the first map of Route Kanal still has missing music because map changes make it impossible to restore through this method.

Beyond those spots I can't recall exactly where else is or isn't affected, sorry.

I'm currently working on a much more extensive fix but it's far from ready.

Good karma+1 vote
mbramblet - - 139 comments @ FakeFactory Cinematic Mod

No, Half-Life 2 save games are incompatible with CM.
You'll have to start over, however you could use the console to load the specific map you were last on in HL2.

Just keep in mind that CM combines some maps, so if it looks off or doesn't exist in CM, load the previous one.

Good karma+3 votes
mbramblet - - 139 comments @ FakeFactory Cinematic Mod

The only thing I'd add is that you can safely skip the 1.25 update unless you specifically want the new fire, which is very performance heavy and is often too big.

Good karma+2 votes
mbramblet - - 139 comments @ FakeFactory Cinematic Mod

Are you asking what the mod is about or just making a statement?
If you're asking about the mod, please read its description at the top of the page.

Merry Christmas.

Good karma+2 votes
mbramblet - - 139 comments @ FakeFactory Cinematic Mod

There are some textures in [...\CM2013\hl2\custom\1_CM_looseFiles]
The rest are compressed in the "2_CM_base_dir.VPK" located at [...\CM2013\hl2\custom].

Textures in the "1_CM_looseFiles" will always override the ones in the .VPK, if there are duplicate textures, and there will be, use those over others.

Good karma+1 vote
mbramblet - - 139 comments @ FakeFactory Cinematic Mod

Do you have a "Character Pimper" folder in your CM "CM2013" installation folder?

If so, is there a "Character Pimper.exe" file there?

If neither of the above are true, please make sure you're using the latest version of CM.
(1.2 full + 1.24 update)

Good karma+1 vote
mbramblet - - 139 comments @ FakeFactory Cinematic Mod

Thank you very much!
But please also remember to thank God who gave me the ability to do this, along with everything else.

Good karma+3 votes
mbramblet - - 139 comments @ FakeFactory Cinematic Mod

Everything under "Material File Names" are the names of the .vmf files you need.
"Material Folders" are the path to the folders where those should be located.

You can't see which .vmf is in which specific folder which is why you need to look for them yourself. (Again, go down the folder list in order and skip any repeat .vtfs after you find it once)
Once you find a .vtf you need, open it in a text editor and find the .vtf it's using.

Those you can see exactly where they are.

If you view the KENDRA_A_SDB model and look at the files I sent you, you should be able to see exactly how I used them to get what I sent you.

Good karma+1 vote
mbramblet - - 139 comments @ FakeFactory Cinematic Mod

Also, when getting the materials / textures, get them from [...CM2013\hl2\custom\1_CM_looseFiles] first!

If they aren't there, then look in [...CM2013\hl2\custom\2_CM_base_dir.vpk].

Good karma+1 vote
mbramblet - - 139 comments @ FakeFactory Cinematic Mod

1) You can do that, but I prefer to use the program called Crowbar which lets you see those values without having to decompile the model. (Use the "VIEW" tab)

2) Correct

3) Yep! You can ignore any that are commented out with "//" in front of them.

Feel free to let me know if you have any problems.
I've also edited my last message, so give that a read again if you haven't :)

Good karma+1 vote
mbramblet - - 139 comments @ FakeFactory Cinematic Mod

You're very welcome!

I did explain the process a bit in the above post:

1) Use Crowbar to see what folders the model is using materials from.
2) Copy the materials the model is using from those folders.
3) Go through each material and copy all the textures they're using. (All paths that aren't commented out)

The folders are loaded in order, so if you see a material you've already copied in an earlier folder you can just skip it.

For example, if the model shows this:

Material Folders:

Material Files:

And both the folders "REALKENDRA_AMY" AND "V500_SIRENA" have a material "BODYB", you ONLY need the one from "REALKENDRA_AMY" since that is loaded first so the other one is skipped.
It'll save you time and file size later if you do this.

Good karma+1 vote
mbramblet - - 139 comments @ FakeFactory Cinematic Mod

"Adriana_V210" and "Adriana_STRIKE" don't exist and aren't actually needed by the model.

I believe the problem is that although all the materials are in the folders listed by the model, the textures those materials use are all over the place.

Here is a compilation of all the actual textures and materials used, tested in default Half-Life 2.

To get these, I looked though all the folders listed by the model in order and copied the materials called for.
Then I manually went through each material and copied the textures they needed.

The process took a little over an hour and unless you find some way to automate it, it'll likely take about as long per character.

As for uploading these assets publicly, as long as you give proper credit it should be fine.
A link back to this page would be a good addition too.

Good karma+2 votes
mbramblet - - 139 comments @ FakeFactory Cinematic Mod

Which Alyx models are you trying to port, or rather which ones are supposed to be using these missing paths?

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mbramblet - - 139 comments @ FakeFactory Cinematic Mod

Это переведено с помощью Google, поэтому это может быть не очень хорошо.

Для установки мода нужно скачать либо торрент-версию, либо все девять частей по отдельности.
После того, как вы выбрали один из них и скачали его, вам нужно извлечь первую часть только где-то на вашем компьютере.
Вы увидите установщик, который необходимо запустить и следовать инструкциям.

После установки мода необходимо скачать и установить обновление 1.24.
Извлеките его и воспользуйтесь установщиком.

Как только это будет сделано, вы должны быть готовы к игре.
Здесь вы найдете все файлы, которые вам понадобятся.


Дайте мне знать, если у вас возникнут проблемы, и я постараюсь вам помочь.

Good karma+1 vote
mbramblet - - 139 comments @ FakeFactory Cinematic Mod

Again, are you using MMod or any other mods other then default CM?
Knowing that is important for me to be able to help you.

For a temporary fix, open the console and enter the following two commands one after the other:

ai_norebuildgraph 1

After that, reload your save.

Good karma+1 vote
mbramblet - - 139 comments @ FakeFactory Cinematic Mod

The two-shot shotgun is an unfinished weapon you're not normally able to get outside of cheats or specific mods.
Having that gun in your inventory may be overriding the slot the MP5 is in, making you unable to access it.

If this is the case, the fix is to start a new game / load a save where you don't have that gun or manually fix its HUD position, so it doesn't override the MP5.

Are you using MMod or another mod that gives you access to the "Annabelle" weapon?

Good karma+1 vote
mbramblet - - 139 comments @ FakeFactory Cinematic Mod

It does have controller support, but it must be enabled manually.
I don't have the commands needed on hand at the moment, but I may be able to get back to you on it.

Alternatively, searching how to enable controller for Half-Life 2 should give you the correct process, as you used to have to do the same thing for Half-Life 2 before it was made automatic.

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