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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 109)
lordniti2 - - 109 comments @ WINTER CONTINGENCY

Good night sweet prince.

Good karma+2 votes
lordniti2 - - 109 comments @ Beta 2.1 Version 1.2

Kerberos you silly brat... you haven't changed.

Good karma+1 vote
lordniti2 - - 109 comments @ Blue Harvest Interactive

Opposition is going strong but seriously i posted that a year ago

Good karma0 votes
lordniti2 - - 109 comments @ WINTER CONTINGENCY

we meet again...

Good karma-1 votes
lordniti2 - - 109 comments @ WINTER CONTINGENCY

Seems like a good estimate, but lets not get our hopes up incase spider starts asking questions again.

If it comes out in April great but if not I'll continue to wait.

Good karma-2 votes
lordniti2 - - 109 comments @ WINTER CONTINGENCY

Bad bait is bad. I can't help but notice you haven't addressed the comment I made to you over on that galaxy at war mod y'know the one where you got your comment buried.

Good karma-1 votes
lordniti2 - - 109 comments @ WINTER CONTINGENCY

Thanks for the update, maybe this will stop some of the negativity going on.

Good karma-3 votes
lordniti2 - - 109 comments @ Star Wars - Galaxy At War

Whats the current file size for the call to arms version? I hope its not too big :P

Good karma+1 vote
lordniti2 - - 109 comments @ WINTER CONTINGENCY

Some people just don't understand, well said man, honestly the longer they spend on the demo the better, its better to release a polished product instead of a broken one.

Good karma-2 votes
lordniti2 - - 109 comments @ WINTER CONTINGENCY

I do recall offensivebias saying a while back that the demo may be out late.

You ARE entitled man I get that you are frustrated but sitting here begging for an update will get you nowhere.

Why do the devs need to stick up for themselves? Yes, they may have planned a december-January release but that was not set in stone, it was not promised to us we would get it out then that was just an estimate and as I have said before this is a FREE mod which the team spend working on in their free time missing a "planned" release date does not mean they need to come out and give us an update.

I wouldn't say grimm hit it perfectly really LT Murphy put this whole situation perfectly.

spider the best thing you can do now is stop bothering the developers hoping for an update they do not bend to your will and its best to let them work on this mod and release an update in their own time.

Good karma-3 votes
lordniti2 - - 109 comments @ WINTER CONTINGENCY

If you actually read spider and that lt guy's comments you can see how entitled they act

Good karma-4 votes
lordniti2 - - 109 comments @ WINTER CONTINGENCY

When did i call everyone entitled?

Good karma-4 votes
lordniti2 - - 109 comments @ WINTER CONTINGENCY

Seems like there are a few entitled pricks here (looking at you spider and Lt.Trashany)

I know this may be a hard concept for you to grasp but this a mod, a mod these people do in their free time, they could easily choose not to release this mod and just keep it for themselves but they care about the community and they want to give them this mod which is why they have put so much effort into it.

I know some of you have legitimate concerns about the release like Bucko1 and a few other people I have seen not acting like entitled pricks believe I have concerns too but the demo will come out we have to give the devs the time they need to make it perfect and enjoyable.

To those of you who don't feel like waiting and have no trusts in the devs maybe you should make a halo mod yourselves then if you're so desperate for one or better yet if you want the devs to speed up their work why not pay them? if you're not willing to do of either of these things then you can either scram or wait patiently like the rest of us.

TLDR: You aren't entitled, this is a mod done in their free time,just be patient.

Good karma+1 vote
lordniti2 - - 109 comments @ WINTER CONTINGENCY

Sheer seems like some pathetic person gave negative rep to your comment and I have a good idea of who it was *cough* spider *cough*

Good karma0 votes
lordniti2 - - 109 comments @ WINTER CONTINGENCY

Thats what i have been saying

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lordniti2 - - 109 comments @ WINTER CONTINGENCY

Oh hey ******* its been awhile hows that "mod" you are working on.

If the devs were that worried about the state of the mod they would have told us by now

Good karma-1 votes
lordniti2 - - 109 comments @ WINTER CONTINGENCY

Same here man!

Good karma+3 votes
lordniti2 - - 109 comments @ WINTER CONTINGENCY


Good karma-2 votes
lordniti2 - - 109 comments @ WINTER CONTINGENCY

Except thats its not the case of "it didn't work out" I'd say its more than likely they are just making sure the content for the demo polished to perfection if there really was a BIG delay in the demo coming out they would have made a post to let us know.

Good karma-1 votes
lordniti2 - - 109 comments @ WINTER CONTINGENCY

you keep adding negative karma to my comments man... and its really obvious its you who is doing it.

Good karma-4 votes
lordniti2 - - 109 comments @ WINTER CONTINGENCY

Sheesh you really are negative...

Good karma-2 votes
lordniti2 - - 109 comments @ WINTER CONTINGENCY

I'm not too bothered by the wait, so long as the demo is good when it comes out I could care less when in January or February or even if it comes out in March.

Good karma-1 votes
lordniti2 - - 109 comments @ WINTER CONTINGENCY

Its coming out you just need to put that negativity aside and keep waiting

Good karma-3 votes
lordniti2 - - 109 comments @ WINTER CONTINGENCY

Well the demo is coming out soon the full release wont be anytime soom

Good karma-2 votes
lordniti2 - - 109 comments @ WINTER CONTINGENCY

Chaingunfighter1 merged his mod with winter contingency if i remember rightly so that would include these vehicles

Good karma+3 votes
lordniti2 - - 109 comments @ WINTER CONTINGENCY


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lordniti2 - - 109 comments @ WINTER CONTINGENCY

Actually, I have already seen ghosts, wraiths and scorpions on youtube so its not certain but it is possible for those three vehicles to make it in the demo

Good karma0 votes
lordniti2 - - 109 comments @ WINTER CONTINGENCY

I'm betting we will at least see the warthog, ghost, wraith and scorpion that way we have one heavy vehicle for both factions and one light vehicle

Good karma+3 votes
lordniti2 - - 109 comments @ WINTER CONTINGENCY

Actually the plan was a late december- early january release,the fact that we haven't gotten any updates yet most likely means they are busy getting the demo ready for the release, give them time I have high hopes it will be out soon.

Good karma+4 votes