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Comment History
Nexus1s1 - - 14 comments @ Xen Rebels

if ya need another good mapper ou can always have my services, just pm me

Good karma+1 vote
Nexus1s1 - - 14 comments @ GTA3: Miami '77

if ya need a mapper i can help u out. pm me if ya want a mapper.

Good karma+1 vote
Nexus1s1 - - 14 comments @ Heavy Gear Forever

awesome!! the models are soo cool! i love mechs and anything to do with them so you know ill love this! good job

Good karma+1 vote
Nexus1s1 - - 14 comments @ Half-life chat

ok the fact is that this will be more funny. and more modern

Good karma+1 vote
Nexus1s1 - - 14 comments @ Master Sword

never heard of this before but it sounds awesome!

Good karma+1 vote
Nexus1s1 - - 14 comments @ Half-life chat

Hey all u gamers! Im makin this mod, but i need some help.I could use a coder, mapper, player modler, and well tell me what you can do and then we can talk!

Good karma+1 vote
Nexus1s1 - - 14 comments @ Beyond the Battlefield

this mod looks awesome! a futureistic bf!

Good karma+1 vote
Nexus1s1 - - 14 comments @ BADLAND

good looking gun models! Finally a shotgun in bf1942!! :)
keep up the good work

Good karma+1 vote
Nexus1s1 - - 14 comments @ Soliris Studios: GTA3-FNF

prove what you can do? well how bout some pics before you say that...

Good karma+1 vote
Nexus1s1 - - 14 comments @ San Angeles

hey rusek? umm there are things in multiplayer called PASSWORDS, and ways to limit the amount of ppl in a server. you do play inet games right? therre ya go slugger.:rolleyes:

Good karma+1 vote
Nexus1s1 - - 14 comments @ Eternal Silence

This looks like it will be qite a nice game:)! I am a freqent player of bf and ive been waiting for something like this to be created! An idea, You could make a map with dropships for one team, and defence base for another, and the dropship team could be trying to take it over, or well u get the idea!it is only an idea though...:idea: oh if you ever need a mapper, You can e-mail me or check oout my friend and I's mod, Hammy-bob mod.

Good karma+1 vote
Nexus1s1 - - 14 comments @ Stealth Project : Nexus6

man why do ppl all of a sudden use my sn as names of games? :confused: well it just makes me mad cause ppl will be like "oh so u like that mod a lot huh?"
oh well though.

Good karma+1 vote
Nexus1s1 - - 14 comments @ Black Hawk Down Mod

Man i like the looks of this mod! Exelent models of helicopters and humvee! Man i can wait for this mod cause it looks awesome. :thumbup:

Good karma+1 vote
Nexus1s1 - - 14 comments @ Conflict In Somalia

I like your heli. model and i think the mod will be cool. keep up the good work!

Good karma+1 vote