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Name is Spencer Longtin, born in Arizona in 83' and have been a video game fan as long as I can remember. I love to design, map, model, uv, texture & compile for PC, though I'm not much for coding because I know nothing about it at this time. I've been customizing and modding game content for over a decade now, and started mapping years ago for Doom 2 & Duke Nukem 3d, and modeling with Caligari TrueSpace 3D. Now at days, all my modding is done through the Source engine. I've been a huge fan of Half-Life for years and use to map for CS 1.5, but when the Source engine came out I started getting insanely interested in learning how to customize almost everything, in hopes to make my own game. Currently I map, model & texture for HL2:DM, CS:S, TF2 +. Going to start a mod this year for the HL2:EP2 engine with a friend. So looking forward to housing it here. ^__^

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Great Balls of Fire v.2 released!

nintentofu Blog

It's taken awhile to complete the updates on the Great Balls of Fire sticky-bomb particle pack. Took a little extra time with the new added Fire Urn models that are included in the new version. Originally I wasn't planning on making custom sticky-bomb models, but while working on the version two I somewhat envisioned a look for a new model with the idea.

The Fire Urns are made to somewhat represent an object that may actually really be shooting from the Demoman Sticky-Bomb Launcher. So in concept, the Fire Urns have an inside flaming conductor, with a shell that allows the fire to "breathe". The particles look good with the default models, but I thought it would be fun to at least try and make a custom model that may fit well to join the updated particle system.

Also now added new with the pack are Sandman fire trail particles, which fade to team-color and have added new critical smoke-trail effects. Since the Sandman particles are emitted less often/seen less often in the game at once time, I added more fire emissions then the sticky-bombs. There are currently no custom models for the Sandman or Baseball, but maybe in the future I'll create something that would possibly make sense or match. ;)

If anyone has suggestions on how I could improve on this download, please let me know. All comments are welcome. Also any ideas for upgrading the Fire Urn models or new ideas for Sandman Bat & Ball replacements.

The Download can be found HERE!
