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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 132)
[NooB]Hog - - 146 comments @ STALKER Anomaly 1.5.3

The addon authors have a lot of work to do to update and adapt their addons to version 1.5.3.

Good karma0 votes
[NooB]Hog - - 146 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly Version 1.5.3 Release

Now we are waiting for the update of addons for Anomaly v1.5.3!

Good karma+1 vote
[NooB]Hog - - 146 comments @ ATO 3


Good karma+1 vote
[NooB]Hog - - 146 comments @ Exile Haven

Вылетает на старте новой игры. Чистая Аномали, модифицированные файлы установлены, конфликтов в МО2 с этим аддоном нет.


[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed
[error]File : D:\a\xray-monolith\xray-monolith\src\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
[error]Line : 262
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments :
2 : [Lua] c:/anomaly/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\game_setup.script(720) : create_world_kits

LUA error: c:/anomaly/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\game_setup.script:720: bad argument #1 to 'random' (number expected, got nil)

Check log for details

stack trace:

! [LUA] 0 : [C] [C](-1) :
! [LUA] 1 : [C ] random
! [LUA] 2 : [Lua] c:/anomaly/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\game_setup.script(720) : create_world_kits
! [LUA] 3 : [Lua] c:/anomaly/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\game_setup.script(926) : func_or_userdata
! [LUA] 4 : [Lua] c:/anomaly/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\axr_main.script(271) : make_callback
! [LUA] 5 : [Lua] c:/anomaly/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\_g.script(118) : SendScriptCallback
! [LUA] 6 : [Lua] c:/anomaly/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\bind_stalker_ext.script(77) : actor_on_first_update
! [LUA] 7 : [Lua] c:/anomaly/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\bind_stalker.script(218) :

Good karma+1 vote
[NooB]Hog - - 146 comments @ The Collector RUS

Спасибо за перевод!

Good karma+3 votes
[NooB]Hog - - 146 comments @ ATO 3

Please provide an alternative download link. The last couple of days the loading speed on moddb has been very bad.

Good karma+2 votes
[NooB]Hog - - 146 comments @ GT - Urban Tactics

I tried it, but it didn't help.

Good karma+1 vote
[NooB]Hog - - 146 comments @ GT - Urban Tactics

I found a bug. The indicator for firing underbarrel grenades does not always work correctly.
The indicator appears if you switch from a hand grenade to an underbarrel grenade launcher, and even then not always.

Good karma+2 votes
[NooB]Hog - - 146 comments @ GorkaPack V6.2

I like your addon, but can you add color and camo to match the suits? for example, CS has a sky blue and white camouflage, but in your build it’s actually kind of marine.

Good karma+2 votes
[NooB]Hog - - 146 comments @ M.R.A.A. Reposition.upd2.1 DLTX

It's time to update the addon. New version of MRAA released.

-Update v1.3

PKM/PKP machine guns reanimated
Added fire mode switch animation for CZ75 Auto
Minor changes to animations for MP5/MP5SD

Good karma+1 vote
[NooB]Hog - - 146 comments @ Mask's Reanimated Anomaly Arsenal - v1.3

Please do it for RPD too!

Good karma+2 votes
[NooB]Hog - - 146 comments @ RE:SPAWN MUTANT COLLECTION PART A 1.5

Is it possible to make a patch for pure anomaly + RE:DONE that adds higher speed and frequency of new mutants? I saw only 4 species, and then I saw them accidentally and rarely.

Good karma+1 vote
[NooB]Hog - - 146 comments @ M.R.A.A. Reposition.upd2.1 DLTX


Good karma+1 vote
[NooB]Hog - - 146 comments @ BACK TO THE ROOTS - npc and player models + armors reworked

В аддоне есть перевод на русский язык?

Good karma+1 vote
[NooB]Hog - - 146 comments @ M.R.A.A. Reposition.upd2.1 DLTX

Так я поставил аддон на гаус-винтовки именно по вашему совету)

Good karma+1 vote
[NooB]Hog - - 146 comments @ M.R.A.A. Reposition.upd2.1 DLTX

Я использую этот аддон Gauss model from BaS Moddb.com вместе с вашим аддоном, но нужно скорректировать положение гаус-винтовки в руках. При прицеливании винтовка уходит далеко влево.

Good karma+1 vote
[NooB]Hog - - 146 comments @ RE:SPAWN MUTANT COLLECTION PART A 1.5

The game crashed at the entrance to the Zaton location:


[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CModelPool::Instance_Load
[error]File : D:\a\xray-monolith\xray-monolith\src\Layers\xrRender\ModelPool.cpp
[error]Line : 120
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments : Can't find model file 'monsters\zhaba\zhaba_3.ogf'.

stack trace:

Good karma+1 vote
[NooB]Hog - - 146 comments @ RE:SPAWN MUTANT COLLECTION PART A 1.5

Аддон, который заслуживает похвалы! Автор, ты молодец! Спасибо за новых мутантов и новых врагов!

Good karma+2 votes
[NooB]Hog - - 146 comments @ M.R.A.A. Reposition.upd2.1 DLTX

Please download the patch for the Weapon Cover Tilt (WCT) addon

Bug in the video:

Good karma+1 vote
[NooB]Hog - - 146 comments @ M.R.A.A. Reposition.upd2.1 DLTX

Похож на этот аддон

Good karma+1 vote
[NooB]Hog - - 146 comments @ Battery recycle

Please tell me why my batteries do not run out, although everything is turned on in the game settings.

Good karma+1 vote
[NooB]Hog - - 146 comments @ Boomsticks and Sharpsticks

Я нашел баг в аддоне. После того, как был убран прицел "Susat с креплением ACOG", он остался в конфигах некоторых пушек (пример: АК-12 Монолит).

Это оставляет шанса спауна этого оружия с этим прицелом. В результате которого будет вылет из игры.
Мой друг столкнулся с этим вылетом, когда у НПС заспаунился АК-12 Монолит с этим прицелом.

Нужно удалить прицел susat из апргейдов и раздел "[wpn_ak12_custom_susat]:wpn_ak12_custom" из файла "w_ak12_custom.ltx" и из конфигов других пушек, которые его использовали.

Good karma+1 vote
[NooB]Hog - - 146 comments @ M98B Reanimation For GAMMA

Add AR-15 Weapons Pack, PLS!

Good karma+2 votes
[NooB]Hog - - 146 comments @ Anomaly UNLOCKED

We will be waiting for a correction from you.

Good karma0 votes
[NooB]Hog - - 146 comments @ PDA REPLACER - BTTR

Выглядит хорошо, но на разрешении экрана 1920×1080 (16:9) карта в ПДА вытянута по вертикали.

Good karma+2 votes
[NooB]Hog - - 146 comments @ New levels 0.53

А как туда вообще попасть?

Good karma+1 vote
[NooB]Hog - - 146 comments @ New levels 0.53

После того, как отвел Иллеона к Сахарову и поговорил с последним, то квестовая линия завершилась и Иллеон пропал. Как продолжить играть и попасть в подземелье?

Good karma+2 votes
[NooB]Hog - - 146 comments @ Anomaly UNLOCKED 1.0

"Pig in a poke."
"Something was changed", "something was added" and etc.

If there are as many as 10 thousand lines of edits and the file weight is almost 12 GB, then it would be worth describing in more detail what was changed? Give at least a few adequate examples.

Are there any instructions or recommendations or requirements that should pay attention to?

No offense, but a more detailed description is needed.

P.S.: After setting the Russian language in the game settings, a crash occurs.


[error]Expression : false
[error]Function : CXml::Load
[error]File : D:\a\xray-monolith\xray-monolith\src\xrXMLParser\xrXMLParser.cpp
[error]Line : 139
[error]Description : XML file:text\rus\st_items_quest.xml value: errDescr:Error reading end tag.

stack trace:

Good karma+3 votes
[NooB]Hog - - 146 comments @ M24 Reanimation For GAMMA

Author, is it worth waiting for a weapon pack on the AR-15 platform for vanilla weapons?

Good karma+1 vote