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Comment History
Pigrik - - 20 comments @ Native Redux 2.0 Final

Yeah, I'm using WinRaR as u do, but have the error a person above has. May be there's something wrong with my PC. I'll try to ask somebody to download and repack it for me. Hope it will help me to experience ur mod:)

Good karma+2 votes
Pigrik - - 20 comments @ Native Redux 2.0 Final

I still have problems unpacking the archive:(

Good karma+2 votes
Pigrik - - 20 comments @ Mercenary Expansion

Where I can find new mercenaries?

Good karma+1 vote
Pigrik - - 20 comments @ The Mummy: An Untold Tale

At Talewods you can find a lot of guides about adding models using the Module System.

Good karma+3 votes
Pigrik - - 20 comments @ The Red Wars

The explanation of removing of that is given. If you aren't able to understand it, you had better to write nothing. It is adressed to the people, who don't agree with the removing of that movement.

Good karma+7 votes
Pigrik - - 20 comments @ The Mummy: An Untold Tale

No. It is nessesary to use Module System to place them in your scenes. You can do everything with those models, just give a credit in the theme of your module.

Good karma+2 votes
Pigrik - - 20 comments @ The Mummy: An Untold Tale

You can take Piramydes' models there under the fith spoiler: Commando.com.ua
Savepic.ru - screenshot

Good karma+4 votes
Pigrik - - 20 comments @ Rise and Fall: The Great War {Submod}

No proofs?! Oh, God... 1. LorDric understood the Mechanic00's comment in google translation, that means only that it is possible. 2. You din't chek proofs and then say, that there aren't any proofs... 3. I gave you a Mehanic00's quote with a translation.

Good karma+2 votes
Pigrik - - 20 comments @ Rise and Fall: The Great War {Submod}

I'm glad to see there a sensible person.

Good karma+3 votes
Pigrik - - 20 comments @ Rise and Fall: The Great War {Submod}

I gave you a link and translation. If you are too lazy to check that, do not assert anything about it.

Good karma+3 votes
Pigrik - - 20 comments @ Rise and Fall: The Great War {Submod}

"К сожалению, он не спросил ни меня, ни авторов мода The Red Wars."-Mechanic00
Translation:"He didn't ask me and the autors of The Red Wars."

Good karma+2 votes
Pigrik - - 20 comments @ Rise and Fall: The Great War {Submod}

Commando.com.ua - there Mechanic00 said that he didn't give you permissin to make changes in his module. Use google translator, because the text is on Russian.

Good karma+1 vote
Pigrik - - 20 comments @ Rise and Fall: The Great War {Submod}

It is funny but Mechanic00, the autor of The Parabellum, says that you haven't got that permission. And the autor of Red Wars told the same.

Good karma+2 votes
Pigrik - - 20 comments @ Rise and Fall: The Great War {Submod}

And just forgot to you ask one question. Have you got a permission from The Parabellum's creator?

Good karma+5 votes
Pigrik - - 20 comments @ Rise and Fall: The Great War {Submod}

The Civil War in Russia lasted up to 1920 and the Communist's territory at some moments was smaller then the territory of Kievan Rus. There was independent Ukraine and other territories which gained indepence as a Finland. Bulgaria and Romania were the warring factions and i think, that they sould be snown in that submod, too.

Good karma+2 votes
Pigrik - - 20 comments @ Rise and Fall: The Great War {Submod}

Where is Russian Empire? It will be more correctly, if there is Soviet Union as a rebel-faction and Russian Empire as a warring faction.
Would you show us Balkan countries?

Good karma+2 votes
Pigrik - - 20 comments @ mb warband 2017 02 17 13 28 59 97

Would you like to add Balkan countries soon? Map's looking too empty now.

Good karma+3 votes
Pigrik - - 20 comments @ Dawn of a new era

Just so, it is.

Good karma+2 votes
Pigrik - - 20 comments @ Dawn of a new era

Hey guys! It is about 7500 downloads of that precious mod. Share your opinions, because the creator of the module really want to know, did you enjoy the modification and why. Also report here about any bugs and minuses of the project, ask questions. Your requests would not be unanswered.

Good karma+4 votes