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Comment History
PromethiusSD7 - - 11 comments @ Freeworlds: Tides of War

The single-player version of Freeworlds has always been neglected due to the multi-player focus, and as such doesn't really work properly.
Try asking around on our forums, somebody may be able to help.

Good karma+1 vote
PromethiusSD7 - - 11 comments @ Sins of a Solar Empire

Would love a Freelancer mod for this, or a Homeworld mod.

Good karma+1 vote
PromethiusSD7 - - 11 comments @ Dawn of Victory

Probably the most epic, well done and original Sins mod I've ever seen.
I'm now looking forward to this more than any actual game, keep up the good work. :D

Good karma+1 vote
PromethiusSD7 - - 11 comments @ Freeworlds: Tides of War

Fun and varied mod, regular updates and cool events wrapped up in probably the best online community I've ever seen. (and I've seen a few :D)

Good karma+1 vote
PromethiusSD7 - - 11 comments @ Predator and Prey

The website links dead and its been a year and a half since last update...My conclusion:
"Its dead Jim"

Good karma+1 vote
PromethiusSD7 - - 11 comments @ StarCraft

Just as good as RA2,and with more challenging ai. A very good RTS.

Good karma+1 vote
PromethiusSD7 - - 11 comments @ Homeworld

hmm...over a year since last update and website doesn't exist. Dead.

Good karma+1 vote
PromethiusSD7 - - 11 comments @ Tiberian Alert

damnit,another mod for yuris revenge. I hate mods that will only work with yuri's revenge,as I don't have it

Good karma+1 vote
PromethiusSD7 - - 11 comments @ Rise of the Triad: Dark War

This game was very good,though because of lack of internet at time I never played it online...Mind you,I only had the shareware version...Still brings back memories.

Good karma+3 votes
PromethiusSD7 - - 11 comments @ GDI MKII

Woah!!!! That looks ace!! Just looking at the picture made me want to play Tiberian Sun all over again!! This mod looks absolutly amazing!!

Good karma+1 vote
PromethiusSD7 - - 11 comments @ Battletech Space Wars

Hey,will this mod work on Homeworld Cataclysm?

Good karma+1 vote