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UX/Graphic Designer from Vienna, Austria. Proficient in 2D- and 3D-Art as well as graphic design (kinda obvious) and web design. Currently working on an awesome World War One modification for Red Orchestra 2. Previously (more like, 10 years ago) worked on (and released) The Trenches for Half Life.

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The Final Push & Enfield Dev Diary

The Final Push & Enfield Dev Diary

Festung Europa 2 comments

This is is it everyone – the Final Push! Ready the grenades, fix bayonets and let ‘em have it! With all your help we have come this far – Festung...

Dev Diary – Mapping Normandy No.1

Dev Diary – Mapping Normandy No.1

Festung Europa 3 comments

This time we want to give you guys a look behind the scenes and kick off a new series of developer diaries with the story of one Jackboot dev, who turned...

Back from the Armoury

Back from the Armoury

Festung Europa 4 comments

Maintenance in the field is a regular occurance with any army at war – sights need to be adjusted, barrels exchanged, battle damages repaired. We constantly...

Maschinengewehr 42

Maschinengewehr 42

Festung Europa 3 comments

Hello everyone, it is time for another Festung Europa Media Release! This time we put the spotlight on two vital pieces of equipment for the German infantry...

Operation: Questions and Answers #1

Operation: Questions and Answers #1

Festung Europa 2 comments

Since our last update in March, when we revealed that Festung Europa was being developed on CryENGINE3, we received a lot of feedback from you guys via...