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This page is pretty much empty. No groups, no friends, no nothing. Yep, there's me, sitting there like a solo sniper. Currently enjoying Battlefield 2 Mods. Go check out Alpha Project, along with Project Reality and Forgotten Hope 2!

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 81)
randumgamur222 - - 81 comments @ [US] WELCOME SCAR-H

Nice work, fluid animations :)

Good karma+7 votes
randumgamur222 - - 81 comments @ Screenshot

Yay! Waiting for the next release :D

Good karma+3 votes
randumgamur222 - - 81 comments @ Feature list and information about first release!

Can't wait, it looks nice! Good luck modding :)

Good karma+2 votes
randumgamur222 - - 81 comments @ Alpha Project

Well, it's still version 0<----.3, not 1.0. So, yeah...

Good karma+2 votes
randumgamur222 - - 81 comments @ Alpha Project

Try turning down settings. Otherwise, its probably just your computer, because I can run it fine.

Good karma+1 vote
randumgamur222 - - 81 comments @ Alpha Project

Thanks, also, discovered that deleting the AI folder from AP also works. It basically reverts it all back to vanilla AI.

Good karma+1 vote
randumgamur222 - - 81 comments @ Alpha Project

Is it just me or are the bots dumber? Some of the enemy are literally just walking past me without noticing me.

Good karma+1 vote
randumgamur222 - - 81 comments @ Beretta animations

Yeah!!! Updates would be great, and nice animation :)

Good karma+1 vote
randumgamur222 - - 81 comments @ Class Update #3: Sniper

Nice models. Looking forward to new releases :)

Good karma+2 votes
randumgamur222 - - 81 comments @ Class Update #1: Rifleman

Yay, updates! :P

Good karma+2 votes
randumgamur222 - - 81 comments @ Battlefield 2: Final War 0.44 Alpha

Great mod. I'm enjoying all the new teams, weapons, and maps :) However, what happened to nametags? The two teams' soldiers' uniforms are similar colors on the maps I played on, so I keep accidentally shooting my team, which gets kind of annoying. Do you think you could enable nametags for your team members?

Good karma+1 vote
randumgamur222 - - 81 comments @ New HUD (still in Alpha stage)

Looks nice! Was this photo edited at all?

Good karma0 votes
randumgamur222 - - 81 comments @ Screenshot Update!

Nice screenie.

Good karma+2 votes
randumgamur222 - - 81 comments @ More 720p Screenies

Looks nice.

Good karma+2 votes
randumgamur222 - - 81 comments @ Random Screenies

Yay! More updates :)

Good karma+2 votes
randumgamur222 - - 81 comments @ Dev Blog #3 March 2015

I think I would prefer the old grenade physics for the clone troopers. The new one seems too...robotic, like a droid is chucking a grenade really hard, which does not seem logical with the amount of arm movement done by the clone. I have never seen an underhand throw with that kind of velocity. (1:27-ish into the video) Otherwise, great work!

Good karma+1 vote
randumgamur222 - - 81 comments @ Alpha Project BF2 Mod Launcher

I don't think it does. Because you're not supposed to pirate it, I don't think it's supported, which sucks for you, because this is an awesome mod :(

Good karma+1 vote
randumgamur222 - - 81 comments @ Random 0.44

Yay! New screenies! :)

Good karma+2 votes
randumgamur222 - - 81 comments @ Random 0.44

Haven't heard from this mod in a while. It's nice to get an update.

Good karma+3 votes
randumgamur222 - - 81 comments @ Alpha Project

Say, did you ever get my request for your old map Urban Raid to be put in? That map was fun :)

Good karma+1 vote
randumgamur222 - - 81 comments @ SoW3.0 early beta test is live

Good mod. I like the new guns and the new nade launchers, as well as the new maps. However, every time on SP after I play and win a round, I try to play a second round, and it crashes. Also, there's no win/lose music, though that's a very minor bug. Anyway, thanks for the release, and happy bug-hunting! :)

Good karma+1 vote
randumgamur222 - - 81 comments @ Dev Blog #2 February 2015

Looking forward to a release.

Good karma+1 vote
randumgamur222 - - 81 comments @ PHANTOM TYPE 730

When do you plan on releasing? (If not an exact date, soon or later?)

Good karma+2 votes
randumgamur222 - - 81 comments @ Alpha Project BF2 Mod Launcher

Just wondering, does this change my tweaks? Because I tweak the AP files (vehicles, weapons, etc.) when I play singleplayer or LAN.

Good karma+1 vote
randumgamur222 - - 81 comments @ Alpha Project

I'm pretty sure these'll all be done EVENTUALLY. I mean, it's not even version 1.0 yet, which, when it's released, would basically be Jones saying, "I'm satisfied that this mod is complete." So yeah, there's much more to add and fix.

Good karma+1 vote
randumgamur222 - - 81 comments @ Modern Soldier

Is this still going? Or is it dead?

Good karma+1 vote
randumgamur222 - - 81 comments @ Alpha Project 0.3 Patch Changelog Status

I have a request. Do you think sometime in the future you could add in your old map Urban Raid? I liked the skyscraper along how the map had a city, docks, outer settlements, and lots of other features.

Good karma+1 vote