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Nothing too fancy here. Just a Mount and Blade Warband player who enjoys playing Warband Mods, and sometimes dreams of making his own one day... Maybe one day.. Maybe..

RSS Reviews

Mount & Blade: Warband

Game review

Mount and Blade, when I first found it, I didn't expect much out of it. I tried the demo, I had fun, I bought the game and had more fun.. But then suddenly I found myself hooked on it like it was WoW or some other addicting title.. Totally unexpected that was.

To keep it simple, this is a game where you are placed in a somewhat large world and then told to go adventuring.. And that's it. No set storyline, no forced missions, not even an ending of any sort in sight... You just go do whatever the hell you want, be it either a cruel, money-hungry bandit who raids caravans for a living, or a tough-as-nails mercenary who sells his sword to the highest bidder and building a deep bond with your war-hardened battlebrothers. In some cases, you might even get to make your own kingdom too, but it won't be easy... It never is.

I think that is why I love this game so much. You can do whatever and whenever you want to. You have nearly total freedom to just run around making your own story, making a name for yourself, having your own fighting style and leading an army of your own making, all in the name of adventure..

Sure, it has flaws, yes. AI isn't perfect, game looks old, and after awhile it does get dull.. But then come the mods, and suddenly it's a brand new game all over again.

I can go on and on... But I think you get the idea.