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Comment History
robohunterx - - 25 comments @ Sins of the Empires

Ignore the above, the mod is active again and this guy can't figure out how remove a comment rofl

Good karma+3 votes
robohunterx - - 25 comments @ Sins of the Empires

Looks like the mod is dead, and the most up-to-date fork is loacated on the actual modders Github (I'm not sure if this ModDB was allowed from the author, I'm assuming it was)


Also in Version 1.90, you need to Disable the Outlaw Sectors DLC in order to get the mod to work. Other than that, it runs great on 1.90! :D

Hope this helps, and hopefully someone can take up the development of this so far awesome mod.

Good karma0 votes
robohunterx - - 25 comments @ Sins of the Empires

Hey, so I reached out on the eve subreddit and it turns out the dev for this mod is dead. Reddit.com

However, I got the mod working. I believe you just need to untick the "Outlaw sectors DLC" from your sins game, let it update, then run it again. I also used the latest version from the GITHUB (Btw, that is where the Moddb author is getting the versions from...hopefully they're friends?)


Hope this helps :)

Good karma+1 vote
robohunterx - - 25 comments @ Sins of the Prophets v0.85 Released!

Some good fun, I just wish the lag wasn't so....extreme.... and the odd moments where the ships don't warp, but instead just keep flying towards the next planet.

Good karma+2 votes
robohunterx - - 25 comments @ Sins of the Prophets

This mod has to have THE BEST damn combat music (Obviously for my taste) out of every mod I've used for sins. It's super dark, gritty, and really makes fights seem even more epic.

Good karma0 votes
robohunterx - - 25 comments @ ARMA 3

Shuuuuuuuuuut upppppp... holy ****.

Good karma+4 votes
robohunterx - - 25 comments @ Sins of New Eden

Can't wait for the release...I need something to blow ships up in when Eve is down...

Good karma+2 votes
robohunterx - - 25 comments @ Sins of New Eden

Not that he doesn't enjoy your work, he's simply saying that...well the mod's dead lol. It isn't, is it?

Good karma-1 votes
robohunterx - - 25 comments @ EVE: RTS

Alrighty, I had run into some complications with patching so I'll get that fixed up. By the way, just out of curiosity, are you part of any alliances in EVE? (Nulsec alliances?)

Good karma+1 vote
robohunterx - - 25 comments @ EVE: RTS

I get the same thing, but mine crashes as well. Strange, maybe because I'm not on ver. 1.01?

Good karma+1 vote
robohunterx - - 25 comments @ EVE: RTS

So the "Hyper space gates" could simply be re-skinned into the EVE Gates? Awesome! I'm still a bit worried about how the AI would go about using them, it'd be a major pain to sit down for a game, and notice the AI is only traveling via standard drives to attack you.

Good karma+1 vote
robohunterx - - 25 comments @ EVE: RTS

Absolutely amazing. This is pretty much the ONLY Eve RTS mod I've seen, other than one for Sins of a Solar Empire, yet the dev for that mod has since vanished :(. I appreciate your work, and I'm really excited that you can directly take the skins out of EVE, and plop them right into the game. I first saw about this mod about 2 months ago, but after recently reading about it in EON Magazine, I quickly ordered a "Legitimate" copy of Homeword 2. (I've been needing one anyways!)

Keep up the good work, I can't wait to make some awesome videos using this mod! ... just a little hobby of mine.

Good karma+1 vote
robohunterx - - 25 comments @ Miners now unbound with turret

Holy hell does this look good :D

Good karma+1 vote
robohunterx - - 25 comments @ Trailer 1

Not that this trailer isn't awesome, but I'm thinking about remakeing it with the same song, titles, theme etc...

Good karma+2 votes
robohunterx - - 25 comments @ Dawn of the Reapers

That would work out quite nicely...although I couldn't see the land battles being much fun...that is if you're not a reaper.

Good karma+4 votes
robohunterx - - 25 comments @ Maps Preview

It would be pretty darn cool to see them put in a map from Project Reality...that would make my day for sure.

Good karma+1 vote
robohunterx - - 25 comments @ 2 Weeks After

With my limited understanding, I believe you need to drop it in your BF2 "Mods" folder. I haven't seen the .rar structure, but you should get the "Top Folder" in the .rar, and extract it to Programfiles>EA Games>Battlefield 2>Mods...or something like that.

Good karma+2 votes
robohunterx - - 25 comments @ Sins of New Eden

Best idea I've seen in a while. I just picked up SINS from Steam yesterday...and what do I do first off? Look for an Eve Mod lol. Awesome looking mod!

Good karma+1 vote
robohunterx - - 25 comments @ Sins of New Eden

daTSchikinhed - I'm in the same boat. Ever since college started here in the Fall, I had to drop eve. That and my corp kinda fizzled. :(

Good karma+1 vote
robohunterx - - 25 comments @ robohunterx

Ok the 3 maps are back...enjoy :)

Good karma+2 votes
robohunterx - - 25 comments @ No Hope

Looks like a cool mod...hope it works with the steam wic and sa

Good karma+1 vote
robohunterx - - 25 comments @ World In Conlflict CARNAGE!!! Video

Here's the Higher Def Vision of this video
Enjoy and remember to hit the HQ button

Good karma+1 vote
robohunterx - - 25 comments @ robohunterx

Sorry i had to pull off the 3 AIX maps but due to clan problems i really don't want to help them out anymore...

Good karma+2 votes
robohunterx - - 25 comments @ 3 Maps For AIX 2.0

yha i didn't originally make the maps another clan did at i had to re upload them because of file front

Good karma+1 vote
robohunterx - - 25 comments @ 3 Maps For AIX 2.0

Simply put the three map files into
C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\mods\AIX2\Levels
and Enjoy

Good karma+1 vote