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Comment History
Sebubu - - 11 comments @ Age of the Ring

500 Discord Members tournament.
Link to sign up: Challonge.com
(If you don't want to sign up for an Challonge account, then PM me and I will sign you up.)

Prize: You can officially call yourself the best of the first 500 members and a special Discord role: AotR Champion.

- Have the newest Age of the Ring version.
- Use T3A. We do NOT use TUNNGLE, HAMACHI or GAMERANGER. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTR7GqcHce4 tutorial for T3A)
- Test your connection before the tournament. (Use this guide if you experience connection issues Forums.revora.net)

- 1x Command point
- Starting resources 1000
- Only 1 fortress in total, you can't rebuild your fortress.
- No boats.
- Don't use walls offensively.
- If you are not ready when it's your time to play you get disqualified. (You will have 15 minutes to be ready)
- If you can't connect to your opponent you get disqualified. (You have 15 minutes to try and fix it)

Extra notes:
We will play 1 game at a time and I will stream it.
Your opponents will be randomly chosen.
We will start at 6:00 PM/18:00 CEST (+01), 6. April
If you have a Challonge account you can vote for who you think is gonna win. ;)
Max 16 players.
Oh I forgot rest your balls

Please join the Age of the Ring Discord: Discordapp.com
You'll get more news here

Signed your favourite YouTuber: Sebubu Youtube.com

Good karma+4 votes
Sebubu - - 11 comments @ FoM 1.25 [New Version]

Possible to get open source? :)

Good karma+1 vote
Sebubu - - 11 comments @ FoM 1.21

How do I play a scenario? :D

Very cool mod by the way. ^^

Good karma+1 vote
Sebubu - - 11 comments @ Edain 4.3 Demo

By the way I can play BfME2 and RotWK easily without the mod. :(

Good karma+1 vote
Sebubu - - 11 comments @ Edain 4.3 Demo

Everytime I click play it ask for the correct cd-rom, when I insert it, it ask for the correct dvd-rom?

Good karma+1 vote
Sebubu - - 11 comments @ Hispania 1200

Is there any multiplayer? :)

Good karma+2 votes
Sebubu - - 11 comments @ RC Mod V2.00 - ALPHA

Can we get a Rohan only mod? :)

Good karma+1 vote
Sebubu - - 11 comments @ Wars of the Firstborn based on The Ridder Clan Mod

I have Daemon Tools and I only have BFME2 ;)

Good karma+1 vote
Sebubu - - 11 comments @ Wars of the Firstborn based on The Ridder Clan Mod

Ehm, not to be annoying or anything, but when the game is installed and ready to play AVG tells me there is a trojan horse. Maybe you wanna address this before it scares more people away :)

Good karma+1 vote
Sebubu - - 11 comments @ Wars of the Firstborn based on The Ridder Clan Mod

Okay. I feel like I can trust you. Nice work by the way :)
Thanks buddy :)

Good karma+1 vote
Sebubu - - 11 comments @ Wars of the Firstborn based on The Ridder Clan Mod

Is there a good reason why AVG says the .exe installer has 2 virusses? :)

Good karma+1 vote