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SixHundredCorpses - - 122 comments @ DMM:PE - Tweaked

I think it's definitely a faulty texture, probably from the texture pack the original DMM:PE uses.

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SixHundredCorpses - - 122 comments @ DMM:PE - Tweaked

This mod is very stable. I played for a whole three in-game days without a single corrupted save. For comparison, my two playthroughs of DMM: Anon Edition both ended in a corrupted save and I only played for an in-game day or two.

I only experienced one crash while playing, something related to the render .dll files. I think it had something to do with AtmosFear. It was not a big deal. I just relaunched the game and it worked fine.

I did notice one strange thing, the ground texture in the northern part of the power plant is glitched. A huge piece of the ground is pitch black. That was the only bug in this mod I encountered.

Good work on this, UberMedic!

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SixHundredCorpses - - 122 comments @ DMMPE - Tweaked

How did you fix the save corruption bug?

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SixHundredCorpses - - 122 comments @ True Stalker

The patch is included here.

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SixHundredCorpses - - 122 comments @ True Stalker

Is there an unpacker available that can unpack the game files?

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SixHundredCorpses - - 122 comments @ Chernobyl Freeplay

You killed the military trader, that is why he had a bunch of stuff.
In the Xiani config file you can make it so that traders have their inventory removed on death.

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SixHundredCorpses - - 122 comments @ Chernobyl Freeplay

Yep, still crashes.

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SixHundredCorpses - - 122 comments @ Chernobyl Freeplay

There's a lot of changes and improvements. Some of the most notable changes are that traders don't buy guns for as much anymore, sleep is no longer needed, tweaked smart terrains in the Garbage and I imported the minigun from OLR. OWR3 is now included as an optional addon as well, patched to work with my mod.

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SixHundredCorpses - - 122 comments @ Chernobyl Freeplay

The mod now includes OWR3 as an optional addon.

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SixHundredCorpses - - 122 comments @ Chernobyl Freeplay


[error]Expression : fatal error
[error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_error
[error]File : E:\stalker\sources\trunk\xr_3da\xrGame\script_engine.cpp
[error]Line : 73
[error]Description : <no expression>
[error]Arguments : LUA error: ...adow of chernobyl\gamedata\scripts\se_respawn.script:528: attempt to compare nil with number

stack trace:

Scheduler tried to update object alife_simulator

Most often it's something like this or LeDoggo's crash. Always happens after playing for two or three in-game days. I figured out that sleep seems to affect spawns in some way but skipping sleep didn't help.

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SixHundredCorpses - - 122 comments @ Chernobyl Freeplay

I think I have found the cause of these crashes. After I played for around two/three in-game days I accepted a new task from Wolf. After that my game crashed when I tried to save/load. I reloaded a save before I accepted the task and it worked. There seems to be a weird "breaking point" and if you accept new tasks after this breaking point things will get ****** up. If you save your game with an active task after the breaking point your save game will be bricked. If you try to change levels with an active task after this breaking point the game will crash. Having an active task after this mysterious breaking point is the trigger.

I have no idea why this happens or how to fix it. I think it's related to respawns somehow. I wasn't aware of this bug when I tested the mod, I never encountered it. I'm sorry this happened.

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SixHundredCorpses - - 122 comments @ Chernobyl Freeplay

You probably need to merge some files that are being overwritten.
EDIT: As of version 1.24 OWR3 patched to work with my mod is included as an optional file.

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SixHundredCorpses - - 122 comments @ Chernobyl Freeplay

Probably. I only changed the price of weapons and nothing more. So those changes would probably get overwritten but it's not important.

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SixHundredCorpses - - 122 comments @ Chernobyl Freeplay

Thanks, Uber! Your upload of Xiani's Freeplay here on ModDB is actually how I got introduced to the mod in the first place.
Yeah, I kinda messed up with the icons haha. It completely slipped my mind to use the green arrow icons.

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SixHundredCorpses - - 122 comments @ Chernobyl Freeplay

You are right, the mod isn't very stable but I never had those problems you're experiencing. I can take quests from Lukash and reload the game just fine. Same for transitioning between levels. In the Monolith Control level did you do anything special like destroy the Wish Granter? I'm thinking that could trigger a script or something that could mess with the mod. The AI graph in the power plant levels is sometimes buggy as well.

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SixHundredCorpses - - 122 comments @ Chernobyl Freeplay

Did you start a new game after replacing the file? A new game might be required. Quicksaves are also notoriously unreliable in SoC, maybe sticking to hard saves will help.

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SixHundredCorpses - - 122 comments @ Chernobyl Freeplay

Yes, I am interested. I tried to port it to OGSR Engine myself but I could not make it work. If you know how to do it you can send me a message. :)

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SixHundredCorpses - - 122 comments @ Chernobyl Freeplay

Crashing every 5-10 minutes is not normal. I never experienced that myself. The game sometimes crashes on me but that's due to bugs that were already present in vanilla SoC and those crashes are nowhere near that frequent.

Have you tried placing the vanilla xrgame.dll file back in the game directory? That could be the cause of your problem.

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SixHundredCorpses - - 122 comments @ Random Spawns for Anomaly 1.5.1

Sorry but you're on your own with that one, I don't play Anomaly anymore. You can try the faster respawn version and see if that helps.

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SixHundredCorpses - - 122 comments @ Random Spawns for Anomaly 1.5.1

They don't spawn around campfires but they gather around them.

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SixHundredCorpses - - 122 comments @ Darker Nights for Static Lighting

Just wanted to mention that this mod does actually work with full dynamic lighting. I tested it just now and it works fine.

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SixHundredCorpses - - 122 comments @ Oblivion Lost Remake - Vector of Alienation

Malwarebytes flags xrGame.dll as malware. Is this a false positive?

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SixHundredCorpses - - 122 comments @ Random Spawns for Anomaly 1.5.1

To do this you would have to look at the vanilla Anomaly files and copy/paste their mutant spawns into all of my mods files.

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SixHundredCorpses - - 122 comments @ Random Spawns for Anomaly 1.5.1

Glad you like the mod!
I'm not quite sure what the code is, you can use the debug menu to spawn zombies and find out it which one it is.

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SixHundredCorpses - - 122 comments @ Random Spawns for Anomaly 1.5.1

Some spawn sections in the smart_terrain files have been changed, it could be that. This also happens with Lukash sometimes. I have no idea why either, sorry.

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SixHundredCorpses - - 122 comments @ LBs Comp + PRM Merge

In case anyone was wondering, this pack works with the Hidden Anomalies mod.

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SixHundredCorpses - - 122 comments @ Random Spawns for Anomaly 1.5.1

These two mods edit the exact same squad_descr files, which obviously makes them incompatible.
You can try patching it by copying my changes over to the BSM files. That should work.

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SixHundredCorpses - - 122 comments @ Random Spawns for Anomaly 1.5.1

I think it will work if you load a save before taking the quest.

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SixHundredCorpses - - 122 comments @ Random Spawns for Anomaly 1.5.1

In configs/scripts/(level name)/smart you will find smart_terrain text files. These files contain spawn info. The Storylines mod has added new entries in the "[exclusive]" section. I believe the new entries are at the bottom of the list. If you copy/paste these new entries into the same smart_terrain files in my mod you could patch it.
I don't know what edits are made in the simulation.ltx file. That file is huge so you'll need to find out for yourself.

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SixHundredCorpses - - 122 comments @ Random Spawns for Anomaly 1.5.1

The Storylines mod edits the same files but it only seems to add some stuff in the [exclusive] section in the smart_terrain files. You can try copying the changes over to my mod.
It also seems to edit the simulation file. I don't believe that file is absolutely necessary for my mod to run.

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