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Comment History
sliklas - - 22 comments @ Republic at War

easy people.. he is only 10 days late so far.. we have experienced worse, grab a lollipop and just chill!! :P

Good karma+2 votes
sliklas - - 22 comments @ Republic at War

please update again I hate this silence :P

Good karma+7 votes
sliklas - - 22 comments @ Republic at War

Jesus I'm looking forward to read the manual… but even more to play the game

Good karma0 votes
sliklas - - 22 comments @ Republic at War

Where can i donate?

Good karma+2 votes
sliklas - - 22 comments @ Republic at War

we held a sw movie marathon instead... Everyone do that!! that will make the time pass..

Good karma+6 votes
sliklas - - 22 comments @ Republic at War

damn.. me and some of my friends had prepared so much for the release the 10th we had bought new pc's (some of them), Redbulls, a powerful internet switch, moved tables together and all that stuff... You all should have seen our faces when the TBD status came on :P haha kinda hilarious anyway..

Good karma+10 votes
sliklas - - 22 comments @ Republic at War

cant believe it... ive been waiting for so long, and now its right around the corner!! hopefully! :')

Good karma+1 vote
sliklas - - 22 comments @ European Warfare : Napoleonica

my units comes out as icons on the field??

Good karma+1 vote
sliklas - - 22 comments @ Raw Development Images

and even better, the B1 battledroids is going to have th E-5 Blaster!!

Good karma+1 vote
sliklas - - 22 comments @ RaW in game images

isnt it the 212th attack battalion? ?

Good karma+1 vote
sliklas - - 22 comments @ z3r0x

Q: Sounds good, when can I play?
A: We are working on a "Beta" that will be released at the end of August, full version to follow in the following months.


Good karma+1 vote
sliklas - - 22 comments @ Republic at War

I have some questions:
Is the batlledroids going to have E5-Blasters?
Is ther only Open circle Aramda venator included?

Good karma+1 vote
sliklas - - 22 comments @ Raw Development Images

its bad that they dont got the E5.blasters :(

Good karma+1 vote
sliklas - - 22 comments @ Republic at War

Happy new year!!!! from denmark

Good karma+1 vote
sliklas - - 22 comments @ December Update

Z3r0x keep up the good work

Good karma+1 vote
sliklas - - 22 comments @ Return of the Clones

you have to target your transported soldiers and move the them

Good karma+1 vote
sliklas - - 22 comments @ Republic at War

guffepuffe: i think you should read it too "We may not hit our target day exactly but that was to be expected. We apologize in advance, if we cannot ship the mod on December 25th"

Good karma+1 vote
sliklas - - 22 comments @ Republic at War

Plzz release soon!

Good karma+1 vote
sliklas - - 22 comments @ Crab Droid

oh my bad it comes with the beta i think

Good karma+1 vote
sliklas - - 22 comments @ Republic at War

Whyyy?!!! i love the crab droid!

Good karma+1 vote
sliklas - - 22 comments @ Crab Droid

but it dont comes with the mod :(

Good karma+1 vote