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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 34)
Strenchex - - 34 comments @ mp_dr_sunset3

Hey there Raky, nice to see you comment under one of my maps!

Good karma+2 votes
Strenchex - - 34 comments @ mp_dr_king_sixz *COOL UPDA7E*!

5/7 runs very good, sadly the amount of lights poles is a bit too on the low side. Try to work on that for your next map. But I know you can manage that so you can finaly be as good as Sixzor, maybe even better!

Good karma+1 vote
Strenchex - - 34 comments @ mp_dr_nitro

The be honest this map looks like a generic cj/dr combo, floating parts with unlit colors on the sides and a glass/tile texture on top of it.
-The gameplay of the map is pretty decent
-I like the overly present specular glace on the map for some reason, it does fits the cj theme
-Please consider making a map in a specific theme because it gives people a reason to play and keep playing your map.
-Traps are generic, couldnt find a unique trap in this maps sadly
-Same for the endrooms, bounce room is almost the same as slayv2 but only a bit smaller (ps if you fail as a jumper you fall trough the skybox..)

Dispite the negative points pointed out on this map, I hope you keep these points in mind when making a next map. If you ever need some advice or scripting help when mapping, please add me on steam: Pablo Discobar. Anyhow good luck with a possible next map!


Good karma+4 votes
Strenchex - - 34 comments @ mp_dr_away [Update 2]

Nice first map your having here bud!
-Nice atmosphere and theme (especially for a first map)
-Creative and fun gameplay
-Pretty detailed
-Thought out endrooms.
-Map .ff file size is pretty huge
-Some parts are a bit bugged to jump on (especially the pole jumps)
-Map is too hard for beginners (and noobs like me) when the server uses default speed settings
-Some Traps are a bit generic

Anyhow dispite the cons, this map is pretty decent for a first map and I hope to see more maps from you! If you need help with map design or scripting then add me on steam: Pablo Discobar

Good karma+3 votes
Strenchex - - 34 comments @ mp deathrun tropic

Pretty nice map, my only complaints are the skybox and that the activator space is a bit hard to navigate when playing the map for the first time. But beside that the map is pretty decent: well done atmosphere, some good traps and the fact someone actually puts some detail into the endrooms is nice to see (instead of the 2048 x 2048 units cubicles most mappers call endrooms). Hope to see more maps from you!


Good karma+2 votes
Strenchex - - 34 comments @ mp_dr_420

Good theme, poorly executed. Its just the same generic gameplay as 9 of 10 deathrun maps made without any creative aspects to make things intresting.

Good karma+3 votes
Strenchex - - 34 comments @ mp_deathrun_jam

I aint gonna finish that map because the .map file for that map got corrupted somehow and it wont update any geo after compiling.

Good karma+1 vote
Strenchex - - 34 comments @ mp deathrun forest

Nice map you made as first map!

-Decent amount of details (especially for a first map!)
-Decent traps!
-Overal nice ambience in the map
-Endrooms are a bit generic
-Just a pitch black sky looks a bit weird imo

I hope to see some more maps from you!

Good karma+3 votes
Strenchex - - 34 comments @ mp_deathrun_jam

^ this, but it still nice to see someone release a map since quiet a while. If you want some help with scripting or just mapping add me on steam: Pablo Discobar.


Good karma+2 votes
Strenchex - - 34 comments @ mp_dr_prison_escape

This is a pretty descent map Gabb.

-The slide sequenses are pretty creative made.
-Some parts look really nice with the colored lighting (the slide and rooms).
-Enjoyable gameplay.

-Some maps look a bit dull because of the standard lighting and weird texture choice
-Traps are pretty generic, only moving rotating stuff which many other maps have.
-Big map file size

Although the map looks good in general, the traps ruin the total experience so I suggest making some unique traps (not all of them have to be unique, but make sure your map stands out with a awesome trap no other maps has). I hope to see more maps from you!


Good karma+2 votes
Strenchex - - 34 comments @ mp_deathrun_haunted

Great looking map synd!

-The theme is well worked out!
-You got a couple of unique traps in this map.
-Pretty neath details in the environment.
-The fog fx gives a bit low fps.

But as I already said this is a pretty good detailed map and I hope to see more maps from you which are as detailed as this map.


Good karma+1 vote
Strenchex - - 34 comments @ mp_dr_trapz

Is this a legit map?

Good karma+2 votes
Strenchex - - 34 comments @ mp_dr_mirrors_edge

This map is just awesome! I love the custom technics you used in this map. It gives the map a more vivid feel.
-The map theme is very good worked out. Feel very natural and close to the original game!
-Good use of custom technics.
-Unique traps!

Although this is probably your last map for cod4 deathrun, I hope to see more awesome maps for you, I know you can do that!


Good karma+2 votes
Strenchex - - 34 comments @ mp_dr_boy

He probably didnt remove the soundaliases used for generic gamemodes + probably huge sized mp3s?

Good karma+1 vote
Strenchex - - 34 comments @ mp_dr_poseidon_2

Much details doesnt necesarily mean that some players will have a low fps. The keyword for this is portalling (using cells to unload geometry which players cant see directly). if you're a pro at this then you can even run your detailed map on players with a wooden pc.

Good karma+3 votes
Strenchex - - 34 comments @ mp_dr_vistic_castle

Nice map thelixfe!

-The gameplay is just awesome, especially the slides and such.
-Good design on some of the rooms.
-Has an good overal feel. Theme is well fleshed out!
-These points are a bit more of my personal preferences but: the lighting and textures on some places are a bit odd, the islands look a bit too cubic imo :/ and maybe you should have an normal map for your castle wall texture that would look a bit better.

The overal map is very awesome and will probably be one of the few maps which doesnt bore me after 5 rounds :p. Keep on mapping and make some more awesome maps!


Good karma+1 vote
Strenchex - - 34 comments @ mp_dr_overgrownv2[Update]

The problem is not that the texture is not a decal, its probably just a engine bug or something because the decal is too big :/

Good karma+1 vote
Strenchex - - 34 comments @ mp_dr_overgrownv2[Update]

Thanks for reviewing the map, Im glad to hear you like it. Have fixed some issues you stated so thanks for that!


Good karma+1 vote
Strenchex - - 34 comments @ mp_dr_overgrownv2[Update]

The flickering texture cant be fixed for some reason (yes I can remove the decal but then it looks even uglier :/)

Good karma+1 vote
Strenchex - - 34 comments @ mp_dr_overgrownv2[Update]

Thanks for your review Sux Lolz!
-You were not the only one who didnt liked the vision, and because of that I will look into changing/removing the vision.
-I didnt notice the flickering texture and I will try to fix it tomorrow.

As I already said thanks for this review because it was helpfull and I will see if I can fix the textures.


Good karma+2 votes
Strenchex - - 34 comments @ mp dr nxs jump

If you're the mapper of this map please consider this the next time you attempt making one.

-When all traps are activated, the map becomes unfinishable, why that you ask? Because of the well designed lasers which gives the jumpers no time to pass it.
-Second, the first trap is designed so well that it just pushes me of the middle platform from underneith...
-Unless you're really lucky, the last trap is just a passage to instant death as it just an invisible bounce...
-Dont force a fixed fovscale on players, just because you like to play on 1.3 fovscale doesnt mean everyone does..
-Please use xmodels as the map now looks very boring
-The endrooms are just generic, but bug-free. So thats something I guess.

The point I want to make is, dont rush a map just to release a couple of maps in a row. Take your time when mapping so you can make a map which satisfies you when you look back at it.


Good karma+2 votes
Strenchex - - 34 comments @ mp_dr_merry_xmas

A really good map TheLixfe! Its nice to see a mapper putting real effort into a map! I'm hoping to see more quality maps like this from you!

A merry christmas btw!


Good karma+1 vote
Strenchex - - 34 comments @ mp_deathrun_creepy[Public]

I also do mapping for fun, and I dont have as much time either. But that doesnt mean you cant make a good, and detailed map with some nice traps. It just takes a little longer, but you probably will be more satisfied with the result.


Good karma+2 votes
Strenchex - - 34 comments @ mp_dr_ravine

This map is awesome man, especially for a second map!
-Design of the map feels unique, the fog makes the map really come alive.
-You got a couple of unique traps which is always a good thing.

A couple of things you should know for your next map:
-Use the surface tool to stretch a water texture into something bigger, this gets rid of the small riddle effect.
-On some parts of your map its a bit unclear where to you're susposed to go.

Like I said, this map is really awesome and I will hope to see more maps from you!


Good karma+2 votes
Strenchex - - 34 comments @ mp_deathrun_creepy[Public]

The next time you make a map, take these things in consideration:

-If you're using terrain patching: use Lmap/natural to make the textures look decent, also don't rush making the patches as it makes it look awful(like in your map).
-Second, try to make unique and not the stuff what has been done in like 10000 maps(spikes, rotators, moving blocks). Try to make traps that requires the jumpers to think about passing it.
-Use reflection probes.. (self explaining why you need them)
-If you're using custom textures, just make sure they're seamless(except its a picture or a logo). Its just awful to see large seams on the wall.
-Before you release a map, just place check for gaps(especially when you're using a lot of terrain patches). Not only does it look terrible, but it also makes you look like a lazy mapper who dont cares about its own map and just want to release it just for saying you're mapper.

I would like to say that you're improving your maps, but the truth is: YOU'RE NOT. Just a simple advice, take your time, get your **** together and actually start to make a proper map! Because this is like your 6th map and its almost the same quality as your first map which is a bad thing m9.


Good karma+3 votes
Strenchex - - 34 comments @ mp_dr_sm64

This is a great map Lolz! I played the map for like 20 minutes and found the following things:
-The theme is worked out properly.
-You added new things which blends perfectly with the rest of the map.
-You tried to keep as much of the original level which is also a good thing.
-You added some details which brought the map even more alive
-The different theme for each endroom is awesome!
-The lightning in the map is just too bright, consider lower the sunlight variable down in the worldspawn.
-Jumpers can outrun the acti which is a serious thing.
-When you jump into the water at the castle part, it plays a splash effect way too much. Even so much that it laggs the server and if a player is too long in the water the server will crash.
-Players can get stuck at the edges of the broken bridge.

Hopefully this review was helpfull and I like too see more maps from you!


Good karma+3 votes
Strenchex - - 34 comments @ mp dr clifside [Update]

Thanks man! :D

Good karma+1 vote
Strenchex - - 34 comments @ mp dr clifside [Update]

You're totally right, I know I should have tested with you guys. Anyhow I'm gonna fix the bugs stated by you. Then, if possible, do a full test with all of you guys so I can fix the remaining bugs and this map can have a decent final release. Thanks for reporting this.


Good karma+1 vote
Strenchex - - 34 comments @ mp dr clifside [Update]

Ehmm.. why shouldnt I?

Good karma+1 vote
Strenchex - - 34 comments @ mp_dr_nighty[FIX1]

Nice map you got there Lolz, especially the fx's around the map. One small tip: place a fx or such at the teleport of each stage as now I was sometimes confused if I could just jump at the platform or not. Hoping the see more maps from you in the future.


Good karma+1 vote