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SuperQGS - - 3 comments @ Spital

No problem, thanks for the free map! And I see, that's unfortunate because the slipgate room looked pretty cool, I wonder if theres a way to keep the texture but not the behavior. For some reason I wasn't thinking build engine wads would be compatible, so its cool that they are. It really feels like you could drop these maps in the middle of a Blood episode and no one would notice. Having maps be optionally breakable is fun, however I feel like if it's too easy or noticeable it can distract from the level's gameplay. That's just my two cents though. Music would definitely be a cool feature to have, especially if you could pick between the default tracks and custom sound files. Looking forward to more maps coming in the future!

Good karma+2 votes
SuperQGS - - 3 comments @ Littlepipes

fun little map, great architecture and use of brushes. I liked the secret lol, but was sad it ended before I got to use the sweet sweet SSG.

Good karma+1 vote
SuperQGS - - 3 comments @ Spital

Just played through the first two existing maps,they were good! And you can really see the improvement between the first and second. I kept thinking it was giving me major Blood vibes until I realized it was actually using Blood and Quake textures, which was a nice touch! (how do you do that by the way? It's awesome). These maps could fit right into a Blood setting.

[Minor Spoilers ahead]

The story seems interesting yet still very mysterious, similar to Dusk's own story. I'm looking forward to seeing it evolve over the course of the rest of the maps, and figure out what's going on here.

I <3 <3 <3 the basketball court, when I saw that it made me think this is why we need Dusk modding, it just looked so right lol. Using the jump pads to slam dunk was snazzy.

Also in E1MWhat, the room with the red key (the one that teleports you with the slipgates) seems completely broken to me. I might be missing something, but whenever I try to cross over the Quake slipgate textures I glitch around and fall through the map. I ended up having to use nbufo to fly to the key, and also could fall through the water streams next to it. Other than that, there dont seem to be any game breaking issues that i've encountered. There are a few places you can escape the map if you're purposely trying to, and it's possible to jump over the blue door, but those can be left in or not and its up to opinion.

The lack of music makes both maps a pretty spooky and nerve wracking experience, and while I'm not sure if this was intended or if you cant add music to custom maps yet (I haven't tried), it adds to the experience in my subjective opinion.

E1MWhat is probably my favorite out of the two, and the non linear level design really shines through, it really takes you winding around the map. Having the hospital that was the previous level loom over it was a cool design choice. My only other criticism is that the first wendigo you encounter with only a single shotgun, making it take just a bit too long to kill without additional firepower. However, I'm not sure how to fix this as having both shotguns that early may be overpowered and the wendigo is a cool way of making the town spooky right off the bat. Perhaps you could move the shotgun to after the wendigo, forcing the player to start with the firepower of a hunting rifle before getting their hands on a groovy shotgun. But alas, that's my subjective opinion and I don't really know what I'm talking about, so take that with a grain of salt.

Awesome maps, keep up the good work!

Good karma+3 votes