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Comment History
thebeginer - - 4 comments @ National Focus Tree

Made in paint......

Good karma+1 vote
thebeginer - - 4 comments @ Hungarain Communist Mod

I appriceate!

Good karma+1 vote
thebeginer - - 4 comments @ v_0.1

Thank you realy! :) I apriceate! Im working on the focus tree already. A couple of weeks and its going to be complete!

Good karma+1 vote
thebeginer - - 4 comments @ Hungarain Communist Mod

Yes i know but i wanted one too so... i created one... i dont want to copy it i want to create a "new" one not a national or tech trees like that... i like that mod thats my fav.. (i wanted to create a mod so i created a mod of my country)
[sry for my english]

Good karma+2 votes