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DevBlog The Shattering 6

TheShattering Blog



For the hallway we went an extra step to achieve the final product we were looking for. The first draft was pretty plain, it was more like a hallway of a hospital, sterile and clean and not like a school hallway which are mostly dirty and chaotic. So the last draft is way darker, nicely shaded and textured and it gives you this mysterious, abdone feeling.


DevBlog The Shattering 5

TheShattering Blog

Hello again,

we are back with another location, another side to side comparison on what a progress we made and we are pretty proud of that. For the classroom we decided it had to be darker, because it underlines how the character feels being in the classroom.


To make the change more visible:


DevBlog The Shattering 4

TheShattering Blog

Hi, a lot of things happen when you make a game and we are excited to show you the progress we made, what changes happened during the making of the game to the visual

Inspiration is the key

Inspiration pictures

For creating a room we needed inspiration. So our journey started with looking for reference pictures from different origins for our first location we want to present, the hotel lobby. We got these pictures from movies like the Grand Budapest Hotel and existing, mostly abandoned places so the end result could be as realistic as possible.

Sources: Proj3ctm4yh3m.com

Movie: Grand Budapest Hotel, 2014

Hotel Lobby


From these inspirational pictures we built a white lobby with nearly no textures… shading was also not included in that status of constructing. Over time we added more and more details, structures, highlights and shades to get the realistic look we are going for in the game in general.

This part took probably the longest overall in the game. 3 people worked on it for a long… long… long time, we can’t even tell how long it really took to finish up this complex setting.

DevBlog The Shattering 3

TheShattering Blog

A Nightmare in White

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Our game is build with a certain style in mind. You are afraid of the dark? No worries, we went a different way. The Shattering is mainly focused on the color white. The idea was to build a game which can freak you out without scare jumps and without the typical dark color schemes.

The Teddy

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In other psychological games, puppets and dolls are normally part of the dark side, the bad guys. In our game this is not the case. The teddy is rather your friend and helper than your enemy.

A Maze

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We try to play with the players mind a lot, create confusing moments where solutions will lead to even more confusing moments.

DevBlog The Shattering 2

TheShattering Blog

DevBlog Entry 2

Shattered world


To bring you our game a little closer we want to share some of the key features of the game. First we have the “shattering". In certain points of the game your surroundings will shatter for different reasons. Some will show you a new way, others are to give you hints on how to solve a problem.

Changing Environment

Changing Environment

The Shattering is not a traditional adventure game, but it contains certain elements of the genre, such as small puzzles. In some cases you have to look around and maybe something will itself.

Changing Objects


Objects you find can change depending on “how close” you look at them (Since it is a game, this obviously means zooming in and out). We use this to present the lore of the game and sometimes progress is based on certain items and its details.

DevBlog The Shattering

TheShattering Blog


How much pain is a human mind able to endure before it shatters? The Shattering is a psychological thriller that takes place in the most dangerous place imaginable, the human mind itself. The first person perspective puts you right in the position of the protagonist, a broken man, racked with guilt, trapped inside his own created hell. You will feel his fear, anger and sorrow and it is up to you if you decide to escape or stay in it forever.

Our Goals

Create feelings. Make the player actually feel, not only what the protagonist feels, but to create their own sense of what's going on and how they would react. Using the player's decisions during gameplay, the game will take advantage of alterations of their memories to create a mood of fear and uncertainty. The player will also experience the world objects morphing or changing location, creating a feeling of uncertainty and confusion. We want to make the player feel sad, or happy, make them question their decisions, and life paths.

The Past

Working on The Shattering started actually years ago. We as a team have known each other for several years now and the general idea, the rough concept, existed for ages. The first iterations of the project were made in 2014 actually. It’s even possible to find some super early concept videos on Youtube somewhere. The idea evolved. Things changed. We can’t even count anymore how many times we started from scratch. But all this was definitely worth it. The process was needed to create The Shattering as it is today.

The Style

The Shattering is a nightmare in white, taking place in the austere rooms of the main character's own dream. The game relies on convincing us that a world filled with emptiness (white spaces) scares us more than a world shrouded in darkness, because why do horror games always have to be dark?
The whole environment is minimalistic, sterile and cold. All the world is drained of colour to portray the dreamy, hallucinatory state that the hero finds himself in. White and empty environments create a feeling being trapped in a world that only seemed familiar. The feeling of uncomfortableness grows stronger when the environment we are used to starts to shatter in front of our eyes, leaving us in a complete emptiness with no way out.

Who we are

We’re SuperSexySoftware, a little team of 5 people from Poland with members all over Europe. The Shattering is our first game we are going to publish later this year. As said before we’ve been developing this game for quite a while so we have a lot to share, what steps we took/we still take every day in the development.

The Log

We'll try to update the devblog on a regular base. We actually wanted to start it much earlier - but time. Time is always an issue. We'll give our best to make this devlog an interesting place with some posts about the development, its progress and some posts about stuff which already happened. And some posts with our random ideas and thoughts about the game.

Twitter: Twitter.com
Facebook: Facebook.com
Website: www.shattering-game.com
Instagram: Instagram.com

For a start and a first impression, we want to present you the teaser video for our game: