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There needs to be an alien main character in the movie cast. Chewbacca doesn't count because he doesn't speak basic. They are bring The Clone Wars back for one last season to wrap up the hanging plots that were left when it was cancelled.

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 256)
theslitherydee - - 256 comments @ Tattooed Female Nosferatu

Well she really went all out with the tats, got to respect the commitment.

If you're fielding suggestions I always thoughts the top of the second armor would look well with jeans from the first. That way there is continuity between the outfits.

Good karma+1 vote
theslitherydee - - 256 comments @ 2020 Release Trailer and Features

I'm already seeing so many Half Life 3 posts. So that's a thing again. Maybe this is the year they also bring back Rick rolling

Good karma+3 votes
theslitherydee - - 256 comments @ 2020 Release Trailer and Features

I made excited noises when I saw the file in my updates. Will we be seeing Oiler in this, or has he been replaced?

Thanks for the trailer. Your production values are through the roof as usual.

Good karma+3 votes
theslitherydee - - 256 comments @ Remastered Endor will be released next week!

You could put a billboard in the woods with the names and a special message. Somewhere behind a landmark so that it's easy to find but not too intrusive. Whatever you do I'm sure it will look fine.

Good karma+2 votes
theslitherydee - - 256 comments @ Zuckuss for modders

He has always been my favorite out of the original bounty hunters. Something about if juust seemed so pleasing. I wish we got to see him in action.

Good karma+1 vote
theslitherydee - - 256 comments @ Updated 187th Airborne!

You have my vote. Good luck.

Good karma+1 vote
theslitherydee - - 256 comments @ Galactic Civil War era

The models are outstanding. I really like how you have added so many aliens to the rebel roster.

Good karma+2 votes
theslitherydee - - 256 comments @ Clone Wars: Republic Heroes

Thanks for replying in the thread and keeping the vocally curious informed.

Good karma+3 votes
theslitherydee - - 256 comments @ Mod released!

In conquest and hunt mode at the beginning some of the enemies ignore me even when I'm right in front of them. I can't consistently replicate it.

Good karma+1 vote
theslitherydee - - 256 comments @ Mod released!

I have been having fun with it. Is there a way to incresse the AI aggression, I can run right up to some enemies without being hit?

Good karma+3 votes
theslitherydee - - 256 comments @ New Hero-classes for the CIS and GAR

One of my all time favorite villains for my favorite Star Wars plotline. Thanks.

Good karma+1 vote
theslitherydee - - 256 comments @ New Hero-classes for the CIS and GAR

Can't wait to see how this is annimated with that serpentine tail.

Good karma+1 vote
theslitherydee - - 256 comments @ Geonosis: Chain Isle added to the mod (a SWBF1 Classic)

Are you using the noghri units from pax empiricae?

Good karma+2 votes
theslitherydee - - 256 comments @ Medic down...

Alas poor Yorrick

Good karma+2 votes
theslitherydee - - 256 comments @ Fall News

Everything looks great thank you for all the passion you put into this project.

Good karma+2 votes
theslitherydee - - 256 comments @ Mod released!

I can't wait to get home to download this. Thank you for sticking with this mod so long.

Good karma+3 votes
theslitherydee - - 256 comments @ Battlefront 2 Remaster Updates

You said words but that's only one. Give more words.

Good karma+2 votes
theslitherydee - - 256 comments @ Dagobah will include Realistic Fog effects, Easter Eggs and Improved Foliages

A worthy arena for the ancient art of laser tag.

Good karma+7 votes
theslitherydee - - 256 comments @ HD Graphics Mod [Lite] (for lower end PCs)

Finally a mod for the potato people, very kind of you. Much appreciated.

Good karma+3 votes
theslitherydee - - 256 comments @ vampire Nosferatu Mother F*cker by Marius217

What have you done he isn't terribly ugly?

Good karma+3 votes
theslitherydee - - 256 comments @ Battlefront Ultimate Commander Open Beta 2.0.1

My personal opinion is that being shot could be very disorienting. So everything fits.

Good karma+1 vote
theslitherydee - - 256 comments @ Threat in Utapau's sky!

I hope the ships guns can't fire, otherwise it will be a pretty short battle.

Good karma+2 votes
theslitherydee - - 256 comments @ 4 days left....ouch

It's possible to retire but with accelerated aging, and being used as disposable units there are only a few mentions in the extended universe of clones even getting close.

Good karma+1 vote
theslitherydee - - 256 comments @ female Nosferatu by Skeletoff

It's nice to see the Nosferatu getting some love. I was disappointed that they weren't going to be a clan at launch for VTMB 2.

Good karma+3 votes
theslitherydee - - 256 comments @ The Future of this Mod

Reality claims another one.

Good karma+5 votes
theslitherydee - - 256 comments @ Officially announcing the release date + Progress!

I hope things turn around for you. The mod looks beautiful, I'm always amazed by the amount of dedication that goes into this.

Good karma+4 votes
theslitherydee - - 256 comments @ Clone trooper 3d model

These look like they've been pulled straight from the TV show, great work.

Good karma+6 votes
theslitherydee - - 256 comments @ BUC's Bespin Cloud City (HD/Rezzed)

It looks like it has more medieval vibe to it.

Good karma+3 votes