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Comment History
tibsunretro - - 12 comments @ Silo doors opening....

Doesn't the APP have three funnels not 2, unless my TS eyes deceive me :P

Good karma+1 vote
tibsunretro - - 12 comments @ Death from above

Great work, but isn't that stealth tank design from the First Tiberium War, because I remember in TS they had a different design where it didn't have the top bit as a kind of chasis

Good karma+1 vote
tibsunretro - - 12 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

You could put a map where Nod and GDI have to kill the Core Defender.
It could be a weekly thing or something and you could put records of fastest time XD

Good karma+3 votes
tibsunretro - - 12 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

You cant rush a master piece, so il just wait :)

Good karma+1 vote
tibsunretro - - 12 comments @ Obelisk of Light

im suprised no-one said "IMA FIRIN MAH LAHZAH!"

Good karma+1 vote
tibsunretro - - 12 comments @ Day-Cycle System

reminds me of Arnold Schwartzenegger, but if it was, youd always hear "GET TO DA CHOPPA"

Good karma+1 vote
tibsunretro - - 12 comments @ Winter Update Images

every helicopter should have a sign on it saying "GET TO DA CHOPPA!"

Good karma+2 votes
tibsunretro - - 12 comments @ GDI AAPC in-game

I believe its called an AAPC not APC

Good karma+1 vote
tibsunretro - - 12 comments @ Imma firin' mah lazor!

when u fire artillery, instead of the cannon pointing at the target, couldnt u have a target on the ground (aim thingy), and as u move it towards you, the turret goes up and vice versa?

Good karma+1 vote
tibsunretro - - 12 comments @ United Coalition - Helipad

instead of having to build loads of these for like the aircrafts to repair and land, could u build like a seperate building, just a helipad, or a upgrade so the exsisting airbase can hold more aircrafts?

Good karma+1 vote
tibsunretro - - 12 comments @ FutureTech: Chrono Transport

so there is no tank spam, would it be a good idea so the player has to reveal the fog of war to teleport that unit?

Good karma+1 vote
tibsunretro - - 12 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

this looks awsome, but it would be cool if u could also have it with the Retro Mod and imagine if you could also drive the harvester and harvest

Good karma+2 votes