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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 208)
usnsmith - - 208 comments @ Announcement

We the community are thankful for you as well.

Good karma+1 vote
usnsmith - - 208 comments @ Moar

It really does add immersion.

Good karma+1 vote
usnsmith - - 208 comments @ Debris

Oh I see what you did there ;)

Good karma+3 votes
usnsmith - - 208 comments @ Space Alpha 1.0

Good stuff!

Good karma+1 vote
usnsmith - - 208 comments @ ORS redesign 2 - Electric Boogaloo

Good stuff!

Good karma+1 vote
usnsmith - - 208 comments @ Public Beta Patch 1

After playing the Public Beta I can see all of the hard work you put into it. Nowadays with the other mods that pay homage to other eras, yours pays special attention to the "current" era in the game and hits the areas Petroglyph didn't. It also has it's own style to the design and I like it! Aside from the usual bugs which I know are going to get ironed out. I am sincerely thankful for your hard work!

Good karma+21 votes
usnsmith - - 208 comments @ The idiot proof way of installing this mod.

You lost me at "download."

Good karma+3 votes
usnsmith - - 208 comments @ Republic at War

Go look up the list of units.

Good karma+1 vote
usnsmith - - 208 comments @ Republic at War

Can you animate the AT-TE cannons so they point at what they shoot?

Good karma+1 vote
usnsmith - - 208 comments @ Republic at War

There is a patch already. It mitigates the issue, and doesn't completely get rid of it, but, less lag is always better than nothing.


Good karma+1 vote
usnsmith - - 208 comments @ Republic at War

Is there any chance of the next release being 1.3(bypassing 1.2)?

Good karma+1 vote
usnsmith - - 208 comments @ Republic at War

Is there any chance the AT-TE model will be improved?

Good karma0 votes
usnsmith - - 208 comments @ RaW 1.2 "Rush to Victory"

Is it possible to change the voices for the clones from the cartoon series to temuera morrison? I understand there may not be enough lines.

Good karma+1 vote
usnsmith - - 208 comments @ Republic at War

I'm not sure if this has been addressed yet, but, is there some way you can keep the galactic conquest from resetting the "first unit hyperspace" slot?

Good karma+1 vote
usnsmith - - 208 comments @ Progress

Is it me or is the Victory a tad bit weak?

Good karma+5 votes
usnsmith - - 208 comments @ Chiss Siege Walker

Looks awesome!

Good karma+2 votes
usnsmith - - 208 comments @ Every Journey comes to an end

Not gonna lie I got pretty mad

Good karma+1 vote
usnsmith - - 208 comments @ Concept

You should at least upload the latest work with all of the new units and then continue the mod's work before it/if it dies.

Good karma+2 votes
usnsmith - - 208 comments @ [WIP] Infinity Combat

I'm strangely turned on...

Good karma+5 votes
usnsmith - - 208 comments @ Due to Popular Demand

Using a CSO sounds kinda like dividing by zero

Good karma+1 vote
usnsmith - - 208 comments @ Due to Popular Demand

Check the description

Good karma+4 votes
usnsmith - - 208 comments @ Some Shots of the New UI

Well said!

Good karma+2 votes
usnsmith - - 208 comments @ Mandator II WIP

This looks awesome. Really high quality like the RaW model.

Good karma+1 vote
usnsmith - - 208 comments @ Sins of the Prophets Update 11.17.14

Sorry if this question seems kinda stupid but does this mean no more updates for 2014 or for one year?

Good karma+1 vote
usnsmith - - 208 comments @ Trailer: Imperial Remnant

I really liked the narrating and animations! Though, all of the ships had the same movement speed and I know for a fact not all Star Wars ships can do that. It just broke a little of the immersion. Overall I really liked the trailer though.

Good karma+2 votes
usnsmith - - 208 comments @ 5th Fleet: Complete, and Falcon Approved ;)

What is a great undertaking and eventually a great accomplishment (if you see it through) requires a lot of work.

Good karma+4 votes
usnsmith - - 208 comments @ Dev Diary #11: Admiralty and Migration

These are some pretty cool ideas!

Good karma+3 votes
usnsmith - - 208 comments @ Sins of the Prophets Rebellion Alpha v.0.56.1

I was winking because I wasn't serious.

Good karma+6 votes
usnsmith - - 208 comments @ Sins of the Prophets Rebellion Alpha v.0.56.1

I don't see a CSO under the Covenant changelog... ;)

Good karma+5 votes