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I love Stargate and Star Wars. I have had many obsessions with games including: Crysis, Sins of a Solar Empire, Overlord, Supreme Commander, Left 4 Dead (and 2), Age of Empires and Half Life 2. I always love the evil side in movies and games. I choose Goa'uld, Wraith, Galactic Empire, Vasari (SoaSE) and the Combine (united Union)

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 110)
Venators - - 110 comments @ Republic at War

Nope, it's all strategy my boy. It cost an arm and a leg for the CIS to build their main ships (especially the Lukrehulk), plus their planets seem to start off with less income. Once the Republic can build Venators, their fleet is boosted with very heavy firepower, plus fighters. You just need to put a few Venators together to have the best benefit.
(Btw, like your profile pic)

Good karma-1 votes
Venators - - 110 comments @ Evil in Sci-Fi

So while I do appreciate your ever-so-persuasive rambling, I have to say I still prefer, for example, the Empire, over the New Republic. The Empire offers peace, stability and order in a galaxy torn apart by conflict. Is it wrong to sacrifice some freedoms so that the people may flourish? When the Rebellion decided to fight the empire, they started a civil war that lasted for years, drawing millions of innocent civilians into the fray.
When the Republic was finally dissolved, it had been suffering centuries of internal stagnation, because the democratic system was flawed. Of course, the Empire should be more democratised so the people can have a voice.
I would join the baddies out of a desire to help better the order from within, to aid the people, instead of fighting a fool-hardy quest to plunge the galaxy into a chaotic mess.

Good karma+1 vote
Venators - - 110 comments @ Venators

So I'm a little late, but yes, my avatar is from Supreme Commander. You play?

Good karma+1 vote
Venators - - 110 comments @ Republic at War

Hey, mod people! I just wanted to say that this is an awesome mod, it's very well put together and very enjoyable, however for some reason the enemy is totally passive. I've played as Republic only so far, and in Galactic Conquest they refuse to attack my planets, or even move their units at all during space or land battles. I don't know if there is simply no AI to govern their moves, or there is an issue with my particular game. (I have the update)
A reply from anyone would be really appreciated!!

Good karma+2 votes
Venators - - 110 comments @ Republic at War

No, they have to stick to the basic game engine or else they're basically making a new game. Instead it would be best if they kept their resources targeted on improving the current systems to make the game the most enjoyable.

Good karma+1 vote
Venators - - 110 comments @ xPearse

Reminds me of that unit from Universe at war as well.
Haven't played that in ages.

Good karma+4 votes
Venators - - 110 comments @ Guess the Map

Omg! I new straight away, how could anyone say Tollana? Tollana is not Aztec culture!

Good karma+1 vote
Venators - - 110 comments @ Travel in the Empire

I love this.

Good karma+1 vote
Venators - - 110 comments @ Cool postups

I actually really hate Mandalorians. And Wookiees.And... Ewoks and.... Gangans.

Good karma+1 vote
Venators - - 110 comments @ Star wars manga

Leia looks like a dugong.

Good karma+1 vote
Venators - - 110 comments @ Another Empire Group?

Kill the rebels! Bring order! *Evils cackling laughter*

Good karma+1 vote
Venators - - 110 comments @ CommanderCody212

My life, for the Empire.

Good karma+3 votes
Venators - - 110 comments @ Join today!


Good karma+1 vote
Venators - - 110 comments @ Join today!

YAY!!!! Epic.

Good karma+1 vote
Venators - - 110 comments @ New pictures


Good karma+1 vote
Venators - - 110 comments @ New pictures

Yes... *Evil cackling laughter* Die rebel scum!

Good karma+1 vote
Venators - - 110 comments @ New pictures


Good karma+1 vote
Venators - - 110 comments @ The First Galactic Empire

This.... completes me.

Good karma+2 votes
Venators - - 110 comments @ Thanks for 1k "Likes" on Facebook

I love how the quotation marks on the left are always upside down. :D

Good karma+1 vote
Venators - - 110 comments @ Tau'ri Shield Satellite


Good karma+1 vote
Venators - - 110 comments @ BC-304/Hive Battlescenes

DAMMIT! I need more news and images!

Good karma+1 vote
Venators - - 110 comments @ Star wars manga

..... wow. This one is amazed.

Good karma+1 vote
Venators - - 110 comments @ CommanderCody212

Yes.The symbol of the Aeon Illuminate.

Good karma+1 vote
Venators - - 110 comments @ Ori`verda

Friend request accepted. :D

Good karma+1 vote
Venators - - 110 comments @ Larssy

This one is tired with mind-numbing idiots, and finds your vocabulary and English skills refreshing. This one requests friendship.

Good karma+1 vote
Venators - - 110 comments @ BC-304/Hive Battlescenes

Please vote on the page I created: Moddb.com

Good karma+1 vote
Venators - - 110 comments @ BC-304/Hive Battlescenes

But clearly if drawing power from stars is more useful and efficient, they would not replace it for ZPMs. My belief is that ZPMs provide far more power than Destiny's solar power.

Good karma+1 vote
Venators - - 110 comments @ BC-304/Hive Battlescenes

ZPMs were the main power source, then an unidentified power generator. And a space ship is generally in space either way, and space has stars, so if it was rreally good they would not replace it for ZMPs.

Good karma+1 vote
Venators - - 110 comments @ BC-304/Hive Battlescenes

Obviously a ZPM can offer a lot more power, else they wouldn't replace such a useful form of energy generation for a ZMP that has to be thrown away after use. And you would expect after that long, they would have come upm with something better, so the ZMP is most likely superior.

Good karma+1 vote
Venators - - 110 comments @ BC-304/Hive Battlescenes

I suppose if the ship were built anew with no damage, the power from the sun could be used to make the weapons extra awesome. However, if such energy was really good, they would not have switched to a ZPM, making it seem as if either the power gathering had a down-side, or it was weak compared to a ZPM or standard Ancient core.

Good karma+1 vote